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The Price of raising Ghosts!

April 21, 2022

          (Hebrews 10:26) For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, ~ God's inspried me in the morning is quite reasonable! I ask God: Why don't you exterminate these evildoers? He said: At present, there are two kinds of people who do evil, one is those who know God who do evil on purpose! And this is the church that will be destroyed in the book of Revelation! Because church leaders lead the congregations to continue to do evil! God has given them enough time and opportunity to repent, but they really pretend there is no God and continue to do evils! There is no more salvation for such people! "Sin offerings" are for those who sincerely want to atone for their sins, sincerely want to repent, sincerely confess their sins, and sincerely change! The "sin offering" does not value behavior, but the "heart of confession and repentance"! We often sins and make mistakes, but it's not that we become perfect Christians after baptized, but we are willing to cut past mistakes and sins! There will be different wrong behaviors, but the most important thing is do you have a "repentant heart"?

          Another kind of person is the person who does not know God! People who don't know God will sin without limit and have no bottom line. Why? As long as I can escape legal punishment, why don't I commit a crime? The purpose of human sin is "self-interest"! No one commits a crime to be altruistic!  But often we plan to sin for self-interest, and the result is often to harm others and ourselves! "Criminal" is never good for anyone! Remember that nothing criminal is going to benefit anyone! Things out of an "evil heart" will never benefit anyone, including myself! We often feel that when we get the money, we get the world! These are the people who don't know God!

         **Funny thing: NATO sanctions Russia, and the Ruble is already replacing the US dollar! This makes the wicked do evil, and God does good! Remember the story of Joseph? God can let evil things happen, but God has good intentions! God wants to save more people!

         Probably many people have forgotten the founder of Apple's mobile phone ~ Jobs! He was rich, he was in his 50s and died of cancer! Perhaps, many people said: At that time, medical technology was not developed, so Jobs died of cancer! Many cancers are now curable! Therefore, more and more people do not believe in the sovereignty of God. They believe in science and doctors, but are doctors and science really invincible? It is too easy for God to kill this group of beasts who are neither male nor female! You really underestimate God! Why did God leave Giuliani, Bush Jr. and Trump alive? They owe the people of the world an explanation! And as for everyone in American politics, you better do your thing, otherwise, you exist today... Can you open your eyes tomorrow, no one knows?

          Are Americans doing evil? Americans are more evil than any country! I just told my friends: What is a good country that does not depend on the regime political models? But is the leader a human or devil very importan? The biggest evil thing of Americans is to raise ghosts! For their own interests, Americans let these ghost politicians burn, kill and loot everywhere. What is the difference between the behavior of the United States and the BLM? And Trump has been emphasizing on making America great again, why?  Is it worse to do more evil thinga? Trump's money worship is the main reason for the demise of the United States! And the demise of the United States began with "money worship"! How much filth is behind the 911? God left many people, not without reason!

          God left some people in order to reveal the secrets! And some people are trying to punish Americans! Because Americans, British and Europeans keep ghosts, we must be tortured by ghosts. This is called: self-inflicted suffering! Do you think God is powerless? It is because many people do not believe in God that they will do evil without bottom line! Because they don't know why God doesn't punish the wicked? Why not punish the churches? God does so many things that we can't figure it out, but I believe that God's wisdom is always higher than ours! I have never doubted the justice of God! As the Chinese say: Evil will be rewarded with evil, good will be rewarded with good, it is not that there is no reward, the time has not come yet!

         If you are willing to raise ghosts yourself, no matter how much I help them to cast out ghosts, they will not be able to drive ghosts away! A person who worships gold, mainly gold! God can never change him! Therefore, people who do not know God, they want to give up their master "wealth"! They take the god of wealth as their master, how can God save them? Raising ghosts to make money! Then you have to pay the price of "raising ghosts"! You raise ghosts and they want your lievs!