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The Most Effective Treatment!

May 1, 2022

          (Matthew 10:1) And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.~It was only today that I realized that I was Fully qualified as a disciple! Thank God!  God has been equipping me since I was a child, I just don't know it! I have an even better gear - prayer! None of these disciples have learned, but God has taught me! And I can almost talk to the Holy Spirit! Thank God! That's great! I am willing to teach everyone, and when I am not busy, prepare to start the class!

           I have experience casting out demons, not 1 or 2 times, but quite a few times! I am also qualified as a psychologist. I have a general understanding of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine pharmacology. If you think Christianity is unscientific, everything I study is very scientific! My physics, chemistry and math are all OK! My worst is history and geography! In the morning I asked God: Can I develop traditional Chinese medicine? God said: No! I asked: why?  He said: Do you know why Moses did not enter the land of Canaan? God said: People all have idol worship in their hearts, and people like to worship different idols! God said: You may develop Chinese herbal medicine like Moses' copper snake, let people worship Chinese herbal medicine and forget the Creator! The reason why Moses didn't really enter the land of Canaan was that he already had a proud heart in his heart! God must correct Moses in time, otherwise Moses' feet will go in the wrong direction!

           I understand what God means! God is afraid that I will become proud! This is indeed true!  Because I have nothing, I am too proud! But I say to God: Not everyone is a disciple, and not every Christian has the gift of prayer for healing, so the number of people who can help is limited! I hope to develop Chinese herbal medicine, because Chinese herbal medicine is the product of nature, it belongs to the Creation of God, and God creates everything to be beautiful!  In fact, the traditional medicine of Chinese herbal medicine is based on the principle of mutual growth and mutual restraint. Therefore, traditional medicine fully conforms to God's creation law. What's even better is that traditional medicine can affirm God's wisdom! Later, I said: Otherwise, we will develop Chinese herbal medicine, plus prayer! In this way, we can give all the glory to the "Triune God". Do you think it can be done? God finally promised me!

           Because Western medicine is too harmful to the body, Western medicine is completely unscientific! Yesterday I told my friends that Western medicine is to hit a person with a cannon and destroy the surrounding houses and people, but the target person is not even hit! Chinese medicine may be shooting people with arrows and pistols, which are easier to hit and do less damage! I hope I can carry forward Chinese herbal medicine and let us witness the wisdom and glory of the Creator together! All the glory and praise go to the Triune God who loves us! Chinese herbal medicine is cheap and has few side effects! And it can really achieve the purpose of healing! It's a great choice for the poor and the elderly! If you have any need, you can email me: