Let's continue to talk about doing business with Jews today! I believe everyone knows "Hermes" and "Diamonds"! I remember that in ancient times, I saw that an ordinary "Hermes" bag cost about 8,000 US dollars. I still think they are too expensive! It doesn't matter if you call me pragmatic or realistic! I didn't like famous brands when I was a child, but I have loved buying bricks since I was a child! Why do I not like to buy famous brands? Because I think that famous brands bring me too little value, I don't need to use famous brands to highlight my value! And "Diamond" I don't particularly like it! When you see this, you must not understand why I write about doing business with Jews, but I want to write about famous brands and diamonds? Our values are completely brainwashed! What is the value of gold and silver? Why did Jehovah God ask the Israelites to ask the Egyptians for gold and silver when the Israelites left Egypt? Do you know that this is the foundation of Israel's greed!
(Exodus 12:36) And the LORD gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians. ~Why are the Israelites fleeing from Egypt their lives! Yet Jehovah God asked the Israelites to take gold and silver from Egyptians at that time! Do you find it strange that when we flee for our lives, we don’t run away directly, but we must carry the gold and silver treasures on our backs? And this has also become the most important thing for people all over the world to escape from danger situations~bringing gold and silver treasures! And this has become the source of value for "brand names" and "diamonds" all over the world!
Why did Jehovah God ask the Israelites to take gold, silver from Egyptians and the Egyptians to give the gold, silver for Jews? In order to make the Israelites go away, the Egyptians also gave all the gold, silver and jewelry to the Israelites. Do you know why? First, the gold, silver and jewelry of the Egyptians may have been collected from Israel! Because Abraham already had a lot of gold and silver jewels, and Jacob also had a lot of gold and silver jewels, but when the Israelites came to Egypt, these gold and silver jewels became the Egyptians! God wants the Egyptians to return the Israelites' treasure to the Israelites, and this is God's original intention! Second, when the Israelites entered the wilderness, gold, silver and jewels were of no use at all! The Israelites ate manna, but they could not eat gold, silver and jewels! Why did Jehovah God ask the Israelites and the Egyptians to gift gold, silver to Jews? Because Jehovah God will build his own tent! We must clearly understand God's intentions so that we will not be brainwashed by wrong concepta!
In the wilderness, Jehovah God asked Moses to build a tabernacle for Him. He wanted to live among the people of Israel, but the tabernacle of Jehovah God needed a lot of gold, silver and jewels. The people voluntarily handed over all the gold, silver and jewels they took from the Egyptians. Why? You know the gold, silver and jewels that the Israelites gave to Moses. In the end, Moses needed to tell the people that enough was enough, don’t bring any more gold, silver and jewels! The Israelites have been emptying their own gold, silver and jewels to Moses, do you believe it? But it's true! Why were the Israelites very greedy, but so active when Moses built the tabernacle of the Lord? This is completely different from David wanting to build a temple! The gold, silver and jewels that David needed to prepare the temple were all obtained by David in battle! David had no reservations about God, but David's son Solomon stole the assets that David had prepared for God, and Solomon built the bigger temple for himself. This is the difference between David and Solomon!
"Famous brand" and "diamond" are a kind of collection value! And the value of "collectibles" is that they can be exchanged for food when fleeing! If, "Famous Brand" and "Diamond" cannot be exchanged for food when they escape! And then those "brand names" and "diamonds" are rubbish! Why can a bag of sweet potatoes be exchanged for a bag of gold and silver during the famine and war in China? Let’s go back and talk about the Israelites. Why were the Israelites in the wilderness, and when Moses wanted to build a tent, the Israelites quickly brought out gold, silver and jewels. Later, Moses thought it was too much and told them not to bring any more! Because gold, silver and jewels are utterly useless in the wilderness! The Israelites carried their gold, silver and jewels on their backs to increase their weight. They did not know whether they would leave the wilderness alive. What did their benefits have their gold, silver and jewels for? They give gold, silver and jewels to Moses and they can have light weight backages. God wants gold, silver and jewels, of course throw them to God quickly! And God will think they are good! This is why the Israelites were willing to give gold, silver and jewels when Moses built the tabernacle of Jehovah God! And David built the temple, David needs to get gold, silver and jewels for God David self! Because the values of the Israelites have changed! They regard gold, silver and jewels as their lives, and they will not give away their treasures easily! This is the difference in values between "wilderness" and "world"! So Solomon also stole God's property!
Finally, what is the real value of "brand names" and "diamonds"? We need to understand: the value of "collection" requires "expert appraisal", what does this mean? The value of "Collections" and "Artworks" comes from buyers! Regardless of "famous brand" and "diamond", someone must be willing to bid for these properties to reflect their value! If you ran away and exchanged a Hermes for a bag of sweet potatoes from the farmer, do you think the farmer would give you a bag of sweet potatoes for Hermes? Of course not! Therefore, we must understand that "universal values" will change due to different environments! This is really quite important! This is a big problem that I discovered yesterday while chatting with my daughter! Our values are now in the hands of the media and advertising! We can't see our own real needs, we just follow the trend and pursue crazily, blindly, and finally we find that we are dying on cars, houses and "luxury goods" all our lives!
The value of "luxury goods" is the value determined by the "owner"! Just like a piece of broken copper and rotten iron, in the eyes of scavengers, it has only the value of rotten iron, but in the eyes of archaeologists and wealthy collectors, it may be sky-high prices! Why is there a gap between "Hermes" and "Coach"? These gaps are the profits of commodity owners! Just like cars: Why are "Porsche" and "Ford" not worth the same value? When we can't see the situation clearly, we will be brainwashed by these "false needs"! This is why Americans spend their entire lives with a pile of credit card debt! "Credit cards" and "online shopping" are another traps! This is why the invaders of many countries continue to forcibly seize the historical treasures of other countries! When we buy expensive and high-priced products, we first think about whether we can exchange a bag of sweet potatoes when fleeing (this is also the wisdom I got from chatting with my grandma)! That's why I didn't pay attention to famous brands when I was young, I like to buy bricks! I bought a small condo in New York in my 20s! Learning "economics" is to keep us from working like dogs! Learning "theology" is to make our lives better and more valuable!