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The Meaning of Christmas!

December 25, 2022

Looking at the U.S. defense budget, I don't even know if I'm living in Israel? Or live in America? With such a high defense budget in the United States, how many enemies does the United States have? Isn't it only Israel who has enemies? Why does the United States have so many enemies? Our great American government, the lighthouse country of the world, has now turned into a country that needs to be protected by rags and irons. It seems that without those rags and irons, we Americans cannot survive! Is the broken copper and iron really for the people? Or is it for the benefit of military giants? Why can't we get along well with the countries of the world? Are American Christians really serving as light and salt? Why can Christians never get along well with the people of the world? Their excuse must be that the whole world belongs to the devil, and the devil just hates Christians! Wrong! Christians, not only the devil hates you, God hates you also, just like the Jews! The real reason why Christians can't get along well with the world~hypocrisy, selfishness, and lack of justice! You are just like the Jews! Why can I get along with non-Christians? Why are all the people healed by me non-Christians? Because Christians don't believe in God at all! They don't believe in God's healing power at all! Just like the Jews don't believe in a Creator! Christians call themselves believers that lies, they just want people to believe that they are believers!

A bunch of idiot Christians and pastors keep saying: we pray for Jerusalem, why do we pray for Jerusalem and the Jews? Because the Jews are the worst people in the whole world! God's salvation is not for the "righteous", but for the "sinners"! And the Jews are the worst nation in the world, so God chooses the Jews to be the seletived! God never said that the Jews are good, it is a bunch of idiots who think that the Jews are good! The Jews have always been: timid, timid, selfish! This is their national identity! There is greedy blood in their bodies! Why does the Bible record the history of Israel in particular, because we must see our own weakness from the ugliness of the Israelites! And those pastors who do not read the Bible and blindly worship the Jews, you make Christians stumble, and you will surely be judged more severely!

I know some Jews, and the Jews have always put their "profits" first! Why has the United States become a country that the world hates? Because the United States is all controlled by big consortiums, and the big consortiums are all Jews! Almost all of America is in the hands of the Jews! It is not easy to hit the Jews with money, because the Jews are too deceitful and they control too many world resources! Only that the Creator can destroy the Jews! And the Jews will inevitably be repaired quite miserable! The Jews are quite ignorant, ignorant, and blindly obedient Jews' leaders, just like Christians all over the world today! Why did the Jews crucify Jesus? Christians: Aren't you celebrating Christmas today? Why have you never accused the Jews of their evil deeds? What are you celebrating? You celebrate that Jesus died well! If you celebrate the world without the birth of Jesus, you cannot show the greatness of the Jews! The Jews nailed Jesus to the cross and executed Jesus! How amazing are the Jews? The Jews can even kill God! This is the pride that Jews can boast of the whole world generations and generations! The Jews can be kings in the world! Actual, Jews control all world resources in their hands as they are kings.

You Christians are really blind! None of the Jews ever felt guilty for crucifying Jesus! There is not one righteous man among the Jews! What do you pray for the Jews? Can praying Jews kill more people in the world? Jews have indeed been doing evil all over the world! Jews also continue to kill people for their profits! You are accomplices in praying for the Jews! Let's not say just yet: Jesus is the Son of God! Let's just say: Do the Jews feel a little guilty about crucifying innocent people? Never in the history of the Jews have they ever felt wrong to kill innocent people! It is the greatest achievement of Christians all over the world. The Jews can kill people of various ethnic groups, as long as this person stops their profits! Because they are: unscrupulous for their own profits! The Jews only have their own interests in their eyes! And when the Jews are strong enough, they will destroy all those who stand in their way! There is a saying in China: "When you encounter the Buddha, kill the Buddha" it refers to the Jews! The Jews can kill God, are they afraid of killing? The Jews founded the country, and since the Jews took control of the United States, the United States no longer belongs to God at all! The United States has deviated too far from the "Truth"! You Christians think hard for yourselves! How can God bless such a country? The Jews are not even blessed, because the Jews have never ~ confessed and repented! If you don’t confess your sins and repent ~ you will weep and gnash your teeth in the lake of fire! Let's see you people who deviate from the true way, how long can God tolerate you?