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Let your children have the real Life!

March 27, 2022

          What is the world doing now?The people are power! The huge amount of people is the truth! As long as you have enough people ~black will change to white, and wrong can become right! The huge amount of people is the hard truth! Therefore, the media can use their own rendering techniques to deceive a group of people who eat melons! And churches and pastors can also use their influence to make more congregations accept the truth of brainwashing! This is the word of this world! What is truth? "Truth" is how many people support you! When there are more people who support you, you are: "the way", "the truth" and "the life"! Everyone is Jesus and everyone can create their own: "Way", "Truth" and "Life"! I read a book about Christian doctrine teachings and decided not to go to this school because of this book, and I simply cannot accept the fallacy of this book! The book says: We can all become Jesus! Now I finally understand why this book teaches like that way! The Christian doctrine book has a very common wrong concept in this generation!

          It turns out that the antichrist in the United States has been lurking in Christianity, and the antichrist is destroying Christianity with wrong teaching! "Education" is the cornerstone of everyone's thoughts and ideas. If a person is born with an animal-like education, he will be like an animal! Like why some people are like wolves and some people are like pigs, because what kind of environment did they grow up in? What kind of education do you receive? This's the hard truth that decides people's fate! "Black people" can't turn over, not because of your skin color, but because of your environment and education! Do you value your child's education? Or do you value your own pleasure? Or are you just educating your children to be a selfish parasite? Too often we only care about ourselves without realizing the importance of education! Why did Jehovah God bring the Israelites out of Egypt? Because the Israelites have forgotten their own God and have followed the Egyptians to worship the Egyptian gods! And Americans are the same, they have forgotten 400 years ago, why did the Puritans come to the American continent? They are now also worshiping the English gods they left behind!

           (2 Chronicles 14:11) And Asa cried unto the LORD his God, and said, LORD, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power: help us, O LORD our God; for  we rest on thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude. O LORD, thou art our God; let not man prevail against thee.~What is the difference between Judah and Israel? Many people may tell you: Because the kingdom of Judah has Jerusalem, and the kingdom of Judah is a nation chosen by Jehovah God, the kingdom of Judah was destroyed later than the kingdom of Israel, and Judah was able to return to Jerusalem to establish a kingdom after being plundered by Babylon for 70 years! Is the magic of Judah and Israel really in Jerusalem? See how stupid people are? Why does God keep insisting: There can be no other gods besides the Lord! Can't sculpt any idols for yourself! How many Christians idolize Jerusalem, the church and the pastors? What's even more interesting is that there are also a group of fools who worship science and a group of animals as idols! Anyone who can cheat money is an idol that people worship!

         The biggest difference between Judah and Israel is that the gods they worship are different! The nation of Israel has been worshipping the golden calf, the golden calf that Aaron made for Israel. Aaron said, "This is the God who brought the Israelites out of Egypt. Originally, God wanted to destroy the Israelites because of the golden calf, but after Moses interceded, the Israelites did not extinct! As a result, Jeroboam brought out 10 tribes of the Israelites to establish the kingdom of Israel, but Jeroboam also made a golden calf for Israel to speed up the destruction of the kingdom of Israel! Therefore, the destruction of the nation of Israel is not because there are not enough people, the nation of Israel definitely has more people than the nation of Judah! The nation of Israel is also stronger than the nation of Judah! It's not because Judah owns Jerusalem. If we treat the land as a god, then it's the same as worshiping the ruler of the land!

          The reason why the kingdom of Judah can truly be stronger than the kingdom of Israel is that there are still many kings in the kingdom of Judah who fully rely on Jehovah God! Kings like Asa and Jehoshaphat are also good kings! The kingdom of Judah basically had many more God-fearing and godly kings than the kingdom of Israel, and that's why the kingdom of Judah really thrived! And New York has a golden calf on Wall Street, which has become a famous landmark in New York! There are many people who are superstitious about the geographical location, just like many people think that it is the magic of Jerusalem that the Israelis can establish their country after 1900 years , and the magic of the golden calf that New York Wall Street has become the world's financial center, so there are golden calves in many parts of the world! New York is because of the Puritans 400 years ago. These Puritans used their lives to change their own destiny. Instead, they brought God into New York and poured God's Spirit on this land. This is the real reason why the United States and New York was totally different from No God! The golden calf is totally irrelevant!

         "Education" is to teach "truth"! Just like many Christians worship Jerusalem, if you take Jerusalem as your god, I really don't see any difference between you and Muslims worshiping Mecca? Daniel was taken captive to Babylon. Did God abandon Daniel? Did Daniel be killed to leave Jerusalem? Daniel just obeyed God's mind and went to Babylon! Daniel experienced three kings, and Daniel's status is quite high. If he wants to return to Jerusalem to be the ruler, he can be definitely! Ezra even the cupbearer could rebuild Jerusalem, but God did not call Daniel to rebuild Jerusalem! Those who truly fear God and know God will never worship idols! If Daniel worshipped idols, he would have been killed by a lion long ago!

        What can really change fate is: Who do you worship? That's why God keeps telling us not to worship idols! Do you worship a place? Or do you worship the golden calf? Or a book? Or science? Or a pastor? Or a certain church? Or movie sarts? What about a famous person? Christians can never have idols! We are all human! Jesus is only the Way, the Truth and the Life! Only by walking the way of Jesus and practicing the Truth of Jesus can we gain real life! If we really want to change our destiny, not to become a god, but to follow the real God! "Truth" never changes! The Truth never changes because of amount of people! If you want to help your children have real life - teach them to walk the way of Jesus and practice the truth of Jesus, this is the best and most important education in a person's life!