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Preparation for the final wars2

October 10, 2023

We used to say that Japan, South Korea and Israel are the dogs of the United States! Now we should say more: Japan, the United States, and South Korea are all dogs of Israel! Why can Jews quickly control "world capital"? If there is no strong armed force behind, Jewish capital is of no use at all! We all know that the Jews have basically plundered the whole world! The UK was originally a country where "the sun never sets", but as a result, the "UK Pound" was defeated by the "US dollar"! Why? Britain and Spain are both pitiful countries, but no matter how pitiful you are, you are not as pitiable as the South American countries! South American countries are very pitiful, but no matter how pitiful you are, you are not as pitiful as African countries! Are the Jews pitiful? Americans should think carefully about this for ourselves! Because we feel that the Jews are pitiful, we will be more pitiful than the United Kingdom, Japan, South America, and African countries! Because the United States is already on the road to being even more miserable than Africa!

Africa is pitiful, but Africa still has the ability to resist and against capitalists! How pitiful is America? A bunch of stupid Americans and Jews give us knives, and we help the Jews plunder the wealth of the poor and common people all over the world. We all serve as executioners for the Jews. Isn't that pitiful? Americans! We really need to tear apart the lying media and politicians! Lies the media tells us: Whose the fault is how poor African countries are? Africans are lazy! South American countries are in chaos and poverty. Whose the fault is it? South Americans are too lazy! Americans are also in chaos, poverty, and are overrun with drugs and guns. Whose the fault is it? Americans! It's all the people's faults! Leaders are never wrong! It's all genetics' faults! Can "genetic defects" be changed through education? The answer is: Yes! Confucius already told us BC 500 years ago: Confucius "teaches without distinction"! What is "education without distinction"? That is, anyone can "change through education"! The most abhorrent monopoly of the Jews in the world to plunder capital is "education"! The Jews have completely brainwashed Africans, South Americans, Europeans and Americans into "idiots"! Again: We were brainwashed by the Jews into fools! This is the greatest crime committed by the Jews and the greatest harm to Americans!

The Jewish capital's invasion of the United States is to rely on the military power of the United States to squeeze the world! In the face of the Jewish capital invasion, the weak countries around the world simply dare not speak out in anger! Is it legal for Japan to discharge "nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean"? Does the Pacific Ocean belong to Japan? There are also many heavy industries in the United States that produce industrial waste. How much industrial waste does a car have? There is also "medical technology". I don't know how valuable "medical technology and biotechnology" are in the United States? But I know one thing: Western medicine in the United States has always suppressed Chinese medicine! I would like to ask Western doctors: What is the rate at which you kill people? I would also like to ask how many times your medical expenses are compared to traditional Chinese medicine? Is this correct? Traditional Chinese medicine will not tell you that it is 100% effective, but the death rate of traditional Chinese medicine is really very low! Traditional Chinese medicine doctors who usually treat people to death must do so for the purpose of "making money"! Chinese medicine is not 100% good and recovered, but the most important thing for both Chinese medicine and Western medicine is: medical ethics! Doctors who have no "medical ethics" and whose purpose is to "make money" are definitely not good doctors and will definitely kill people! It’s like the “Pfizer vaccine”! Good things don’t need to be publicized, good things will take responsibility for their own mistakes! "Pfizer vaccine" uses emergency authorization, why should we bear the risk of getting the vaccine ourselves? What’s even more outrageous is that Pfizer and many vaccine manufacturers have no honest public data at all! Why are you so reckless and irresponsible when it comes to human life? American education has been mutilated by the Jews and turned into "greedy, selfish, and irresponsible" education! People in Europe, the United Kingdom, Africa, and South America, think about it: Are you greedy, selfish, and irresponsible people? Why can "Jewish capital" control your country? Very simple! When the people become "greedy, selfish, and irresponsible," Jewish capital can easily control the country! This is what America is working now!

Sometimes I really think Americans are so stupid! Like I just said: The Jews gave us knives to Americans and kill people to stop Jews making money! The words Jews told us: There are bad people all over the world to kill them, but only the Jews are the best! This is just like a drug addict. Anyone who can give drug addicts drugs is a "good person"! Americans are: As long as they can give me "profits", and they are good people that I can do anything for them! This is what the Chinese say: recognize a thief as your father! As long as he gives you "benefits", he is a good person! The United States should not have "inflation" at all. The United States is basically a country that has no worries for a lifetime. The Americans themselves have ruined their good cards!

Let me say it again: America's troubles has never been about "homeless and illegal immigrants"! America has a lot of "corruption officials problem"! The decline of the United States is that the Democrats and Republicans "corrupt together"! The Democratic Party and the Republican Party "together fool the people" and "make the medias in silence"! What is "bipartisan checks and balances"? This is called two parties covering each other and two parties working together to commit corruption! Always remember that the "Fed" has nothing to do with the United States and the American people! And why are all our people's livelihood projects (water, electricity, natural gas, gasoline) private enterprises? Private enterprises monopolize people's lives, but the government is powerless to restrain them! Also, I find it very strange: Why do our property taxes have to be paid to Texas? And why do Jews control the management companies of many of our communities? "Land" obviously belongs to the country, so why does the government charge such a heavy land tax but do nothing! If the United States cannot remove corrupt officials from power, the American people will never have a good life! U.S. government officials can sacrifice people's lives for their own profits! This kind of state officials are more terrifying than any other country in the world! We really can't focus on homeless people and illegal immigrants, we must focus on getting these corrupt officials to step down! This only way we won’t harm our descendants! If American education continues like this, the American people will definitely kill each other! "Vendetta" must have revenge! But we have never "hatred" each other at all! We are all immigrants to this land, why should we hate each other? "Vagrants and illegal immigrants" are all because they have difficulties in life! And the "homeless and illegal immigration problem" is not a problem at all! It's just that our government is incompetent and they don't have the ability to solve it! What we should do more is: send "corrupt" and "incompetent" officials to prison, or "guillotine"... "guillotine" is a bit harsh! "Confiscated family property, never hired"! Publicize the "names of corrupt officials" and write them into the annals of history!