What is the most important thing about living in the United States now? "Explosion" is not important! "Environmental pollution" is not important! It’s okay to “drug”! "Illegal immigrants" are infinitely welcome! The most important thing to live in the United States is to be a shameless, immoral, and selfish person. It would be best if everyone in the America died so that we could legally occupy other people's industries and properties! Isn’t this what New Yorkers want? Isn’t this what New Yorkers intention? Every Chinese thinks he is the smartest! We Chinese are the best at "protecting ourselves wisely"! I want to ask the Chinese people: What kind of protection do you have? I saw a group of people protesting that "prisons" and "homeless shelters" cannot be built near my area, because if they are built near my house, my house price will inevitably fall! Chinese people spend a lot of money to buy good school districts and spend a lot of money to send their children to prestigious schools. So what? Our children will spend their entire lives working as slaves for the Jewish plutocrats! To put it harshly: The Chinese just like the "servility" of the Jews! What is a "slave"? "Slaves" do not have the ability to think independently. Whatever the master wants you to do, you must do it obediently! "Characteristics of slaves": selfishness, profit-seeking, lack of moral conscience, and greed! The Chinese regard the Jews as the benchmark of life, so of course they follow the Jewish example! Follow the "slave" and always be a "slave"!
What's wrong with New York right now? Is it because "there are not enough prisons"? Is it because “there are not enough homeless shelters”? Of course not! The problem in New York is: Our government must go! We must overthrow the current "slavery system"! Why is America “overrun with drugs”? Why is the United States “overrun with guns”? Who benefits from the "drug epidemic" or the "gun epidemic"? Of course, the consortium behind the scenes benefits! We all have a responsibility for what New Yorkers are experiencing today! If we had just adhered to the "bottom line" from the beginning, we wouldn't be where we are today! If we had severely punished "corrupt officials" and figured out the "truth about 911" a few years ago, we would not be where we are now! No official in the United States is clean. This is not what I said. This is what Obama said! It is easy to become an official in the United States, as long as you are willing to "complicit"! "Trading drugs" together and "selling guns" together can survive in the officialdom.
I find those who protest against "prisons" and "homeless shelters" really ridiculous! Why are prisons needed? Why are homeless shelters needed? "Prison" is to house "criminals"! "Homeless shelters" give "people" a place to live! Do you have to be as ignorant as Trump? Trump is really ridiculous! An 80-year-old man’s speech has no logic at all! Trump is really a person that has no common sense! There's a bunch of idiots following him! The real problem in the United States is the "drug epidemic" and the "gun epidemic"! Trump is just using "illegal immigration" to divert attention! How can the United States return to "normalcy"? "Grueling"! "Corruption" is punishable by death! "Drug Trafficking" Death Penalty"! Death penalty for "fraud"! "Robbery" is punishable by death! Death penalty for "stealing"! "Prostitution" is the death penalty! Death penalty for "illegal immigrants"! "Drug addicts and drug traffickers" shall be punished with death! "Lying and forgery" are punishable by death! ….All crimes are “death penalty”! Do America need a prison? I can assure you: all crimes are punishable by death, and there are absolutely no "tramps"! Who caused the “homelessness”? "Vagrants" are caused by "corrupt officials and capitalists"!
Why is the United States in such chaos now? Because these corrupt officials and capitalists are "making profits out of chaos"! The worst thing in America is "liar politicians" like Trump! America must reinstate the death penalty! America must severely punish liars! The United States must make all "criminals" pay the price! What is "fairness"? "Fairness and righteousness" must go hand in hand! Without "righteousness", there is no "fairness"! Why can "politicians" speak without responsibility? Why can politicians blatantly deceive? Why has the American media deceived the world about the Palestinian people's prison live for 56 years? Shouldn't they be held accountable for their evil deeds? The "truth" must be made public! "Evildoers" must pay the price! Who controls the U.S. drug market? Who controls the U.S. gun market? Why was Lincoln killed? Because the "Civil War" did not free the black slaves at all! The Civil War was in 1865, and black men had the right to vote in 1965! 100 years later, black men will have the right to vote! What is American democracy? There is no "democracy" in the United States! The "Civil War" was a power struggle, and the winner was king! Just give the Civil War a nice name: "Emancipation of the Negroes"! The right to vote for black people and women is a recent thing! American democracy is a "fraud"! A show where politicians lie to the people and themselves! I want to ask the American people: Did we support the US military's attack on Iraq? Did we support the US government giving money to Ukraine to fight Russia? Did we support the war in Afghanistan? Did we support sanctions against China? Did we support the US government paying Israel to massacre the Palestinian people? Did we support gay marriage? Did we support drug legalization? …..Which of these big “issues” are American citizens eligible to vote on? It’s time to end America’s ridiculous and nonsense democracy! We must first seize our resources from the capitalists! Every one of us living in the United States has contributed to this land. Why can capitalists exploit our resources? The resources of the United States belong to "legal U.S. citizens"! The United States does not belong to a "minority"! We must get our resources back so that we can rebuild the United States. We must eliminate "drugs" and "guns." We must let every American citizen have a job, have survival value and meaning for our life! Don't let "lying politicians" kidnap "America's future"! We must remove all "corrupt politicians" and take back all resources belonging to "American citizens"!