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Obey God has life

November 15, 2023

I believe that "Obey God has live and perish if you go against God"! This is "God's law"! Is there a Creator? I say to you all sincerely again: There is a Creator in this world! What I want to tell you is not the Creator, but the ancient Chinese wisdom that must be preserved! There are several ancient Chinese wisdoms that must be preserved: Chinese wisdom of observing the sky! In the Tang Dynasty people already knew the constellations! The Bible says: Several wise men from the East brought gold, frankincense and myrrh to worship Jesus! They could find Jesus so far away. Herod was so close and slaughtered so many babies, but he still didn’t kill Jesus! This is why stargazing is more accurate than GPS positioning! Many ancient navigators also relied on stargazing to avoid getting lost! The Israelis are the only idiots in the world! They worshiped the golden calf, saying that the golden calf led them out of Egypt. How could the golden calf lead the way? "Stargazing" is a science, not a superstitious worship!

Ancient Chinese wisdom: Medicine, climate observation, peasant history and environmental changes are all the wisdom of our ancestors! "TCM" has existed for thousands of years. "TCM" is certainly more effective and valuable than "Western Medicine"! We have always been an agricultural country, so farmers must pay attention to celestial phenomena. What do they need to know to harvest? To avoid unnecessary losses! We now use climate observation instruments to observe climate! I have to tell these idiots who are superstitious about instruments, do you know what a "computer" is? "Computer" means "computer", and a computer is a computing tool! "Computers" need "datas" to perform calculations. Without datas, computers are useless! And our Chinese medicine is based on thousands of years of "rules of thumb"! "Traditional Chinese Medicine" is vast and profound and needs to be explained in detail! Our current farmers have forgotten the "climate-observation" of our ancestors, and our industrial pollution in the past 300 years has been too serious! Our climate and rules of thumb must also change significantly! Why are weather observation instruments inaccurate? Because there are many new climate environments, they have no empirical datas to compare with! In fact, observing the sky is a kind of ancient wisdom! Why can Kong Ming "borrow arrows from a straw boat"? These are all "going with the will of heaven" and everything goes successful! "Go against God and you are destined to perish"!

Our current leaders of Christianity, Catholicism, and Judaism are "bad, wicked, and evil"! Now the leadership of Western countries is also "bad, wicked and evil"! What is kind of people who can be "bad, wicked, evil"? Ignorant people! "Bad, wicked, evil" = ignorant people! And those Christian, Catholic and Jewish leaders are even worse. Not only are they ignorant people, and they also add "greed"! Because they study the Jewish "Money-Loving Talmud"! Therefore, Christian, Catholic and Jewish leaders are =ignorance + greed people! Why do I dare to scold these leaders like this? Do you know who is qualified to teach the Bible? Today's Christian, Catholic and Jewish leaders are not qualified to teach the Bible, their knowledge is too lower! The West is really insulting the Creator! Those who want to teach the Bible must first understand: Huangdi Neijing, Yi Jing and Tao Te Ching! Without knowledge of the Huangdi Neijing, the Yi Jing and the Tao Te Ching, it is impossible to understand the "Bible"! Those of you who teach the Bible, how many of you understand the Huangdi Neijing, the Yi Jing, and the Tao Te Ching? These religious leaders in the West read and teach the Bible casually, thus turning the Western world into a chaotic animal world. However, even the animals do not want to associate with you "pseudo-humans"! This is why more and more animals are becoming extinct!

Hamas bombs Israeli hospital! What is this called? Retribution! How does Israel treat the Palestinian people, how does Hamas treat Israel! Why are Jews afraid of "Jew haters"? Because Jews all know that the whole world hates Jews! If Jews had known today, why don't do good in the beginning! If Jews treat their neighbors better from the beginning, why are you afraid of hating Jews? Jews are indeed ridiculous! Now the "government and police" need to be mobilized to protect Jews! The Jews are indeed pitiful! This also proves one thing: The government and police are not needed by the people, but by "Jews" and "evil people"! Only "evil people" need protection from the government and the police! If a person is loved by the people around him, the people around him will naturally protect him, and no one will want to destroy him. Only the evil ones will be killed by everyone! (Numbers 16:26) And he spake unto the congregation, saying, Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed in all their sins. (27) So they gat up from the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, on every side: and Dathan and Abiram came out, and stood in the door of their tents, and their wives, and their sons, and their little children .~Finally, there is an old saying: stay away from the “evil people”! Otherwise one day you will be implicated by these devils! Just like the Israelites had to leave the tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, or they would be swallowed up by the earth! Someone asked: Am I afraid of Jews and Israel? I'm not afraid! I'm always casting out demons! How could someone who cast out demons be afraid of “the devils”? If I am afraid of the devils, you must not believe that I can drive them out!