We often taste large portions of delicious food. We often eat happily and smoothly at the beginning, but when we take the last bite, we start to feel unsatisfied! Many people explain that last bite as: guilt! Said: The last bite people can't eat is because they can't eat because of "guilt". But I think that is not "guilt", it is "disgust"! When a person eats a piece of food, he will feel "guilt" until the last bite. That is: the "sense of disgust" caused by self-deceptive greed. Why do I say: This is the "sense of disgust" produced by self-deceptive greed? Such people usually perish due to "self-aggrandizement"! "Self-deception" and "self-aggrandizement" are often the main reasons for a person's demise! Certain countries and certain people must not agree with each other!
When a person is about 60-70% full after eating a portion of food, he will feel "guilty". This is when he really feels "guilty", and a person keeps stuffing a portion of food until he can't finish it until the last bite. It means: He already "dislikes" this food! What is the difference between "guilt" and "disgust"? "Guilt" will make us "self-correct", and we will remind ourselves that next time this happens, we must not eat so much again! But "disgust" is different! "Disgust" is this moment. Remind yourself at the moment when you are "disgusted". As a result, if we encounter the same situation next time, we will still stuff it until the last bite! "Disgust" is caused by excessive "greed", and people who have "disgust" also like to "deceive themselves"! This "disgust" can reasonably explain why there is so much chaos in our world!
Many women and men will have many messy "male-female relationships" because of "greed". Many men and women break up because they "hate each other." Have men and women never thought about why they "hate" each other? "Disgust" is caused by "greed" and "lies"! If there is a problem between a man and a woman, they will definitely find the problem after a period of dating. They will never break up until they hate each other in the end. "Guilt" will bring us "self-examination" and "self-growth"! "Disgust" brings us "self-deception", "self-expansion", and finally "self-destruction"!
Let’s think about it: Every time we eat something, we stuff it until the last bite is left, so we feel “guilty”?! We have been so stuffed that there is no "space", so we force ourselves to admit the "guilt"! This is not really "guilt" at all, we are just making "excuses" for ourselves! The most terrifying thing about this "disgusting feeling" is: Next time we encounter the same food, we will still stuff it until there is no space! We will repeat the situation once and once again. A "greedy person" will never have a true "feeling of guilt"! People who cram in the last bite of food only to realize that they have no room for more are just using "guilt" to "deceive themselves"! Let’s think about it again: If a person’s diet is so “greedy”, then he will definitely cause many “diseases”? Of course he will "inflate himself" and stuff himself to the limit every time. Can he not get fat? "Self-inflation" means becoming puffy and fat. "Puffy fat" must have many diseases, and of course it is "self-destruction" (Is the United States too puffy and fat? But the American people really need to think about: Why is it puffy!)!
The biggest difference between "guilt" and "disgust": "Guilt" is not "self-reflection" without a choice. "Guilt" is: "self-reflection" is already known when there is still a lot of "space". This is why "guilt" makes us: "self-examination" and "self-growth"! "Guilt" and "disgust" can be applied to "relationships between men and women" and "interactions between friends". We should always "examine" whether our "relationship" is correct, and whether the "interaction" is the right one. Correct "interaction"! The country can also be used to "review" the country's "policy", "foreign policy" and "domestic policy"! A person who truly feels "guilt" is a person who will continue to "grow himself"! Don’t be fooled and deceived by “disgust”! What "disgust" brings us is: "self-expansion" and "self-destruction"!