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Practical Human Evolution

March 24, 2022

         I know that after a while even the real data will be hidden! I have been observing UAE for over 2 months! They are now completely negative population growth! That is, the death rate is greater than the birth rate, but this is not inevitable. When they vaccinated a group of people, there will be a population growth, because after all, they are born! But when a group of people die.... the population goes into negative growth! I know it's hard for you to understand! Because the vaccine rate in this country is 100%, and now the United States has begun to vaccinate 6-month-old children! How scary is this? Vaccines are a screening mechanism! Good and bad!

         And the world is moving in this direction right now! If you don't have the financial strength, then this kind of blockade will definitely blow your business down! If your body is not healthy enough, the vaccine will definitely kill you! Why are so many elderly people eliminated by vaccines! Very simple, this world belongs to the elite class, not the leek class! Darwin's theory of evolution: natural selection, survival of the fittest! The question is: we are all on the basis of inequality, how do we compete for natural selection? God never wanted to eliminate people! And those who really want to weed out people are those who regard themselves as gods! It's that group of neurotics who belong to the elite class! Who is manipulating people? Who is fooling the people? Who put the people in dire straits? Who is the Creator? Take a look! Who really manipulates the minds of the people and fools the people?

         1. Trump hasn't figured out the source of the Covid virus, he just said: Chinese virus! Has he thought about how many Chinese people are discriminated against? How many Asians have their lives threatened? And what did Trump do? As a president and he should not say the words he never confirmed! He repeatedly emphasized the China virus, but he did nothing. He kept saying: the governors didn't let him close the airport! Why can Biden close the airport and Trump can't? It's really funny and weird! 2. Did Trump know about the dangers and side effects of vaccines? He didn't even know anything, so he let all vaccines be used for emergency authorization! This was really incredible!  One more thing, the Covid fatality rate and the vaccinated fatality and disability rate, have you seen the real datas? Did Covid really need vaccines? 3. Why did the parade enter Capitol Hill on January 6?  Don't you find this funny? Someone must be leading it! And the 1/6 march did not help the election result at all! Why Trump was advocating for the patriots to march and they are all caught! This is too exaggerated! 4. The UK turns out that both the virus and the vaccine all made by America. …

         In the end, the conclusion is: The American people seek more happiness for ourselves, unless there is a country that can confront the United States! When a person did evil and was not punished, that will strengthen them to continue to do more evils, and these evil people have been doing evils for more than half a century, they have become accustomed to and enjoy the pleasure of doing evils! There is no profits, no one wants to do evils! The American people have no ability to resist! Because we have been vaccinated have~ no physical strength! And inflation has left us ~ without financial supporting! There are also a bunch of messy thousands of laws, which have left us ~with no energy! There are also piles of messy lies, let's have~ no discernment! what do we have? We have- our biggest scam government! We have -the biggest monopoly businesses! We have -the biggest criminal gang! We have -the biggest drug cartel! We have ~the biggest weapons manufacturers! However, it has nothing to do with leeks... We just feed these people, and then let them slaughter us, and work for them lifelong till us die!