November 12, 2022

Let's talk about pigs today! (Leviticus 11:7) And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. ~ Pork is our most mundane daily diet! Why don't Jews and Muslims eat pork? I heard a joke in ancient times, a friend told me: because the god of the Muslims is a pig, they think the pig feeds them, so they don't eat pork! And Jews don't eat pork because of Jacob, because of Israel, his hamstring was twisted by God! So Jews don't eat pork! There are many pastors who have not read the Bible and said: Because Leviticus says: Pigs are unclean! I would like to ask those pastors: which is first? The book of Genesis first? Or Moses' first Leviticus? If you don't read the Bible well, you still have to teach the congregation, which really brings people to hell!

Let's talk about why Muslims don't eat pork? Many people say: because the Koran says not to eat pork! Muslims need to think about several questions: Because most Arabs are descendants of Ishmael, the descendants of Abraham! Therefore, Muslims need to think: Is your Allah the Lord God? Is it the Creator? 1. Muhammad was a prophet, not a god! 2. Muhammad wrote the Koran around the 7th century! So, Jesus was before Muhammad! 3. The Bible was compiled by Muhammad alone, how credible is it? 4. Why don't Muslims eat pork? Is it because of Muhammad's Koran? Or are both Muslims and Jews descended from Abraham? In fact, is it because of Jacob that Muslims and Jews do not eat pork? Who do you actually worship? Who are you following? None my business! But I really hope that you follow the true God, the true powerful God, and only the true God can give you the hope of eternal life!

I know many people worship the devil! Let me tell you a fact: the difference between worshiping the devil and worshiping God! Why do we worship? People worship ghosts and gods because they want something! If there is no request, people will not worship ghosts and gods at all! Those who worship the devil will not feel that they are worshiping the devil, they will feel that they are worshiping God! That's why I'm sharing the difference between worshiping the devil and worshiping God! Worshiping the devil, also known as worshiping "false gods"! People who worship devils and false gods usually don't realize it - they worship devils and false gods themselves! Because the people who are deceived by the fraud group are deceived until they go bankrupt before they realize it! How to distinguish between "true gods" and "false gods"? We all know that there are people raising little ghosts, and raising little ghosts is a common phenomenon among the people. As the saying goes: Taking God home is easy, drived out gods is difficult! And these gods are "false gods", the devils! It is very easy for you to bring the devil home, but it is quite difficult for you to drive out the devils!

What kind of person usually brings the devils home? They must have made demands on the devils, so they brought the devils home and made offerings! "Devils" can meet your various needs, there is no bottom line for the devil to fulfill your needs, but there is no bottom line for the price the devils asks you to pay! This is what the devil does! For example: If you want to do something evil, you can certainly ask the devil, and the devil will use various methods to achieve your goals. Many people bring the devil home because they ask the devil for sweetness! After asking the devil to go home, the devil is in charge your life! The devil gives you $1, they want at least $10 back! The devil can give you wealth, but if you can't pay the price the devil wants, you have to pay for your family members' live or your relatives relationship and your own health! So, ask the devil, the devil can get your demands, but you have to pay a high price! The devil can give you wealth, but the devil can also take away your relationship with your family and your health! Why is the devil responsive to your needs? Because the more you ask, the higher the price you have to pay!

What is true God? I have to be honest: The true God never statisfied your goals, but if your goals are His goals and He will be achieved every goal! Why? Because the true God is God! And the true God will definitely reject those who are doing evils! True God is not just going to come home with you casually! David wanted to build the temple, what did God say to David? God said: David shed too much blood, David could not build the temple, but the descendants of David could build the temple! Why didn't King Solomon fight in his life? Because God keeps it! Those who build the temple must be holy! God is holy! So, do we still think that the true God will be invited home by you casually? And the true God does not need our offerings at all, so the true God will not achieve all the people requests! If the "true God" is not righteous, then he is not the true God! The most basic qualities of "true God": holiness, righteousness and faithfulness! It is definitely not a true god who fools people casually!

I just found out yesterday why Muslims and Jews don't eat pork! "Pig" has some evil habits: 1. "Pig" is an omnivore! Pigs eat everything, pigs are never picky eaters! 2. "Pigs" even eat their own children! Tiger poison does not eat children! But the pig's stomach is so hungry that it even eats its own children! 3. When the "pig" is in estrus, even his own mother will be sexual intercourse together! Pigs have absolutely no ethics! We often call people pigs, we think pigs are stupid, but pigs are not stupid, but pigs are immoral animals! Have we noticed that the world is getting more and more towards the world of pigs! More and more people ~ eat everything, including human flesh! And many people kill their own children for profits, isn't that the case with abortion? There are still many people who are promiscuous and have no bottom line! It doesn't matter if we eat pork, but do we have the habit of eating pork to become pigs? "True God" and "Devil" must be distinguished by yourself! And what are we "humans"? Or are we "pigs"? Also distinguish by ourself!

***When gold is soaring, it means war will start at any time! The value of bitcoin and electronic can be tested in war!