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Lazy and greedy Americans

October 5, 2022

The stupidest people in the world ~ Americans! How stupid are Americans? Americans believe what government officials say is true, and don’t think about it at all. Is it good? or bad? Just like the official said: To allow abortion, they treat abortion as games! The official said: You can take drugs, start giving yourself to drugs and dedicate your life to serve drugs! Officials said: Allowing transgender people to make themselves neither male nor female, even if they don't know how to use the toilet? The official said: Covid does not need to wear a mask, you are an idiot, you don't wear a mask yourself, and you don't allow others to wear a mask! Officials said: Covid needs to be vaccinated, vaccinated by yourselves, and you are mandated vaccinated others! Are Americans stupid? American stupidity... 7 days and 7 nights can't be finished! Can Americans blame God for not taking care of Americans? No! Because God hates the most: lazy and stupid people! Therefore, it is not that there is no God, but that God has abandoned Americans!

Why are Americans so stupid? After all, I would like to thank the leaders of the great Christian churches in the United States! Leaders are always the greatest! It is because these leaders interpret the Bible casually that Americans are lazy and stupid! Let's take the Bible that is often misinterpreted: Jesus said: To look more at a woman is to commit adultery! We have a group of mentally ill pastors who often tell the congregations: You can't look at women, because looking at women will make you lustful, that's fornication! These people are really sick! No wonder everyone hates Christians, before I was not a Christian~ I hate Christians too! Monks will have lustful thoughts, let alone Christians? These are totally against the normal interpretation of the Bible! The Bible does not explain the meaning of the words, the Bible must understand the "literal meaning"! What truth is Jesus trying to tell us? If Eve did not eat the fruit of good and evil from the tree of good and evil, but Eve just wanted to eat it, would God have driven Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden? Eve just wanted to eat, but Eve didn't act, and Eve certainly wouldn't be expelled from the Garden of Eden! No-brained pastors who interpret the Bible casually, do you know what your problem is? Do you know why America was killed by you? From the Puritans to the present, the United States has actually embarked on the road of being destroyed by God! Why?

(Titus 1:11) Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. (12) One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars , evil beasts, slow bellies. ~ Paul said: The people who are greedy for ill-gotten gains must always be blocked, because they often teach others what they should not teach, and corrupt the whole family of people! Paul means the modern church! The church's emphasis on "gathering money" will definitely corrupt the world, and it will definitely corrupt Christians! And the Cretians often lie, and the lie has become a hallmark of the church! How can teaching "lies" bear good fruit? And people who often lie have one characteristic - lazy and greedy! That's talking about Americans! Americans accept wrong the Christian teachings and become lazy and greedy people. Of course, they are all liars in the United States! Because lazy and greedy people often lie! Just look at the figure of the American and you will know that the American is lazy and greedy!

How did the church kill Americans? Take that fornication scripture that Jesus said! Jesus said: We look at a woman one more time and we become "lustful" and "want to commit adultery with her"! Why did Jesus say that? This is really scary! That's why all the brothers are afraid to look at other sisters, and even Christians feel that looking at the opposite sex is committing adultery! Many non-Christians think Christians are insane! Obviously there is no adultery, how come the crime of adultery? "Lust" and "Promiscuous" are human nature! We all have lust, we are not monks, even monks have "lust"! Jesus used this parable to ask us to manage our minds and thoughts. We can see the opposite sex, but how do we see the opposite sex? Are we starting out with lustful thoughts? Or do we set out with "compassion in mind"? There are many single mothers who need help. Brothers, ask yourself: Are you trying to take advantage of these single mothers? Or just pity these sisters and want to help them? If, our mentality thoughts is righteous, how can we commit the sin of adultery? One more look at women, are we from the point of view of adultery? Or from the point of view of compassion?

Because Christian pastors interpret this passage casually, which is simply irrational and illogical! Christians are not monks! I don't quite understand why Catholics turn priests and nuns into monks and nuns! Why were the Levites of Israel allowed to marry? Why can't Catholic priests and nuns marry, is this a great violation of Christian tradition? Jesus didn't say this to say that we can't have marriage or get out too close to women. Jesus wanted to convey a very important truth: what you think in your heart, what kind of action you will do! Jesus is not that kind of insane. He sentenced people to death when they didn’t do anything! Just as God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve ate the fruit of good and evil from the tree of good and evil! They just thought and didn't act, and surely they won't be expelled from the Garden of Eden! Just like Jesus said: To look at a woman with "lust" is to commit adultery with this woman! So, what Jesus tells us is: "to lust after"! Therefore, when we have "lust", we have committed "fornication"!

And these pastors interpret the Bible indiscriminately, making non-Christians feel that Christianity is a bunch of lunatics! Are these pastors going to turn every Christian into a nun and a monk? Does "looking at the opposite sex" have to be lustful? Can't "seeing the opposite sex" be compassionate? And these false teachings are based on "the greed of ill-gotten gains"! Why did they separate priests and nuns? It is to make them feel more holy and worshipped by the world! This is the same as monks and nuns! They want to make these people holy, and more so that these people can make good money! Why is Catholicism so promiscuous? Why are Catholics so gay? Why do Catholics have so many child molesters? So, these are all directly related to false teachings! Why are Americans lazy and greedy? Why is America full of lies? Because of wrong teaching!

"Lazy and greedy" is our original sin! And the greatest corruption of the Americans is the "lie"! Americans do not emphasize the power of God. Americans have been using high technology to kill God. Therefore, the original sin of the Americans is "exposed"! We have to understand that only ungodly people are "hypocrites" and hypocrites can interpret the Bible casually! Hypocrites simply confess that there is a God because they can fool and control Christians! Why do more and more people dislike Christianity? Why are more and more Americans not becoming Christians? Because they don't want to be fooled like fools and control by Christian leaders or Church pastors! If, I didn't promise God to come out and serve God! I'm definitely not going to a Christian university! The teachings of these schools are already contrary to the "Truth" of the Bible! The Bible is for us to learn the "Truth", the Bible is not to instill wrong ideas! "Lazy and greedy" are the Israelites who were once slaves! The Bible has always emphasized: You have to work before you can eat! And Jesus is "the bread of life"! We are ruled by false teachings, we do not believe in God at all, and we naturally lie! People who "lie" never fear God! People who "lie" must not be leaders! People who "lie" must not be church leaders! When church leaders and Christian leaders are hypocrites, Christianity is doomed!