Making friends is the biggest thing in our life! We often say: rely on parents at home, rely on friends when we are going out! And our circle of friends often determines our life! The quality of our friends and the quality of our friends will affect our thoughts and patterns of life! Because our values are often influenced by our friends! Why are successful people all with accomplished people, while the poor are a group of people, and fighting, smashing, looting and burning are always a fixed group of people, this is how friends will affect our thinking and pattern. And what can really change our destiny is our thoughts. Only when our thoughts change, our habits will change, and the pattern of our life will have the opportunity to change! If the "our thoughts" does not change, it is impossible to change the living habits at all, then we will be controlled by "habits" all our lives! And friends are the source of our ability to change habits!
When we understand these sources, we know that choosing friends is very important! Choosing friends is like choosing a way of life. We are often with people who are positive and solve difficulties and problems. We will not choose to escape the difficulties we encounter in life, but we are also willing to solve problems! If we are often with people who complain and accuse us, and we encounter difficulties and troubles, we will keep complaining all the time! Friends affect us just as "habits" affect our lives. Both "habits" and "friends" affect our lives subtly!
I would like to give you a sincere suggestion. When choosing a friend, don't choose any one of these three personalities: 1. People who "lie" lie and deceive can never become friends! There are many people who will say: Now the whole world is lying, we can't find people who don't lie, we would rather not have friends than be friends with liars! Wait I explain why? 2. People who are "greedy" can never be friends! In the same way, the world is full of greedy people. We can't find friends who are not greedy. Never become friends with "greedy" people! 3. "Lazy" people must never be friends! Remember, when choosing a friend, you must never choose a person who has any of these three characteristics. If "lying", "greed", and "lazy" have any of these characteristics, just refuse to be friends with those people!
Friends can influence our habits, so I put "lies" first! Never be friends with a liar, when we become friends with a liar, it means that we will make "lies" in our habit and the lies will become an unavoidable thing in our life, and the lie will dominate us life! (Genesis 3:4) And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:(5) For God doth know that in the day ye eat them, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.~Eve's most stupid thing is that choose to believe in the snake! Eve chose to believe the lies and chose to be friends with the lies. Later, the fate of Eve and Adam was completely changed! Eve and Adam were kicked out of the Garden of Eden, they were going to die, and they had to work hard! When we choose to be friends with liars, we have chosen our destiny to die!
Liars lie not because they will benefits, but because they make lying a habit! Like the snake, it makes deceit a habit! When a person makes deceit a habit, they have no idea what goodness is! Become friends with such people, they will only constantly betray us and use us, think about it: a person who is full of lies, deceit, and no kindness in his heart, how can we expect them to treat us with kindness? And making friends with this kind of person will only make us more tired, and we will be disappointed with human nature, and we will become part of this "liar"! If, we have been friends with liars, we have no idea when they lie? When are they telling the truth? This life is so tiring! By refusing to be friends with liars, we are protecting ourself! We don't need to spend our limited life and energy to judge a person's integrity, and we don't need to let these liars hurt us and let us be disappointed in human nature ~the same characters people hand out together! Therefore, rejecting "liars" is the biggest beneficiary and the smartest decision in our life!
2. People who are "greedy" cannot be friends! The world often describes greedy people as the driving force of progress, but greedy people really can't be friends! Greedy people are like Eve ~ wanted everything! Eve saw that the fruit of good and evil is beautiful and can be used as food, and it can be wise when eaten, so Eve ran to the road of death in order to satisfy her "greed" heart! Therefore, a greedy person will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals! We become friends with greedy people and we have no idea when they will be greedy? I don't even know what they will do terrible greedy things for us. And we will also become greedy people because we become friends with such people! We will not be afraid of death at all because of "greed", and we will become greedy people who do all kinds of evils! So, to not be friends with greed is to protect ourselves, and we will not put ourselves on the road to death because these people affect our values and crashed our values! For greedy people only care about benefits for themselves!
3. "Lazy"! Never make friends with lazy people! There are many people who say: Laziness is not a sin! Why can't you be friends with lazy people? Because lazy people are just a piece of shit! Just like Adam! Why was Adam punished by God - must toil and sweat to make ends meet? Because Adam is too lazy! A "lazy" person is simply a person who does nothing and wastes life. Why should we spend time with such people? How lazy is Adam? Wife Eve made a mistake and didn't even be lazy to correct Eve! And God wanted to expel them from the Garden of Eden, Adam didn't even be lazy to ask God for forgiveness! "Lazy" people will have no morality and right and wrong! Because the maintenance of "moral standards" is a kind of hard work for lazy people! They don't even know what "right or wrong" is! A lazy person must be the kind of person who just lives by and can do anything! We don't need to those people waste our life, time and energy making friends with this kind of people, because of this is an invisible consumption to our life!
Finally, you may feel that there is no one can be a friend in the world who can be our friends? Not because there is no one in the world who is worthy of being friends, but because we have turned people into people who are not worthy of being friends for each other! We have to change from ourselves first, we have to refuse 1. Become a "liar"! 2. We must reject "greed"! 3. We must reject "lazy"! Then we will have a greatest friend: God! We can live in the Garden of Eden! Snake - stands for "liar"! Eve - stands for "greed"! Adam - stands for "lazy"! These 3 species were all expelled from the Garden of Eden. When we don't have these 3 characteristics, God is willing to let us live in the Garden of Eden, and God is willing to be our good friend! More importantly~ When we are willing to become such a person, we will have more and more friends, and our life will have more and more good friends, allowing us to choose! Not like now ~ no one can be friends! Change ourself! Make ourself the friend God can choose, and we will naturally have more friends!
***We should know :not we pick God to be our friends, but God wants to be our friends!