I have to redefine "Christianity and Christianity"! We have been deceived by "lies" all along! What is "Christianity"? What is a "Christian"? For 2,000 years, we have been "distorting Christianity" and "distorting the teachings of Christianity"! Many pastors say: As long as we believe in the "Trinity God", we are Christians and we can be saved! It is because these pastors interpret the Bible casually that the Bible has become a place full of lies and contradictions! Many pastors even tell Christians: We don't need to have "good works", because we are not saved because of good works, but because of "grace". While Christianity and Christians have been emphasizing the "Trinity God", they have no idea what the "Trinity God" is!
The "Trinity God" is the Creator! Christianity believes in a "Creator", and this "Creator" is the "Trinity God" of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Therefore, we must understand: the "Trinity God" of Christianity is the Creator who created everything in the universe! When we understand what the "Creator" is, we will no longer deny other "religions"! First of all, we must understand: "Religion" is not chicken soup for the soul! If religion is chicken soup for the soul, then there is no need for "religion" at all! What exactly is "religion"? "Religion" is the "laws"! Regardless of any religion, there is one greatest God, let us call this God the Creator! Every religion has a different "creator", and a true "orthodox religion" must have "behavior indicators" given by their supreme god! No religion requires believers to do "evil things". A religion that requires "evil things" is to believe in "devils"! The "devil" must rely on "evil" and "deception" to control fools! Therefore, "lying" and "doing evil things" are evil ways! Because only the Creator in this world does not need to "do evil", and the Creator hopes that the world will be "good and beautiful"! Just like we paint, we create a painting, and we are sure that this painting is beautiful! Who would turn his own world into the devil's world? Only the devil would want the world to be full of strife like hell!
(John 14:6) Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ~ What is the "Creator"? Jesus said: I am the way, the truth, and the life! The Creator is: the way and the truth! What is "the way and the truth"? It is the "principle of life"! What is the "principle of life"? In Chinese it means "morality"! Therefore, the Creator is the "supreme moral criterion"! The Creator is "the best and the most beloved"! There must be criteria for "goodness and love"! "Goodness and love" without "morality" is not "goodness and love" at all! We've been lied to for 2,000 years! We don't know what "Christianity" is? We don't even understand what is a "Christian"? Why is there more and more "Christians" in this world, and the result is that the world is super corrupt!
Whether you are a Buddhist, a Taoist, or a Muslim, we must have a clear concept: What we believe in is the "Creator", and the "Creator" is not an idol! The Creator is our "rule of life"! Every religion has a Creator and a Supreme Leader God! The name of "God" is not important! The important thing is: we must know what the Creator wants us to do? Our life is not to follow any "people" or "idols", we must follow the "Creator"! Only by following the "Creator" can we get the "promise of the Creator"! Therefore, Christians must also understand that what we believe in is also the "Creator"! We cannot deny other religions, each religion has its own way of calling the "Creator"! It's the same way that each of us has a different way of calling our own father and mother. Most importantly: Does every Creator teach believers to "do good"? Or "doing evil"? Anyone who teaches believers to "do evil" is a "devil"! The "devil" has no "morality"! A "moral" religion belongs to the devil! Christians without morals belong to the devil! If we are baptized and we are still doing immoral things, we are devils!