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Politocal Figure

November 17, 2023

Watched a video: Why does Netanyahu insist on destroying Hamas? Why does Netanyahu not hesitate to confront the whole world? Suddenly I think of Hitler! Why was Hitler able to kill 6 million Jews? Killing 6 million Jews is not easy at all! Think about it: Netanyahu mobilized about 300,000 Israeli troops, and the Palestinian people were bombed in open-air concentration camps. About 15,000 Palestinians died, but Hitler could kill 6 million Jews. Hitler alone could kill 6 million people? Hitler was more powerful than Israel's 300,000-strong army! The real problem is: Jews have caused public outrage in Germany! Without the support of the whole people, Hitler would not have been able to kill 6 million Jews! Why does Netanyahu want to occupy Palestine at all costs? We can be certain that Netanyahu’s ultimate goal is to occupy Palestine! The fate of the Palestinian people is to be buried in Palestine or driven to other places to fend for themselves! The Palestinian people have no basic human rights to survive now!

Why does Netanyahu dare to confront the world? Let’s think about a more practical question: Does Netanyahu have a way out? Netanyahu’s political career is in jeopardy! Netanyahu now has to face a lot of domestic opposition, and Netanyahu was almost overthrown. This can also explain why Israel clearly knew that Hamas was going to attack Israel, but Israel deliberately ignored it! Netanyahu just needs Hamas to attack Israel so that Netanyahu can stabilize his political career again! Is politics dark? Politics is so dark! For his own political ambitions, Netanyahu is willing to sacrifice the Israeli and Palestinian people, even at the expense of confronting the whole world! I want to ask the Jews: You have read the Old Testament for so long, haven’t you seen the retribution of the wicked? Your ancestor Israel has the retribution in this world! Your King David also has a retribution in his life! Your King Solomon also has his retribution! Who do you think can escape the "retribution in their life"?

Let me ask the Jews again: You say: You don’t believe in God! But you believe in the devil! Because you believe that the "devil" can bring you "benefits"! If you don't believe in "God", you shouldn't believe in "the devil", because if there is a "devil" there must be a "god"! Unless there is neither "God" nor "Devil" in this world! Since there is no God or devil in this world! Why do you want to learn the Old Testament? Why do you respect those "devil rabbis"? You shouldn't learn the Old Testament, and you shouldn't believe in the devil's rabbi, maybe then you won't become the devil's accomplice!

There are a lot of people who are really stupid! Just like Trump supporters! Trump released the "Covid virus" for his own political ambitions! Trump makes up a bunch of lies for his own political ambitions, let everyone seek justice for him on 1/6/2021! How many people were imprisoned on 1/6/2021? How many people died? Do you think it's worth it for you people to do this kind of thing for a "political liar"? There are 2.3 million innocent civilians in Palestine. How many people are speaking out for these 2.3 million civilians? Those who support Palestine, at least they are fighting for the 2.3 million Palestinian people. Those of you who support Israel are a tool for Netanyahu’s personal political ambitions! The people of Israel are so pitiful! You are just as pathetic as Trump supporters! "Politicians" never put the benefits of the people first, "politicians" definitely put their own "Profits" first! And do you think it is a great thing to kill 2.3 million innocent civilians for personal political ambitions? Only "fools" are grateful to those who take advantage of you! Let’s think about a few questions: 1. Why are American people’s lives so painful right now? Is it because of the president? Or is it because of corruption? Or is it because our economic lifeline is in the hands of the "capital consortiums"? 2. Israel thinks about it again: Why has Israel been at war since its founding? Do the Palestinian people want to destroy Israel? Or is it because Israel wants to exterminate the Palestinians? Have the Israelis shown goodwill to surrounding countries? Or has Israel been bullying surrounding countries? The ambition of "politicians" can kill a country! Just like Japan’s aggressive ambition, it killed Japan and China people! The Israeli people shouldn’t be stupid, right? Think about it first: How do you treat the Palestinian people? How do you treat Syria? How do you treat Lebanon? It doesn't matter if Israelis like to fight, but civilians will always die in wars. Politicians never die for the people, and they will not die in wars. And Politicians also gain many "profits" from wars, don't you know?