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Medical lies 2

December 1, 2022

Just chatting with a customer over 80 years old, she said: Modern people use drugs to extend their lives! Live very old, but live very painfully, with no quality of life at all! Indeed, modern people need to take at least 10 pills a day! I told her: My brother took epilepsy drugs before, about 10 pills per meal, and more than 20 pills a day! Are modern doctors crazy? We must know: every pill we take is money! Why do modern people have quite advanced medicine, but we still suffer so much in our body? And life has no quality at all? Modern people start physical examination at the age of 30, and the beginning of physical examination is the age when various diseases occur. Modern people have more and more modern diseases! The doctor is unwilling to cure the diseases, if the disease is cured, how do doctors make money? The doctor wants everyone to take medicine to continue their lives!

Drugs and food, which has higher nutritional value? Drugs and food, which product is more profitable? I believe everyone already has the answer in their minds! My client told me: Every elderly person does not want to live a long life, but they want to live healthy! No one wants to be sick all their lives~ dragging themselves down and hurting their family members! We spend our whole lives chasing longevity, but completely forget what is the purpose of living? My grandma didn't take medicine! Grandma ate the most vitamins, and she only takes 3 kinds of vitamins per day! Many elderly people take a lot of medicines, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, gout, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood lipids... Unknowingly, many elderly people are taking medicine every day, and unknowingly, many elderly people see a doctor every day, as if they will die that they don’t see the doctors! Does the medicine extend life? Or kill life? Let's think for ourselves!

The top ten causes of death in the world: heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and now maybe cancer can all be on the top ten causes of death! Why do we have so many heart disease drugs, but still a lot of people die of heart disease? Don't we have drugs for high blood pressure? Why is high blood pressure still an important factor in killing people? We also have cancer treatments, but people who have undergone cancer treatment have even less quality of life! We often wish people: Longevity! If you live in bed for a hundred years, is this life worth blessing? To be honest: I really don't want to be in a wheelchair like Hawking and Stanley Ho, I would rather my life is not long, but I live healthy every day! But everyone has different values. Many people can live without dignity and bottom line for money, but is this kind of life worthy of envy?


(Leviticus 6:2) If a soul sin, and commit a trespass against the LORD, and lie unto his neighbor in that which was delivered him to keep, or in fellowship, or in a thing taken away by violence, or hath deceived his neighbor; ~Our modern life, what happened to the medical treatments for this generation? We have no "medical treatments" in modern times, we are not healing at all, but we are making money! "Medical treatments" cannot make money! Because good medical care will definitely make people recover quickly. If everyone is a healthy person, can the medical system make money? Why does the healthcare system spend so much money on research? Why pay high prices to manufacture medical equipment? Why is medical school so expensive? Because the "medical system" is the "making money system"!

The concept of "medical system" of modern people is born from "drug culture"! Take my brother's epilepsy medicine, at the beginning, 5 pills a day, and then more and more medicines, and finally, a meal can evolve to 10 medicines, that's including all high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes... the serving size of all medicines. It has to be aggravated continuously to achieve the effect of suppression! It's like people with drug addiction, they have to keep adding more drugs to satisfy their drug addiction, and finally, they overdose and die! There are medicines for high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes, but they all die of uncontrollable problems in their bodies the end! All "drugs that are difficult to quit" are "drugs" and "poisons"! Say it again: All "drugs that cannot be withdrawn ~ are poisons!"! We now understand what is wrong with our healthcare system? Because our doctors are using poison, poisoning patients with poison not treatments and recover!


All the medicines for high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes all over the world cannot be "quitted" now! Including my brother's epilepsy medication! But if we don't work hard to "quit", these patients will definitely die more miserably! Like drug addicts, should we help them stay on drugs? Are we still going to let them detoxify in pain? I already knew about drug resistance more than 20 years ago. Is it difficult for these doctors not to know what "drug resistance" is? More than 20 years ago, there were already worried about dangers of super-viruses. Is it difficult for these doctors not to understand? Neither antibiotics nor hormones can be used excessively, as they will cause harm to the human body! Which nutritional value is higher between "medicine" and "food"? What is the difference between "drug" and "poison"? Why do we modern people desperately develop medicines, but don't know that the best medicines come from natural food! What can really cure diseases is not drugs, what can really cure diseases is ~ food to create the body's natural immunity!


(The Covid deaths in Japan and France are out of control! North Korea and Turkey have been completely cleared, it seems that no one knows who is lying?)