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Rain! 雨!

September 30, 2023

Just now I was wondering what kind of disaster this rain would cause? The Manhattan subway should be down! Flushing will also suffer... Why is there no disaster? Excuse me! My house really has to thank the Lord! In the future, low-lying areas will definitely be worthless! How can people live in flooded areas? Don’t forget…sea levels are rising silently! We have a mayor with an IQ below 10! They really want to make a lot of money, they will go crazy thinking about New Yorkers life! They actually want to build a dike! Please! Can the Democratic politicians... show some intelligence and conscience? Don't think it's fun to see corruption in the Republican Party, just imitate them! The Republican Party’s retribution has not yet begun! The Republican Party will have more and more retribution coming one after another... Let me tell the American people again: The Republican Party and the Democratic Party are both "corrupt"! Democrats are stupid! The Republican Party eats the leftover scraps... Only the Democratic Party will treasure the scraps! All the Republican Party will lose is "tasteless"! New York and California are the "chicken ribs" of the Republican Party! The current goal of the Republican Party: to search for "Texas" and "Florida" with all their strength to rob! Let's just watch and see later! Nothing else to mention! There are just a bunch of idiots in New Jersey! Why does Trump have a golf club summer estate in New Jersey? If Trump didn’t commit corruption, there would be nothing to say! Why is New Jersey's air pollution so serious? Nothing happens by coincide! Corrupt officials all have the same tricks! Will I have less dealings with corrupt officials in China? There must be something hateful about the poor people ~ This is the "truth"!

Why are Americans so miserable today? I have never been so miserable! Raised two children with myself doesn’t feel miserable, but the United States has indeed been miserable in recent years! Why are Americans so miserable? Because we believe "lies"! I believed lies before and was deceived by Republican politicians, so I made wrong judgments! When I see the lie clearly, I will take the correct actions! "Correct countermeasures" can prevent us from making mistakes! Now is a "world where jackals, tigers and leopards prevail", we must be careful! I won’t become the prey of jackals, tigers and leopards! When we are in a fog of mystery and we can't take right the direction, we will just walk casually. We would rather go slower than not act blindly! Why not "act blindly"? "Acting blindly" wastes time and energy, and most importantly, "acting blindly" may lead to another dangerous situation! The difference between "wise people" and "foolish people" is not in "action", but in "discernment"! It seems that God is going to give me another big gift! When I become like Abraham...don't be too envious of me! I'm working very hard! I gave up many opportunities that the world thought were good! 




