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Shameless Social Media!

March 25, 2022

           A friend on WeChat said: My website has too many complaints, so it was marked by FB!

 I answered her:

           My website has nothing to do with FB! The complaint is also not related to FB! Because this is a website that I paid for and built by myself, if someone complains about me, they are too funny. They don't have to go to my private website at all. Why complain to me with FB? So stupit! I have been banned from many social media accounts, so, I opened my own website, because all the media are not allowed to speak freely! FB, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin... Many social media are completely unable to speak freely. If you write the truth, you will be banned! If I could speak freely, I wouldn't have paid for my own website! It's just that some things need the truth and need to be revealed! These people think that to control the media is to control the whole world... That's outrageous! Treat human life as rubbish!  Sites that I pay for myself... have nothing to do with them at all! They have no right to control my website at all, let alone what I say on their own website? If I had hate speech, the police would have come to the door long ago. I didn't incite hatred, I didn't prostitution, I didn't commit a crime, I just let the data speak! It's just telling the truth! It's too hard to be a good person these days! Should be a big villain! But I really don't have the courage to do evil, maybe I have done too much evil before!

        In fact, many people do not believe that American social media censors speech, because I have lived in the United States for more than 20 years, and have never known what speech censorship is?  But I have always been censored for speech. I used to have an account on Weibo, but now it has been banned! Weibo account is banned ~ reasonable! Because I have always used Weibo to evangelize! But I really don't know why America's social media banned my account? There's only one reason...when we get into social media, it's into their kingdom, we have to play by the rules of these kings! But for my own site, they are not eligible for labeling! I can sue FB for defamation! Because you are not eligible to tag my website, this is my kingdom! But because the United States has no national law! If, I am not an American, I will sue them for defamation!