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Officials, farmers, employees, and businessmen

December 23, 2023

Let’s talk today: Officials, farmers, employees, and businessmen! Our life structure is different now, and we will have various positions. So, does the class division of officials, farmers, employees and businessmen apply? No matter at any ages, the class division of officials, farmers, employees and businessmen applies! Yesterday, a "faceless monster" was trolled online! What is a "faceless monster"? The "faceless monster" is the modern "Boxer"! Many people talk casually and curse people online. They don’t use their real faces, they just use “faceless monster” as their avatar! There are two types of people online that you need to pay special attention to: First, they are "faceless monsters"! The faceless monster must be preparing to do something evil! 2. People who have made their profiles very good. Such people definitely want to defraud! Therefore, you need to be especially careful with these two types of strangers online, and don’t trust them casually! Just think of the "faceless monster" and the "perfect liar" as nonsense!

"Official" in ancient times were scholars and officials! In modern times, "Official" are the leaders of various industries, as well as "celebrities". Even our comments on the Internet will become representatives of "Officials"! "Officials" basically refers to the elite class of a country. The real strength of a country is the class of "scholars"! Why does Chinese culture put "Official" first? Because a person called a "Official" bears a heavy social responsibility! The class division of "Officials, farmers, employees and businessmen" is based on "taking responsibility"! The "official" class can represent a country and can also influence a country! If all the officials in a country are corrupt and all the teachers in a country are taking drugs, does that country have a future? Do we need to be afraid of this garbage country? In a country where all the people who use the Internet are drug dealers, prostitutes and people who buy prostitution, what about this country? If a country is full of "faceless monsters" and "liars with perfect profiles" online, then the country's young people are definitely doomed!

"Officials" is very important! "Official" bear the responsibility and future of the country. Therefore, in the class classification of Chinese culture, "Officials" is the first! "Officials" should be respected, but it does not mean that "Officials" will make money! Usually "officials" live the life of poverty. If "Officials" are anchored to make money, this country will definitely be doomed. "Farmers" simply means "farmers"! Farmers are in charge of people's food, and their responsibilities are also very important. Therefore, farmers are the second most important class! "Workers" means "employees"! Everyone who makes money through "labor" is a "employee"! Making money from "labor" is different from making money from "body"! Does "massage" rely on "labor to make money"? Of course! What about prostitution? Prostitution is about making money from their body! Selling organs also makes money from the body! People who "make money through hard work" also contribute to society! We must understand that social status and social contribution are directly proportional! The higher a person's social status, the higher his social contribution! Chinese culture has never used "money" to distinguish class status!

Finally, "businessmen" are the lowest class in Chinese culture! Why? Because "businessmen" are all exploiters! "Businessmen" just rely on reselling to make "profits between differences"! Businessmen resell various commodities to earn "profit margin". What contribution do businessmen make? Businessmen are exploiters, exploiting labor from all walks of life. They do not assume any social responsibilities at all, so they are the lowest class in society! Our current generation and various industries have turned themselves into "businessmen"! The whole world thinks that as long as you make money, it’s ok, it’s completely unethical! The school becomes a school store! The hospital becomes a medical shop! Not to mention officialdom: Buying and selling officials is the norm! Why does a country become corrupt? Why is there more and more strange circles that put the cart before the horse in this world? Is there a relationship between "technology" and "civilization"? "Technology" has nothing to do with "civilization"! Is "technology" related to "culture"? "Technology" has nothing to do with "culture"! The technology is addition to bringing "convenience" and "destruction", does "technology" really build people's lives? "Technology" must be "morally constrained"! Just like the "faceless monster" sprayed yesterday! Online platforms are very convenient, but they must be subject to "moral constraints"! We are not "constrained" by the platform boss, but "constrained by morality"! Otherwise, all platforms will become a breeding ground for criminals! Why have many platforms become popular platforms for fraud? Why the social media become a sex trafficking platform? Why the social media become an organ trading platform? "Organ trading" is an industry chain created by medical shops! The Chinese have a saying: A gentleman loves money and gets it in righteous ways!

Each of us does not need to examine others, we examine ourselves: What do we want our personality to be? What do we want our future to be? If we eat too much, we won’t live a particularly good life. If we eat too little, we won’t starve to death! Just dress warmly! Having a place to stay and not being cold is the most important thing! There is nothing to fight for in this world! The most important thing is: live with peace of mind and uprightness! No need to lick anyone's ass! Everyone dies sooner or later! You lick this person's butt today, he dies, and you will lick someone else the butt tomorrow, will you continue to lick another person's butt? Have you always been able to lick ass all your life? Is there any point in a life of licking ass? Take your own responsibilities and be a person with the clear conscience!