August 30, 2023

What exactly are we doing for the world as Christians? During the Russo-Ukrainian War, we have been advocating to beat Russia! Will the world be peaceful if Russia has been destroyed by NATO? Won't! Russia is beaten! There will be a group of militant people who want to fight China! This is the saddest thing about Christians! There are 1.6 billion Christians in the world! Take Taiwan as an example, there are different worships every day in the streets and alleys of Taiwan! I also don't understand why Taiwanese people like worships so much? Are the people of Taiwan living a particularly happy life? Therefore, temple incense is particularly prosperous! But I have to be honest: the people of Taiwan are not happy at all! There is no sense of trust between people at all! The iron doors and windows are very strict, and I feel like I have locked myself in a cage. What's even more ridiculous is that there are so many scam groups! The "scam groups" is not the private enterprise, and the scam groups has become a "state-owned enterprise"! The scam groups has become acquiesced by judges, and government officials are involved. The scam groups are not guilty, and I am fooled into fooling myself! The "scam groups" encountered by the people of Taiwan and the "scam groups" encountered by the American people are the same group of people. Only by the internationalization of the "scam groups" can the "scam groups" be legally decriminalized!

"Great disparity between rich and poor" This is the biggest problem I found in Taiwan this year! And "the disparity between the rich and the poor" is also the biggest problem in the United States! Why is the "gap between rich and poor" getting bigger and bigger between Taiwan and the United States? I have lived in Taiwan before, but I have never found such a huge "gap between rich and poor" in Taiwan! I have been in New York for more than 20 years, and I have never found that the "gap between rich and poor" in New York is so wide! Why is there a "gap between rich and poor"? How did the “gap between rich and poor” come about? Are the poor really "lazy"? And are the rich really "hardworking"? I found just the opposite! Many poor people work hard all their lives, but they are still poor all their lives. Why? There are many rich people who are really lazy, but no matter how much they spend, their wealth will last them for several lifetimes, why? "Poor and rich" has nothing to do with "hardworking and lazy"! The poor are not poor because of laziness! The rich are not because of their hard work! In the past, we felt that "the early bird gets the worm". We believe that hard work will surely pay back rich! But since the "scam groups" takes over the world, lazy people can get the most profits because their profits come from "fraud"! This world no longer belongs to those who are willing to work hard! This world belongs to the group of "deceitful people"!

Why can "fraudulent syndicates" prevail? Because "government officials" acquiesced! The "devil" is the father of "lies"! "Believing lies" and "spreading lies" are the devil! And the country that acquiesces in "lies" is basically a devil country! There is a group of "hateful old devils" who say that "white lies" are not "lies"? Lies are lies, and there will never be any "white lies"! (Genesis 3:4) And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: (Genesis 3:5) For God doth know that in the day ye eat therefore, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil. ~Many Christians dare to speak boldly: The snake is deceitful! Is there any talking man in the world now who is more deceitful than the snake? The lies we tell are more outrageous and deceitful than serpents! If snakes need to be judged, can we escape judgment? The snake only told Eve "two little lies". First, Eve would not necessarily die if she didn't listen to God! Second, eating the good and evil fruit of the tree of good and evil will brighten the eyes and know good and evil! Did the snake lie?

Let's be honest: The snake didn't lie! First, Eve and Adam did not die immediately! Second, Eve and Adam's eyes were indeed brightened after eating the fruit of perfection and evil, but did Eve and Adam know "good and evil"? If there is no "Truth" as the basis for "good and evil", there is no "good and evil" at all! "Good and evil" is indeed subjective! Just like the United States allows abortion, transgeneders, and drug use! May I ask whether "abortion, transgender, drug use" are "good"? Or "evil"? The United States legally "beats, smashes, loots and burns"! Is "beating, smashing, looting and burning" good? Or evil? There is no "good and evil" without God's "Truth"! The biggest problem with snakes is "lying"! What is a "lie"? A "lie" is a violation of "God's word of truth"! We must understand God's truth before we know how to distinguish "lies"! God told Adam: Don't eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil! Therefore, "God's truth" is "you cannot eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil"! Any "words that contradict the Truth" are "lies"! The Bible has clearly and clearly told us: Can we have "abortion", "transgender", "drug use" and "beating, smashing, looting and burning"? No matter how the law changes, the "Truth" of the Bible will never change! Who is the devil? Does the "devil" control the world? We can all quite clear!

The main reason for the "gap between rich and poor" is: Lies! Our world is already full of "lies"! Everyone must return to the "Bible truth", and if we return to the "Bible truth", we will definitely have God's grace and blessing! We must believe that "financial ability" comes from God! And the blessings and abundance that God has given us are beyond our imagination! In God we have the blessings of this life and the hope of eternal life! I don't like to tell "white lies" and what benefits does it do me if I lie to you? I wish you all the best of grace and blessings! I most hope that everyone can get rich together, and there will be no more "poverty" in this world!