We often say: Shovel the snow in front of your own door, don't care about the frost on others' roofs! I want to change this sentence now: Shoveling the snow in front of your own door is to help the frost on other people's roofs! "Shoveling the snow in front of our door" is very important! If we don't have the ability to shovel the snow in front of our door, how can we care about the frost on other people's roofs? Many people have been emphasizing not to "Shovel the snow in front of the our doors", but I tell everyone that you must "shovel the snow in front of the our doors"! We live in places where it snows and we all know the importance of "shoveling the snow in front of our doors"! If, we don't shovel the snow before ourselves....First, we can't go out! Second, we may be slipped in front of the our doors by the ice! Thirdly, only those who have the ability to shovel the snow before, themselves can help others! In the past, we described people who shovel the snow before that themselves as selfish people, but now we must understand: Shoveling people are not selfish people! The man who shovels his own door does so to help his neighbors! How can they be able to help their neighbours, if they are incapable of helping themselves?
This sentence has a very important message for Christians: to have the ability to clean up the snow in front of your own door is to help your neighbor's roof with frost! Christians can evangelize, but we must understand where we stand? If we stand at the gates of hell, our evangelism is sending people to hell! Jesus and Jehovah God said: It matters where we stand! Our feet are clean, our whole body is clean!(John 13:10) Jesus saith to him, He that is washed need not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all. ~Where the "foot" stands is very important! When the "feet" stands on a holy place, one's heart must be clean! Therefore, Christians must understand where they “stand”? We stand at the gate of heaven, we are leading people in the right place! If we stand at the gates of hell, we are standing in the wrong place, and we will also lead people to hell. It’s okay to spread the gospel, but first understand where you stand?
There is nothing wrong with shoveling the snow in front of the our doors, but we must understand why we should shovel the snow in front of the our doors? We are not about to put frost on other people's roofs now, but we must unite our neighbors! We must take the "neighbors" as the unit, we cannot take ourselves as individuals, but we must help the neighbors to shovel the snow! Think about it again: We have no effect at all by shoveling the snow in front of the door! But if each of us shovels the snow in front of our door, or if we all shovel the snow for our neighbors, our community must be clean, and of course the chances of everyone slipping and falling will be greatly reduced! How can a Christian preach the gospel if he doesn't even know the way to heaven? Christians must first walk on the right path before they are qualified to preach the gospel! How are you going to be able to help someone else if there's a pile of snow on your doorstep and you can't handle your own doorway? Christians themselves are standing at the gate of hell, but want to preach the gospel of heaven, isn't this a big joke?
I got a revelation yesterday: Heaven has different levels! I used to think that heaven is a place, but heaven and hell are not the same! Hell is just one place, there is no difference between those who enter hell, they all enter the same dimension, which is the lake of fire! But heaven is different! Heaven has different levels! Some people can only enter the lowest level, but some people enter a higher level as soon as they enter heaven. I didn’t believe in the nine heavens before, but I only understood yesterday what is the “nine heavens”? How many layers does heaven have? I have no idea! But I know heaven has layers! There is a kind of people who have been doing evil all their lives, and finally they repent, and they can go to heaven, but their level of entering heaven is relatively low! Jesus said: Unless you become like a child, you will not go to heaven! How could someone be like a child all their life? Yes, it is possible! Just like my brother! His intelligence is 8 years old, so he has never understood "doing evil" all his life, he has been a child all his life! Relatively, his rank in heaven is relatively high! Everyone has the opportunity to go to heaven, but everyone's level of heaven is different! This is the fulfillment of what Jesus said: If you confess your sins and repent, you will be saved! Jesus often said to his disciples: If you don’t understand the things on earth, how can you understand the things in heaven? I didn't understand it at first, but when the Holy Spirit is willing to enlighten us, we will naturally understand! Therefore, there are levels in heaven, and heaven is definitely not about repenting at the last moment and immediately entering a higher level. If everyone received the same reward for repentance, then the apostles of the early church received no different rewards than ordinary people. But in fact, God’s judgment must give us different rewards, and everyone gets different wages according to their own work!
*** It makes sense to see a sentence: the world can live without Japan, but the world cannot live without oceans! Should God judge those selfish and greedy people who allow nuclear waste water to enter the ocean? American politicians always put their own profits first!