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Medical lies 3

December 3, 2022

To tell the truth, western medicine and high technology accelerate the extinction of humanity! Let's talk surgery today! I have studied anatomy and food nutrition, but I don't want to use professional knowledge to explain these medical lies, I want to use the simplest common sense to prove "medical lies"! Professional knowledge cannot be understood, it is useless knowledge! I remember when I was an intern in a hospital in ancient times, one day a medical equipment salesman took a spring tube like a ball pen, and I was curious to ask the medical staff: What is this? They said: It's a dildo! I can't stop laughing! Because that thing is too dirty and funny, but it can be placed in a man's body as an artificial penis! That thing is brighter than a switchblade! It's just a small pen barrel that will stretch when it hits a certain point, but this pen barrel is quite expensive! I understand that medical equipment has huge profits!


Chinese medicine does not have surgery! Why Chinese medicine does not perform surgery? Let's first talk about several types of surgery: one is complete removal! Like tumors, like some diseased intestines and stomachs, and some organs, it is completely removed! Complete removal and we don't have to talk anymore! Let's talk about "replacement" today! What is "replacement"? Like I said: Dildos and pacemakers, and artificial joints... blah blah blah! "Replacement" is divided into "living body replacement" and "man-made replacement". "Living body replacement" is organ transplantation! Let's talk about "living body replacement" first! Does "living body replacement" have any effect? Living body replacement is the most profitable item in all medical systems! Because we need to know that living organs are hard to find, and not every living person’s organs are normal. Are the organs normal? We can't see with the naked eye at all! But can living organ transplantation be used normally in the human body? Or is "organ transplantation" itself a scam?

(Job 15:35) They conceive mischief, and bring forth vanity, and their belly prepareth deceit. ~ We know that many places used to be prevalent ~ live organ harvesting! Why is live organ harvesting popular? It is because people have deceitful hearts and they prepare a deceitful deception! 1. We need to know that "living organs" will definitely be rejected in the body, so not every organ is suitable for every patient, this is common sense! 2. How do we know that everyone's organs are good? So, why is live organ harvesting popular? Why are these organs that are not afraid of harvesting bad organs not sold? Definitely the buyer will accept all of organs! 3. If there are organs, there must be buyers! Organ trading is not about selling pork loins, pig lungs, and pig kidneys. If you sell it casually, someone must buy it! The harvested organs must be bought by someone, and not ordinary people can install them casually, only medical institutions can install organs! So, do you still think organ transplantation is useful? Live transplantation is a chain of profitss!

I can tell you: "Organ transplantation" is completely useless! "Organ transplantation" is a lie! Organ transplants are as effective as artificial organs! It's just that rotten inside is different from rotten outside! You can't tell if it's rotten inside, but you'll be exposed if it's rotten outside! And how effective "organ transplantation" is depends on the fact that "organ transplantation" is a very expensive operation! If, there is a rich person, the price is higher than the organ he needs! And the poor have no choice but to sell their organs! The price of "organ transplantation" is usually ~ the price for you to cut 1/3 of the meat! Why do I say: Organ transplantation is invalid? Do you guys think that spring tube dildo works? How effective do you think a pacemaker is? The dildo needs to be replaced every 3-4 years, but will it get stuck? I do not know either! Like a pacemaker, the battery needs to be replaced! These things all have their timeliness, and of course they have some functionality, but they are definitely not 100%!


Just like my grandma swapped her butt hips! It can definitely be used at the beginning, but after 2-3 years, the hip joint will lose its function, and I can clearly see that my grandma's physical strength and body shape are gradually losing weight! This is like cancer treatment. Many people who have undergone cancer treatment have been deformed in the end stage, and their shape and style cannot be seen at all! Let's think about another question: If organ transplantation is effective, why can't living donors transplant hands and feet? Aren't hands and feet easier than organ transplants? Moreover, many people died of heart disease, and their hands and feet are good. Why not transplant them to people with handicapped limbs? Because organ transplantation is simply useless! And hands and feet cannot be transplanted, because the evil of these doctors will be exposed soon! Rotten inside no one will know!


Why are organ transplants so popular? Because "organ transplantation" is a profitable operation! And any surgery is profitable, but organ transplants make even more money! Why is there no surgery in Chinese medicine? Because Chinese medical does not know how to make money! "Chinese medical" is to treat diseases, not to make money! We will not remove organs at will, let alone transplant organs at will, because we know that these are simply~impossible to work! Before, I kept thinking about "blood type"! "Blood type" may be another scam of Western medical! The United States is now going to open AIDS blood transfusion, what does this mean? What exactly does "blood transfusion" mean? Does blood transfusion really work? Now I am really willing to bow down to the deception of Western medicine! If, "organ transplantation" is simply a scam, would you still spend hundreds of thousands on organ transplants? "Organ transplantation" will accelerate the risk of death from organ failure! See how many rich people do "organ transplants"? It's those stupid people who do organ transplants! If there is no demand and naturally no market, then there will not be so many people who harvest organs from living people!