Can I ask you a stupid question: Why do you believe in American vaccines and medicines? The United States is the country with the most severe epidemic and the country with the most deaths. Why do you believe in vaccines and medicines from the United States? In addition, I would like to ask you a stupid question: If the "Covid virus" came from Japan and the United States... you have to see how much the governments of these two countries hate their own people! No matter how incompetent the government of the country is, it will not allow the people to be ~ virus petri dishes! What's more, the United States and Japan are democratic countries, and these government officials are supported by the hard-earned money of the people! You said: Do we raise rats to bite the cloth bag... And these rats are going to kill the American people and the Japanese people! Will you love your country officials? It is best for Putin and Xi to fight the United States together... I give them 100 likes! If they don't fight, I will tell the rats to kill these officials! Because they discredit the mouse! The mouse said: They are not worthy of being mice!
I love America! But I will definitely not support Trump! Who released the Covid virus? Who wants to kill people all over the world? How can we support people who unleash the virus and kill ourselves? If you want to continue to be stupid...then continue to be stupid by yourself! Anyway, you don't have a chance to be stupid in hell! Because hell is full of could it be possible for you to lie to ghosts? As for us not being fellow travelers! I will never meet you in heaven.... In the end, I will never see you again!
Tomorrow is New Year's Eve! It's New Year's Eve! Why did the Prime Minister of New Zealand suddenly resign before the Chinese New Year? Does she want to resign for the new year? Of course not! Because something happened! "Covid Virus" and "Covid Vaccine" are all in trouble! This is why the Prime Minister of New Zealand strongly wants to step down! Why does every country in NATO want to destroy Russia use their countries' all wealth? Look at the leaders of NATO countries are crazy! They are joking with the life and property of the people of the country! Just like America! It doesn't matter if the Americans are hungry, cold and die, but we must defeat Russia! Because once Russia reveals: the true role and origin of the "Covid virus" and "Covid vaccine", may I ask: which country can calm down? Which country's leader doesn't want to be like the Prime Minister of New Zealand ~ slip away first! There are no many people in New Zealand anymore, and a lot of people will die... The truth will really make New Zealand and Australia ugly! Everyone can be quarantined with kangaroos and sheep, why would there be dead people? You said: China has not announced the real figures death rate, why don't you ask Singapore: Are their figures real death rate? Why don't you ask India: do they publish real death numbers? It's New Year's Eve! Everyone is one year older... Can you grow your brains? Don't be deceived by the lying media!
Let's see whose data is true? Whose data is fake? Singapore must be covering up the real number of deaths from the "Covid virus"! Because Singapore's vaccination rate and population density are similar to those of Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea! You dare not ask Singapore to release the real figures, because you are afraid of being attacked by the Singapore government, because the Singapore government is very rude and does not give the United States face at all, right? Just like you believe in the deceitful data of the Covid virus in India! India's Delta-cron viruses already spread all over the world! Singapore and India can deceive people, because Singapore and India are all countries with following the United States! As long as you are the same side with the United States, you can do all kinds of evil! As long as government officials pay protection fees to the United States, they can harm their own people at will, and the U.S. government will help them cover up how corrupt state officials are! America is the world's policeman! What is the purpose of paying the protection fee: To protect the country's corrupt officials and continue to obey the leadership of the US government! As long as corrupt officials are obedient the US and pay for U.S. government weapons for protecting fee ... they are guaranteed to get promoted and get rich. As for the people, they deserve to die! These people can let them die when they run out!
(1 Kings 12:11) And now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.~These NATO and India, Singapore , Korean and Japanese officials are Jeroboam, they will use more cruel means to deal with the people! Do you know why these officials can be so arrogant? Because "elections can be cheated"! As long as they control the "virtual world", they can control the "real world"! The "virtual world" is controlled by numbers! "Controlling elections" means controlling national resources and wealth! We have believed in "disinformation" too much! Why did the Prime Minister of New Zealand resign? If you don't hurry up and step down now... Will she be able to escape when it comes time to pursue and settle accounts? How many crimes of bloodshed are committed by these NATO leaders? We'll all know soon! These NATO leaders have no regard for human life! Seeing them sanction Russia, we know what they want? Can you still blind your hearts and blind your eyes? "It's none of your business, let's hang on high," but no one who gets vaccinated this time can't escape! Who is the true love of the people? Who is the real lover of fame and fortune? See it clearly! Everything can be solved in God, of course God has the only antidote to save people from Covid virus! However, like I said: everything God does for you, you will treat it as "fart"! But you treat "lie" as a treasure! Treat the "liars" as gods! God will let you worship your "false gods"! Just wait and see!