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Live in peace!

October 11, 2023

I am not a prophet, or not a fortune teller! I just interpret the Bible according to the Book of Revelation! Can we all testify that my interpretation of the Bible will come true or not? Israel will destroy Palestine! Israel will take Ukraine first! After Israel takes over Ukraine, it will be the end of the United States and Japan! Finally, Israel will give power to India! India will become the largest country on earth! In fact, I also feel that this seems incredible, but this should be realized in the future! Let me explain:

Israel is a country founded by the Jews! The Jews are the descendants of King David! The purpose of the Jews in establishing Israel was to rebuild the fallen tabernacle of David! In the eyes of the Israelites, "King David created the glory of Israel"! King David fought wars all his life, but there were no wars at all during Solomon’s time! Therefore, in the minds of the Israelis: only unity land can prevent war! It can only be said that the Jewish Bible is not studied well! After Solomon, Israel was divided into the southern kingdom of Judah and the northern kingdom of Israel! Now it’s time for Israel to begin rebuilding King David’s territory! The United States and Japan are both Israel’s dogs! When the territory of Israel is established, dogs can be killed and eaten! India and Israel definitely don’t want to eat India and don’t want the country! So, let India go! If Israel follows its course, there will definitely be a lot of killings in the future! China and Russia are easy! As long as they can control the Chinese and Russian regimes, it is just like controlling the United States. China and Russia are basically in the bag by control center leader officers! Looking around, who in the world can stop Israel and the United States? (This is not a religious war. It has nothing to do with religion. Let’s see if we can follow the Bible prophecies!)

I have only one purpose in saying this: India has more Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims! There are more Christians and Catholics in the United States! There are many Buddhists in Japan! Most of Israel believes in Judaism! So, these four countries basically contain all the world’s religions, but what’s the result? We must truly understand one thing: The prosperity and decline of a country are in the hands of its leaders! The "leader" is the "decision maker"! The United States is a "democratic country". The "leader" of the United States is the "Congress", which is the "senators and representatives, as well as the executive heads of the states, and the judiciary." So many people control this country, but this country is corrupt....still so serious! This is the greatest irony of "democracy"! Don’t listen to Trump’s nonsense anymore! If the president can control a country, Trump has accomplished the task of saving the United States! What did Trump do in four years? A lot of nonsense talked and a little achievement! The most amazing thing is to build a wall that is extremely expensive! As a result, illegal immigration cannot be stopped by that expensive walls! That is big joke in America histroy!

No politics today! I just want to tell you a very important concept: "Religion" is not the weapon used by the rulers to control the people (Trump plays with religious beliefs, and he plays it very well)! Today I am explaining to you the Book of Revelation in the Bible for only one purpose: Christianity has only one Creator! And the Creator has told us what will happen in the last days? What will happen in the last days will definitely come to pass! Whether you believe in the end of the world or not? Whether you believe in the Creator or not? None of this matters! Because the Creator will not become stronger just because we believe in Him! The end of the apocalypse has been "determined"! None of us can change this outcome! Like I said: We can look around the world and see who can change the world? Whether Biden or Trump becomes president, the fate of the United States has been determined! Now we are not focusing on these "unchangeable fates", we should ask ourselves: What can I do? What can I do for myself and the world? People who don’t believe the Bible will continue to do evil! Even many Christians are false Christians, their hearts are black and iron-hearted! They disguise themselves as Christians and harm Christians! No matter what religion you are? We all need to remember one thing: religious beliefs require people to "do good", not "do evil"! We can look at people in India, Japan, the United States and Israel who all have different religious beliefs. Why can they do such evil things in the world? We cannot change the "rulers"! There are so many people "in power" in the United States, but the United States can still be so evil! We can change ourselves! Israeli people, if you really want to do good and help the Palestinian people, do your best to help them! Americans should do good and help those in need around our environment! In this troubled world, each of us is miserable, but each of us has many opportunities to do good! No matter what your religious beliefs are? But the core value of all correct religious beliefs is "goodness"! We can't do anything great, but we can try our best to "do good"! I believe everyone believes that "good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil"! Don't let politicians and careerists "manipulate our kindness" and "trample on our love"!

We need to understand: Whether the end of the world has come or not? Let’s do what we need to do today! Once in a lifetime! Life never takes again! There is no need to think about the next life. Who knows if there is a next life? Can there be reincarnation after the destruction of the earth? Over thinking! If an apocalyptic war really breaks out today, but we have already done what we should do, when our life over "we have no regrets in this life" every day, we will no longer be afraid when facing "death" and "the apocalypse"! "No regrets in this life" means doing your best for the "everyone", do your best for everythings, and be a creditable person! Living with "peace of mind" is more important and healthier than "good food and clothing"!