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The core of America's corruption!

August 27, 2022

We are all facing inflation! What is the government's solution? The government said: 1. You work too few hours! You have to work 24 hours a day and 7days a week ~ sleepless! 2. You should save money~ Don't turn on the air conditioner in summer, and don't turn on the heating in winter, you will die of heat and freeze to death! 3. You should neither eat nor drink nor pull! This way the world is clean, and you don't have to consume! 4. You buy electric cars with all the money you earn, but the cars must be enshrined at home! Because energy is too expensive, don't run around, the car is just like an emergency, and an ambulance is too expensive! Don't use a car for work, and spend 5,678 hours waiting for those mass transits that can be killed your time! 5. It is even more magical to cope with inflation ~ everyone gets Covid together! Let's die together... Dead people don't have to face inflation! Dead people have no financial concerns at all! It seems that the ultimate goal of our government is to let the people die! Why do we pay killers to torture ourselves?

That bastard said to me again: Republicans are good, Democrats are bad! You and your lies will go down 108 layers of hell together! Why do we often say: 18 levels of hell? Because 8 is an infinity symbol, and Chinese people often like 8888, we say: earn more, earn more! When the 8 enters hell, it is the endless punishment of hell! There are good people and bad people in both the Republicans and Democrats! We can't divide people by party! Just like there are good people and bad people in a family, either the children of bad families are bad people, let alone the children of rich families are good people! Let's see what the US government does for our inflation? I don't know what the Inflation Suppression Act is! Because I didn't even get a money for Suppression Act! 1. The space arms race continues to increase spending! 2. Weapon research and development is greatly intensified! 3. Land tax, sales tax... Various taxes are still strong charge! 4. Compulsory insurance is still expensive! 5. Energy prices remain higher and higher! 6. The redundant government is still rich! 7. Illegal immigrants still have high benefits! 8. Banks are raising interest rates like a rocket! 9. Various viruses are still rampant! 10. It is still easy to pay for aid to Ukraine! 11. American infrastructure is still dilapidated! 12. Crime is still rampant in our society! .... There are definitely more than ten great contributions of the U.S. government to the people.... Every great contribution of the U.S. government points to the same goal - killing the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled! America would be better off without these low-end populations! Is it really so? America will never be better, Americans don't dream as this ways, our selfishness will only make our life worse and worse!

(Exodus 1:11) Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses.(14) And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour.~ I just woke up and found out that the US government is the Egyptian Pharaoh! The Hebrews would have been respected in Egypt because Joseph saved many Egyptians and people around them! But then a new king got up and didn't know Joseph, so he wanted to destroy the Israelites! The Israelites are also interesting, the more the Pharaoh wanted to exterminate them, the more they kept growing! Pharaoh is exterminating the Israelites by all severe means! Now the population of the world has been increasing continuously, and the wealthy and powerful elites are also exterminating the low-end population in different ways! Originally I thought Trump was Moses, but it turned out that Trump just grinds and talks! Trump cares too much about his own profits and he cares only money! He is really not a good leader! Short-sighted can never do great things! Anyone who prioritizes profit will never be able to do great things! Americans have too many short-sighted people!

The Israelis stayed in Egypt for about 430 years, while the Americans stayed in the Americas for over 400 years, and the Puritans came to America in 1619! The United States was originally a country of immigrants, why has the United States become a country of shitholes now? Let's take a look at America's backyard again: South America! South America used to be a land of wealth, and now it is a land of shit! Why is the U.S. government turning America into a shithole country? Why is the US government turning South America into shithole land? All the reasons are in Exodus! Many people say: South America is America's back garden, or more correctly: South America has become America's garbage dump! Because South American countries can no longer survive, so many illegal immigrants are moving to the United States! Corruption in South America is too serious,all the countries are full of crimes, and the quality of education is poor. This is why South American countries have become garbage dumps. Why do South American people bring their families and risk their lives to the United States? The US government is responsible for the chaos in South America!

We look around the world: America has the final decisions, America can decide whatever they want! Although the United States currently has no colonies, the United States controls all national resources and politics! The United States supports many small countries, and the United States relatively supports its own regime! Why did the war in Afghanistan fail? Because the United States spent all its time, money and energy, and did not support a corrupt regime that belongs controlling by them! The United States is a capitalist country, but the education in the United States is really inferior to that of third world countries! Children do not have the spirit of independent thinking at all. Children are just like the US government ~ smashing, looting, burning, and talking! American children always talk about some great and unrealistic dreams. Telling them to do it is to ask for this and for that. It seems like Trump, who can't do anything without money, and only money is their master in the world! American children completely lose character and moral education, this is the failure and terrible place of American education!

The United States has been supporting corrupt regimes around the world for decades! Only a corrupt regime can be controlled by the US government! Corrupt regime is to control the people with money, just like the pharaohs ~ let the people never stop working! And every state official is controlled by money, they are bound to be corrupt, and the people are bound to have a bad life! The President of the Philippines Marcos is the best example! The Filipino people didn't have to work so hard. It was because of Marcos' corruption that the Philippines became a garbage country. When the corrupt regime falls, the Philippines can now let its people live and work in peace and contentment! How to feed a corrupt regime? The formation of a corrupt regime is very simple: to make the country chaotic! When the country is more chaotic, the more corrupt regimes have the opportunity to profit from the chaos! America has been in chaos for decades! Why is America still alive today? Because the United States is indeed rich in resources! The United States is as rich in resources as Egypt, and the United States has also raised many corrupt countries in recent years, so the United States is the source of all corrupt countries! The worst are always the common people!

Why do Americans always think that the Republican Party is good and the Democratic Party is bad? I want to ask Americans: Will the corrupt regime change because of one person? Corruption in the United States is definitely not a matter of the past few years, and corruption in the United States has been at least half a century! American corruption must be older than me, but why are these politicians silent? The most powerful thing in the Republican Party is ~ to frame the blame! 911 is obviously framed for profits! And Trump is completely a Republican, and he is also a master at framing and framing! The Democrats are just too ugly! The Democratic Party is too corrupt and ugly! The Republican Party will at least make it look good! A friend said: New York homeless and illegal immigrants stay in a $700 hotel a night, what do you think? These are all corruption ~ official business collusion! How can a hotel be in business now? And why doesn't the New York government choose cheap hotels? Is it easy to make government money? Or is it easier to wait for travelers to come and stay in a $700 hotel a night? Why support illegal immigrants? I have already said: society must be in chaos! Profits from chaos! Because of social chaos, we need the government and we need the police! All "chaos" are the source of all corruption! The fundamental problem in the United States is "corruption"! It's not about the left and the right, let alone capitalism, socialism, or communism. America's biggest problem - corruption! And they are supporting corrupt regimes around the world! Europe, Japan, and South Korea are all countries with serious corruption!