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Money is the enemy

August 23, 2024

We often hear a saying: "Money" is a person's courage! Does it mean that if a person has money, he will have courage? Does it mean that if a person has money, he can do whatever he wants? Does it mean that if a person is rich, he is invincible? I must tell everyone: We have all been deceived by this "generational lie"! "Money" is definitely not a person's "guts", and "money" is our biggest "enemy"! Many people may say: I am a fool! Why do you regard "money" as the "enemy"? "Money" is indeed the biggest "enemy" in our lives! Let me tell you why?

We have been educated with wrong concepts for a long time. We regard "money" as our "guts"! Therefore, we spend our whole lives trying to catch "more money"! We sacrifice "health" for "money"! We sacrifice our "moral conscience" for "money"! We sacrifice "family and friendship" for "money"! We are destroying humanity for "money"! Of course, we have no "health", we have no "moral conscience", we have no "family and friendship", we have no "humanity", we can indeed have a lot of "money and wealth", but this is our "happy life" ? If we have money, we do have "guts"! With "money", we are more willing to do random things! If we have money, we are more willing to hold on to "money" and live alone for a lifetime! Can "money" really bring us "happiness"? If a person has "no health", "no moral conscience", "no family and friendship", and "no humanity" throughout his life, can such a person have happiness? If money is really people's courage, but we only have "guts" in our lives, but no health, no moral conscience, no family and friendship, and no humanity, can we be happy?

Why do I say: Money is our biggest enemy in life? What is human nature? "Greed" is human nature! Who destroyed our happiness? Our happiness must be destroyed in our own hands! Why do we sacrifice our health, moral conscience, family and friendship, and lose our humanity for "money"? Because there is a "seed of greed" in each of us! And the "seeds of greed" need to be watered by "money"! When we are willing to have more "money", we are constantly watering our "seeds of greed"! If we regard "money as the enemy", we will not work hard to make money to water the "seeds of greed". The "seeds of greed" are the "cause", and what "results" will be produced by the "seeds of greed"? The fruit of greedy seeds is: A life without health, without moral conscience, without family affection and friendship, and without humanity!

The most important thing in life is not "effort", but "choice"! We must understand: the "direction" we choose determines our final "destination"! If a person spends his entire life watering his "seeds of greed", of course he will end up with a life of "loneliness and prosperity" without health, without moral conscience, without family affection and friendship, and a life of annihilation of humanity! We all have a "wrong concept". We feel that poor people are people who don't work hard! In fact, many poor people work hard, but their efforts are in the wrong direction! Chinese people often say: The more "greed" you have, the more you will become "poverty"! This is the eternal truth! What is "poverty"? What is "rich"? "Poverty and wealth" are in your own heart! Either owning famous brands, luxury cars, or villas means you are not rich! A person without health, without moral conscience, family and friendship, and without humanity will always be the poorest person! Because a person's health is innate! Most people do not die prematurely naturally. Most people have "enough conditions for a healthy life"! "Moral conscience" is a priceless treasure for mankind, but is a person without moral conscience the poorest person? Because they don’t even have free “moral conscience”! People without family and friendship are also poor people! A person without family affection and friendship must be a person without "feelings"! A person without emotions should be an "AI robot"! Are people who "lose their humanity" human beings? "People who lose their humanity" are not "human" at all! Think about it again: Is it worth living your life as "not a human life"?