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Should we obey Devils?

October 10, 2022

Just saw a video about climate change! We often say: Evil has evil retribution, it is not that there is no retribution, the time has not come! Now is the time! It is only today that I understand why Jesus delayed punishing the world for nearly 2,000 years! Because of our nearly 200-year industrial revolution, the 4.6 billion-year-old earth has been destroyed! Tonga volcanic eruption accelerated the warming of the earth for 15 years! And Antarctica has melted ice and no food! Penguins, polar bears, seals have no food! Why do I hate Trump? Because it's full of lies! Saying that there is no climate change is a hoax. Climate change is definitely not a hoax, but something that is actually happening! How many natural resources have been destroyed by the Russian-Ukrainian war and the Russian-Ukrainian war caused? Can Ukrainian land be cultivated in the future? Who pays for the natural gas leaking from the natural gas pipeline? The industrial revolution not only kills God, but also kills human beings! FB blocked my article on the website again! If those social medias think themselves as gods! Just wait to be judged! Don't worry! I have prayed that they must pay the price they should pay! God's judgment, no one can escape!

We all know about the greenhouse gases caused by the Industrial Revolution! And everyone has turned the waste of resources into a symbol of the country's hard power and wealth! We used to think that it is very convenient to have a bus in Taiwan! When I was in Taiwan, I never wanted to drive and buy a car, I got a driver's license before I was 20 years old, but Taiwan is so convenient by bus and public transportation, why should I need a car? And I like bicycles and motorcycles very much, because bicycles and motorcycles are so comfortable! You can blow the natural wind! Driving in traffic jams is hard, getting into the car in summer is hot, and shoveling snow in winter! America government is really ridiculous! They don't care public transportations and just want to people buy cars. They just push cars sell and they encourage people to buy new cars very wasting! The US government is really bad! 12% of the world's population in Europe, America and Britain, but 50% of greenhouse gas emissions! Look at the pride of the leaders of Europe, America and the UK! Rich is the boss! Money is God! Money can trample people's lives! You continue to do evil!s I've prayed for all the volcanoes to erupt...since you don't repent! You don't need to repent! Go to hell and continue to do evils!

(Romans 13:3) For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:(4) For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil .~ How evil is America? Paul wants us to submit to earthly powers! And the American people and the American church have been very obedient to earthly powers! So there is no distinction between right and wrong between the church and the Christians! Paul clearly told us: as long as we do good, we don't have to be afraid of being an official! Being the officials are called the fear of doing evils! But in America it's the exact opposite! If we don't get vaccinated, the government will deal with those who don't get vaccinated! And these illegal immigrants invaded the United States, not only without punishment, but also with food, lodging, and transfer! Are abortion and homosexuality all good deeds? How could God allow these rulers to run amok?

It is mentioned in the book of Revelation: There will be no more oceans! In the future, the earth will be all land and glaciers! I probably know what the future holds by now! The world in the future must be pretty good, because all the damn people will die! Israelis use a lot of so-called high technology to do the opposite! Just like "abortion" and "homosexuality" are both offensive things in the eyes of God! And the development of "space" to create space junk is a reverse thing! In order to do the wrong thing, the U.S. government makes all American people commit crimes, and even makes people all over the world commit crimes! In this Russian-Ukrainian war, in order to sanction Russian energy, even at the expense of the profits of people all over the world! How can we survive in this winter? Europeans even started buying wood to burn charcoal! We all know so many wildfires, but why? Forest fires destroy the environment and destroy natural resources. Are forest fires arson for profits? Or was it really caused by accident? We all need to investigate these!

The U.S. government is so evils! The last thing humans need in this world is the AI chips! Are AI chips edible to eat? AI Chips are not edible to eat! Why did the US develop biotechnology and AI chips? These are all related industries! Biotechnology is the use of biological methods to control human life! Kill viruses with viruses! Use the human body as an experimental site for studying the viruses! To make more AI chips is to implant people so-called high-tech! The purpose of the "high-tech" industry is to deny the existence of God! High technology is to facilitate the management and control of human beings! High-tech social media controls our freedom of speech, they allow all that fake news and misinformation to fly! They hide the truth just to make it easier for them to do evil! I really don't know what FB is? Why do they restrict our freedom of speech? What authority do they have? Does God give authority to them? Or does the devil give them authority?

Paul may not have thought about it: the authority of the whole world is doing evils! The whole world is in the hands of the devils! The devils can rule too! And this time it was indeed the devils who deceived authority from the hands of man! When God gives authority to man, what if man gives authority to the devils? Should we obey the devils? Paul wants us to submit to authority, but did Paul say: Authority shall let evil people to fear! What if those in power are doing evil? Should we be obedient? Remember, many church leaders have been asking Christians to submit to authority, asking us to obediently obey the words of those in power! Have we ever thought about it: If those in power want us to do evil, do we do evil? Or not be evil? Isn't it common in our generation? Encounter the evil rulers of power! And then is it time to show that we are true Christians? Or fake Christians? If missionaries submit to those in power, missionaries will not be persecuted!

You hypocritical Christian leaders, do you still think God shouldn't punish you? God should punish you severely, you must stay in the lake of fire! Why do people do evil? Why do people lie? Because they don't believe in the Creator at all! They simply regard "wealth", "ability" and "power" as gods! Why is Christianity becoming more and more rebellious? Why they dare to interpret the Bible casually? Because these leaders don't fear God at all! They do not fear God, do you think God will protect you beasts? You don't need God's protection at all, you need your high technology! You need your wealth! You need your biomedicine! What you need is that you should be your own gods, trampling on the lives of people all over the world! Let's see which of you devils can escape death! I promise you will die, and it will be a pretty ugly death, and you will first-can't live, can't die! The purpose of developing AI chips is to implant in everyone's body and control everyone! The devil has the desire to control!