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The man behind the scenes

October 16, 2023

After seeing the thunderstorm in China's real estate industry, I want to take some time to share with you: How these 6 sectors are harming the country! Today we will talk about the Bible first. What I don’t understand the most in the Bible is: Cain and Abel! Why did Cain kill Abel? And why did God let Cain go? And why did God protect Cain from being killed? This is the most contradictory part of the Bible to me! If, according to God’s justice, murder must be punished with death, then why did God do something unjust? Why did God protect Cain? (Genesis 4:15) And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.~From the Bible Genesis , there should be two major systems in this world: The descendants of Cain and the descendants of Seth! And the Israelites should belong to the descendants of Seth! The entire Bible should be an extended structure of the descendants of Seth! If we follow this structure, the world should initially have agriculture and animal husbandry as the main ways of human survival! Cain is the ancestor of agriculture and Seth is the ancestor of animal husbandry! Let’s break it down roughly first! To be more correct: Cain brought Eastern civilization, Seth is the ancestor of Western civilization! This is why there are differences between Eastern and Western cultures!

Why did God let Cain go? Why did God protect Cain? There is only one possibility: Abel "provoked" Cain with his words, or Abel "lied"! "The devil is the father of lies"! Cain also lied, why didn’t God kill Cain? Cain lied to God, Cain said: I wonder where Abel is? In fact, Cain killed Abel! This has a very important revelation: If we "provoke" others with words, we deserve to be killed! And when we "lie" to cover up our sins, as long as there is no evidence, we still cannot be convicted! Therefore, God knew that Cain killed Abel, but Abel’s death was caused by himself! Abel could choose not to continue arguing, and Abel would not have to die! Any death or injury is definitely not caused by one party, but both parties are definitely responsible! Why did Cain want God to protect Cain? Why did Cain need God’s seal of protection? Cain knew he was guilty of shedding innocent blood! Cain knew the how importance of God’s promises! The story of Cain and Abel is not easy to understand!

Let’s talk about Jews! Jesus said: The Jews are a breed of vipers! What does this mean? The Jews are indeed poisonous snakes! The Jews are like poisonous snakes slithering around the world to carry out massacres. The massacre of the Jews is not a bloody massacre, but the capitalism massacre. The Jews are different from Cain! Cain went straight, what the Jews did was: destroy secretly! This can explain why King David was forgiven for shedding innocent blood, and why Cain was forgiven for shedding Abel’s blood! If there had been Eastern and Western civilizations in ancient times, this would be possible! Both Jews and Arabs are descendants of Abraham! The Bible says: Abraham will be the father of all nations, and the Bible is right! How many tribes are there who are the descendants of Israel and Arabia? It is very interesting: Why did Jesus say that the Jews are a species of poisonous snakes, but Jesus is the root of the Jews? First of all, we must understand that God’s name has spread throughout the world, except China! It’s not that China doesn’t know God’s name, it’s that China refuses to accept God! Why? Because Jews are terrible!

Why do I say: The whole world already knows the name of God? Knowing the name of God is as common as a drug! The Jews sold drugs into China. How could the Chinese think that the Jewish Creator was good? The harm that Jews do to the whole world is invisible harm! Jews are good at making money! But their money is totally unclean! Why did Britain give Palestine to Israel? Because Jews help Britain make a lot of money from selling drugs! What kind of business do Jews make money from? Jewish loan sharking, Jewish manufacturing of drugs, Jewish manufacturing of weapons... these are all highly profitable businesses. You ask: Can Jews not make money? "Casinos and brothels" are all subsidiary businesses! Why is the God of Abraham boycotted by Muslims? Why is the God of Abraham boycotted by the Chinese? Christians should not criticize Muslims or Chinese, but criticize themselves first! Christians simply don’t know the difference between right and wrong! That’s right that the Jews did not launch a war, but the dirty deeds they did were more abominable than launching the wars! Christians blindly support the Jews! Christians blindly identify with Jews! Is this right? It seems Jesus was right not to come! Because it is impossible for the number of saved Christians to be full! How did Jesus come? The Jews really spread the God of Abraham to the ends of the earth, but the whole world knows that the God of Abraham is the devil! Is this kind of the gospel preached by Jesus? I know some teachers who are really trying to do God's work in Africa, where there are many Muslims. It is very difficult for Christians to do Christian ministry in the Muslim world. We should thank the Israelis and the anti-Christians who blindly support Israel for destroying the trust of Muslims in Christianity! You are ruining God's reputation! You are the helpers of the venomous snake species! Do you still think you can go to heaven? "Fighting" is not scary! The scary thing is: the devil who creates "fights"! "Wars" is not terrible! The terrible thing is: the devil who creates "wars"! The "kind of viper" is the devil! According to this situation: There are 10 billion people in the world, or in another 1,000 years, the number of saved people will never be full! That's why Jesus didn't come! The Jews themselves are the devils who destroy and kill God!