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Ten commandments

October 4, 2024

Why are there more and more illegal things in this world? (Matthew 24:12) And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. ~ In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells us: As lawlessness increases, man’s love will gradually grow cold! Is it because "lawlessness increases" that humans lose "love"? Or is it because humans have lost "love" that "lawlessness has increased"? We need to know a very important Truth: "lawless things" are related to "love"! People who do illegal things must be people without "love"! What are “illegal things”? We generally call "illegal things" "things that violate the laws"! In fact, in the Bible, the term "lawless things" does not refer to "violating the laws of men", but refers to "against the laws of God"! We all know: The United States has been constantly revising laws! Legalize drug use in the United States! Is murder legalized in the United States (is abortion murder)? Is beating, smashing, looting and burning legalized in the United States ( for $0 purchase considered robbery or theft)? Moses’ Ten Commandments have never changed!

The most shameful thing about American law is that it tramples on the "Ten Commandments"! The Ten Commandments: 1.Do not kill, not steal, not bear false witness against others, not have other gods, 5.keep the Sabbath, filial to your parents, not commit adultery, not covet what others have, not make idols, and not take the name of Jehovah God in vain! The dirtiest face of American politicians and Christian leaders: Taking the name of Jehovah God in vain! Everyone says they believe in God, and those who believe in God are definitely not these politicians and Christian leaders! Whatever you want to do, just do it! Don’t say: You believe in God but do dirty and shameful things! Does God tell Christians to criticize others? Has God told you pastors to support any politician? Did God tell you Christians that you must have a democratic government like the United States? You thieving, selfish, lying liars, why do you say you believe in God? I ask you politicians and pastors: What do you do that glorifies God? I mean: What have you “done” to glorify God? It’s not what you “said” that glorified God! Who can't tell lies? Do Christians need pastors to teach you how to deceive people? Do Christians need politicians to teach you how to lie? I can tell you very correctly: American law completely "tramples on the Ten Commandments"! The laws of the United States are completely against with God’s will! Don’t tell me again: The United States is a country founded by Christianity! This is the biggest and most shameful lie in human history!

We don’t need to talk about America! This country is hopeless! A group of liar politicians and a group of lying media. God will definitely not bless and must punish this country. Let’s just wait for God to deal with the United States! If we are Christians, we must understand that "love" is the "only weapon" that keeps people from sinning! As long as we have "perfect love", we will not sin! Why do we “sin”? When we "sin", all our thoughts are about "ourselves"! Lawless things are increasing because people have lost "love" and because people only have themselves in their minds! Why is there an increase in lawlessness? Because everyone sees that those who do evil things have no retribution, many people are willing to imitate those who do evil things! Many pastors deceive people, and deceiving people not only does not make them criticized, but also allows them to gain more support from people and make more profits. Therefore, pastors are used to "cheating"! They misinterpret biblical truth so they can get more support and profits, which is why they are willing to "cheat"! As long as there are pastors who are "willing" to compromise "lies", these pastors must not believe in God!

Do I have anything to do with America’s evil, America’s depravity, America’s being judged? Christians have a wrong idea: God judges a group of people! This is a very, very wrong concept! God will certainly judge people according to their deeds! Don’t think God is a fool! If there is a good person in the church, God will definitely take that good person out of punishments! Just like Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot's family was singled out! The same goes for the Korah. God will tell those who don’t associate with Korah and leave! Therefore, Christians should not think that God will not pick people! You are a good person, and God will definitely find a way to take you out of the evil group! I never doubt the power of God! Does the earth only exist today? I can tell you very correctly: Human beings will be wiped out, but the earth will not be wiped out by humans! As for whether AI will replace humans? There is nothing to worry about! God can destroy humans, but can’t God destroy AI robots? You are really too ignorant!

Don't think that evil people will not be punished! Evil people will surely be punished! The evil retribution of evil people comes in different methods! Are the “poor people” we see really their retribution? Is the “rich” we see really their reward? Of course not! "Poor" and "rich" are just asset gaps in this world! There are many "poor people", although they have no money, they live a happy and carefree life! There are many "rich people". Although they have a lot of money, they are busy and behave like dogs! Is Musk, the world’s richest man, rich? Musk is poor! Musk is so poor that he sleeps on the sofa! Musk is so poor that he sleeps 3 hours a day! What is there to envy for a poor person as Musk? If I were as rich as Musk and lived as "poor" as him, I would rather not have the money! I really don’t know what Musk’s thoughts are? He would rather spend money to make rockets than do something truly meaningful to mankind! If Musk wants to go to Mars so much, wouldn’t he be to just move to the desert? How many poor Americans can be fed by Musk blowing up a rocket in the sky? The blowing up the rockets is wasted and pollutants. Can America change? Of course America can change! Only when "people's hearts" change, our world will change! People who don’t know how to swim will still not know how to swim even they change swimming pools! Musk took a group of evil people to Mars, and in the end they were still devils on Mars! If people's hearts don't change, no matter how good or bad the environment is, it won't matter! People who have "lost love" are living in hell!  A person's "love" has nothing to do with his "poor or rich"! All I can say is: God is real! God is definitely a God who searches people’s hearts!