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The 8th king of Revelation

October 2, 2023

Let’s think about a question: If the world was fixed today, we ask ourselves: Should we go to hell? Or are we qualified to go to heaven? I believe everyone knows quite a bit about where they will go in the future! (Revelation 17:10) And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.(11) And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seventh, and goeth into perdition. ~There are many people who do not believe in the Book of Revelation! Why don’t you believe the Book of Revelation? Because they don’t believe that God has the ability to judge people! Just like they don't believe that there was a "great flood that flooded the earth" in ancient times, this is the same reason! They feel: If God wants to judge mankind, why did he wait until today to judge mankind? Do you remember that Jesus once said: All the words of the Bible must be fulfilled before the end of world will come! The Book of Revelation is credible, but it is interpreted as untrustworthy by these ignorant pastors!

When you see the 7th and 8th kings in the Book of Revelation, who do you think of? Not the Seven Lords and Eight Lords of the underworld, but the Seven and Eight Kings of the Bible! When John wrote Revelation, there were no 7th and 8th Kings! The 7th King could be America! The 8th King existed in the past, but did not exist during John's time, and then appeared again! Do you think it’s scary? It has been nearly 2,000 years since the destruction of the State of Israel, and it has only been 70 years since the establishment of the Israel! Why did John already know that there would be 7th and 8th kings in the time of Revelation? The 7th King are short-lived! How long is the history of the United States? We all know that the history of the United States is quite short, and the United States is also the hegemon in the humans history. The Bible has completely told us this! When reading the Bible, we must use "history" to verify the authenticity of the Bible! If the Bible is really God’s word left to mankind, then the Bible must be authentic and trustworthy! If the Bible has no credibility, then the Creator does not exist!

The 7th King have fully explained it! And the 8th King must be the bastard of Israel! Chinese is really interesting! When we understand that the 8th King are the bastard of Israel, then we can explain why the signs of the end of the world in this generation are becoming more and more obvious! Because the Seventh King and Eighth King will surely perish together! It’s only been 70 years since the founding of Israel! Israel has been destroyed for nearly 2,000 years. Why are the signs of the end of the world only appearing now? Because Jesus said: All the words of the Bible must be fulfilled before the end of the world will come! Do you still think that God is incapable of destroying the world? Do you still think Revelation is a long term joke? Think about it: Do the signs of the end times mentioned by Jesus and the signs of the end of Revelation come true in our generation? So, many people wonder Why God didn’t destroy the earth soon? You may think that the Creator has no power, or perhaps there is no Creator at all! When we truly read the Bible well and understand it, we will understand that there is a Creator in this world, and He is the true and living God! We must always remember: God never jokes! Two billion people will definitely survive! And those who survive will definitely have the happy life!

Don’t worry too much! In the book of life, those who deserve to perish have already been determined! And why didn't God destroy them immediately? There is only one reason: These evil people must be tortured alive and go to the lake of fire after death! Because of their evil deeds, God left them in the world to torture them! Evil people will be punished by evil people! We only need to do one thing: we still have life and breath today, and we must sincerely repent! Correct our past mistakes! We make mistakes because we don’t believe in the Creator! We don’t believe there is the justice in this world! If this world would not have the Creator, and this world will not have justice! God sent Jesus to this world not as a false redemption, but as a true redemption! Don’t look down on the Creator and God just because Jesus was crucified! Humans feel like the Jews are more amazing than the Creator! Jesus was betrayed by "Judas"! Jesus was crucified by the "Jews"! The Jews are the descendants of "Judah"! Are these coincidences? We often say: "Creation has its way with man"! It’s not that “Creature manipulates man”, but that the Creator often talks to us with many different ways, but we are all stiff-necked Jews! Don't be one of those people who won't shed tears until they see the coffin! There are no "coincidences" in this world! There is no "evil deeds" to hide in this world! If you don’t want others to know, don’t do anything behide others! I hope that in the future, we are all sure that we can go to heaven!