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Putin and Americans need to resist devils!

April 18, 2022



         Why can't the war stop? Because the cessation of the war must require another war! What does America need most right now? The United States needs wars and epidemic, and only the government of wars and epidemic can deprive people of their rights! Now it's not Putin or Xi Jinping's problem, but the US government needs to find a name to completely control the people! And if Putin really wants to survive, for Russia, for Ukraine, declare war with the United States! Just drop a bomb on DC! This is an inevitable process! And Putin has no way out! Throwing bombs is not to win, but to prevent the United States and NATO from continuing to do evil for the time being! The United States government needs to solve the United States opposition force is the "people"!

          We raise our own ghosts, we have to deal with those devils! We have no reason for the world to be buried with us! Americans have raised these officials to become devils who do all evil! We have to destroy them ourselves! What are their plans? They figured that as long as there was wars, as long as any country declared wars with the United States, we would definitely enter a state of war!  They will delare wartime martial law! And we don't need elections! Our rights are also naturally deprived! We are the meat on the chopping board, to be slaughtered! Putin declares war with America! We must get them out of America! Because they never give up their ultimate Agendas! They also never feel that there is something wrong with their behavior! Americans be strong! We need to deal with these devils, we can't be afraid of them, we don't need anyone else to help us anymore! Because we have God who will help us! Don't trust Trump..... He was killed Americans! He never helped us solved any problems, but broken our nation! He probably has profits from vaccines......