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New York votes for Independence/纽约公投独立

October 24, 2023

See California getting ready to vote for independence! We should and need to vote for independence on 11/7! What are the benefits of "New York Independence"? "New York Independence" has so many benefits! 1. We don’t have to bear the huge U.S. debts! 2. We don’t have to accept illegal immigrants at the border! After New York becomes independent, we are an independent country and we do not need to accept border-based immigration! 3. We are no longer controlled by capitalisms. We don’t need to let Jewish capital control New York! 4. New York can start building New York State! Our city construction is too old, we need to update our city construction! 5. We can support Palestine, we don’t need to support Israel, and we don’t need to pay for Israel’s wars expense! 6. We don’t need to spend money on the wars in Ukraine either! 7. We don’t have to spend money to support officials who waste public money! 8. We no longer need federal officials! 9. We don’t have to spend huge military expenditures to fight wars everywhere! 10. We can claim compensation from the country that created the Covid virus! We are no longer bound by America’s chaotic laws without the rule of law! So, let’s vote for independence on 11/7!

For those who support Palestine, this is our chance to be independent and truly support "justice"! The United States has been "monopolized by the Jews". The United States has no chance to oppose the Jews capitalists. New York needs to be independent! New York can't continue like this! This world is very simple, either hurry up and fight, or else it's all over! Let’s all think about it: How are we living in the United States now? New Yorkers have to endure high prices and high inflation, and social security is in chaos! Drugs and guns are rampant! We need "independence" now! Israel is useless! Israel is a coward! Just openly say that you want to destroy Palestine! No need to engage in sneaky tricks! Israel cuts off electricity, water, and food to Palestinians. Is this what humans should do? Israel is a dehumanizing country. New Yorkers, do we want to join the United States in dehumanizing it? (Do you think it is romantic to light candles in Palestine? If there is no food or drinking water, then light candles...) Palestinians today, New Yorkers in the future! Once our money is plundered by corrupt officials, we will be completely worthless! We will become the Palestinian people! Palestinians are as the end of poor people in New York!

The United States really failed to protect the people of New York! Our living expenses are so expensive, but we don’t get a good quality of life. Why? Because the U.S. government doesn’t love the people of New York at all! We are indeed better than the Palestinians! Because we have not lived in the land of Palestine for generations! Think about it: Our ancestors have lived in the land of Palestine for more than 1,000 years. Is it reasonable that Palestine will be destroyed just because of the establishment of the state of Israel? If you woke up in the morning and your house had been bombed into rubble, would you like Israel as your neighbor? Let’s compare our minds to others! I just want to ask whether Israel treats the Palestinian people as human beings? I have always felt that I am an American citizen, but why should I be loyal to the Jews when I am an American citizen? There is another most important and important benefit of New York's independence: I am an independent New York citizen, and I do not have to be loyal to the Jews! I remember the “COVID-19” pandemic and I was suppressed on all Jewish social media! I must say: After New York becomes independent, all capital monopolized by Jews must be eliminated!

I am an American citizen. American citizens are originally loyal to the United States, but the United States has no national identity at all! If the United States were like this when I naturalized, I would definitely not naturalize! As an international power, the United States does not know what is right and wrong! There is absolutely no national character that the humans country should have! Let me stress it again: A person truly belongs to God, not just by talking about God! People who truly belong to God and truly know God must be “good and righteous” people! Because there is no justice in relying on "the laws"! Only those who believe in God will believe that "good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil"! Human abilities and powers are too limited! Only God can truly “exercise justice”! The United States and Israel are already too evil! New York must be independent! New York must refuse to stand with the forces of evil! People of New York, we will also vote on the "New York Independence: Option" in the referendum on 11/7. We must break away from the evil regime!



看到加州準備投票獨立!我們11/7應該也需要投票獨立!「紐約獨立」有什麼好處?「紐約獨立」太多好處!1. 我們不用背美國龐大的美債!2.我們不用接受邊境的非法移民!紐約獨立後、我們就是獨立國家,我們不需要接受邊境方法移民!3.我們不再受資本主義控制,我們不用讓猶太人資本控制紐約!4.紐約可以開始建設紐約國!我們的城市建設已經太老舊,我們需要更新城市建設!5.我們可以支持巴勒斯坦,我們不用支持以色列,我們也不需要出錢給以色列打仗!6.我們也不需要為烏克蘭戰爭花錢!7.我們不用花錢養龐大浪費公帑的官員!8.我們不再需要聯邦官員!9.我們不用花龐大的軍費開支到處打仗!10.我們就可以跟製造病毒的國家索賠!我們不再受美國亂七八糟的沒有法治的法律約束!所以、我們11/7就投票獨立吧!


