The fourth place in the world for public safety place in Taipei, Taiwan... Isn't it a little funny? Randomly shoot 25 shots at a time! The law and order in New York is really not good, but being able to fire 25 shots in a row is still very powerful! If the law and order in New York is a mess, can Taiwan's law and order rank fourth? It seems that there may not be a safe place in this world! To be honest, the public security in China is really good! I heard Musk is stingy! Is it too expensive to go to China for a table of 10 people for less than 300 RMB? However, Musk should cry! A meal for 10 guys in China costs 300 RMB, which is less than $50, but in the United States, 10 people need about $300 to eat even if they eat McDonald’s. The inflation in the United States should be ashamed even to buckle Musk! It seems that Taiwan's law and order are all made up by the media... The lying skills of the Taiwan media are better than that of the devil country! Now we know the members of Devil Nation--America! "Lies" are always the devil's "housekeeping skill"! See which country has the most "lies" in the news, or which people are "lying lies", those people are "devils"! What does Musk value? What do the whole world people value? Musk cares about Mars very much! Musk would rather take people to Mars, but he doesn't care about people in the world. America rich people only care about their life never care others.