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The real Conspiracy!

August 13, 2022

Calculate your annual expenses yesterday! It takes $15,000 to give to the government! Land tax and management fees are all government revenue! And electricity and gas fees belong to private + government revenue! Insurance premiums are huge government private income! Let's think about it: Why can't an average New York family earn $2,000 to survive? The $2000 income can only pay for rent and utilities! There may be insufficient rent and utilities! The general rent is $1800-3500, a room in Queens is $1800, not a basement! Two bedrooms are $2500! 3 bedrooms are about $3500! This is the real situation! The rent is $3500, how much is the income? Do you think New Yorkers can have children? Can I have children? These beasts don't die, we must die! These are not counting the high cost of children's college, and the cost of illness? And what about food? The so-called governor and mayor are representatives who collect money. What do you vote for? Why approve of these ghosts exploiting us? Just because Trump wants you to vote!

Are you blind? You are not only blind! You are still blind your mind! You get lesson on your own! Have you ever wondered why Covid New York is killing people? New York Covid has killed nearly 70,000 people, why? And it continues to spread and can't stop! I've been warned at the beginning and my account has been banned by social media several times due to Covid! These people don't deserve to die at all! Damn our government! All viruses are looking for New Yorkers, why? Because New Yorkers are selfish! Because there is no price to pay for killing people in New York! Governors and mayors can kill people in public, but what is the killing of ordinary people? Ordinary people kill just to help the governor and mayor reduce the population of New York (they have bigger plans), New York life is the least valuable! So the virus is right for New Yorkers! New Yorkers spread viruses casually, and the viruses has to spread, so that the benefits of the viruses can appear! Why should New York have such a high standard of living expense? Because New Yorker leeks are selfish harvesting! The New York government is afraid that New Yorkers will not die, and they want us to work and deliver goods at night! How vicious is this government? Do you know? All the fees we pay are after taxes! That is, our $24,000 expenses are all after tax and are not our gross income! Do New Yorkers still think it doesn't matter?

(Deuteronomy 27:25) Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all the people shall say, Amen.~A bribe to kill an innocent person will be cursed! This is what the Lord God said! We are often taught by pastors who don't read the Bible: Calm down and swallow your voice! They don't even know what the government is doing wrong. They just curse and abuse without thinking. As a result, the congregations just blindly agrees and blindly follows! What did the congregations scold the government for? The congregations scolded the government for electoral fraud, the congregation scolded the government for abortion, and the congregation scolded homosexuality... Are these really the core issues of the government? The real core problem of the government is corruption! You lead the congregations casually like this, only making the life of the congregations more miserable and filled with hatred between people! The church cannot solve the problems, churches creates more new problems and conflicts, just like Trump! I foung out whatever Pastors always unified together and ask us to do somethings that should against God's will!

I have a lot of gay friends! I didn't grow up in a Christian home, and I never worshiped any pastors! Sometimes going to a Sunday sermon just felt nonsense! There are many reasons for being "gay"! I don't discriminate against making friends with anyone, I don't have race, gender, wealth, education level.... I like to make all kind of friends, I have a lot of friends, I like to help my friends! So poor friends, friends with low education, friends with money, friends with low jobs, of course I know many different politicians, and I also know many underworld gangsters, this is all in the past! I used to love meeting all kinds of people! So I can see why people use drugs? Why are there homosexuals? Why do people have abortions? Everyone has their own different environment, everyone has their own different difficulties, we can't put everyone's life on the same level!

Why don't I like Christianity? Because Christians are all fools! All self-righteous and sick Christians! They will tell me: don't get too close to these people, these people will make me sin against God! What really makes me offend God is ~ Christians and pastors! Because they have no truth, they trample on God's truth! I often argue with Christians and pastors, and I often disagree with what pastors did! In order to make money, they often do many apostasy things! They expand their churches to make more money! Starting one church is not much different from starting ten churches! As for teenagers, they don't care at all, because teenagers have many problems and teenagers are poor! Many teenagers have different problems at home, and it is these teenagers that the church needs the most help! All I can say is: the church is too greedy! Completely give up youth and children's ministry, especially children from poor families!

Homosexuality, abortion, and drug users are mostly from problem families! And it is the children of these problem families who really need help! I have done a lot of ministry, I have done single parent ministry, I also wanted to do youth ministry, but youth ministry is so hard! Youth ministry must have financial means! No children are born criminals, but the family environment affects them, they will commit crimes! Children need the right guidance, they need the right help! Children, they have a longer life, they have a bright future, maybe their family is not good, but it is not their fault that the family is not good, and a bad family should not ruin their life! Our church and our government are destroying, ruining our children's future! New York is not a place for rich people to live, New York is a place where everyone with a dream can come here to work hard! The New York government wants to eliminate New Yorkers and let more high-polluting companies station in New York!

The New York government is really hypocritical! You officials are really... dammit! God said I would curse you well! I curse both Cuomo and Trump have stepped down! Curse the Governor and Mayor! New York should be independent! New York must be out of the hands of these devils! They spread viruses out at will! They are killing people from start to finish! They let us be exploited by the consortium! A friend said: New Jersey's polluting enterprises are all from New York, why do they want to destroy New York? Because of the high cost of acquiring land in New York, no business has come in! They're going to kill people, they're going to get people out of New York so the government can again accept highly polluting industries and pollute New York to make money! Why is New York getting more and more chaotic? These are on purpose! They save more criminals, rich people move out of New York, New York house prices will definitely fall! They can use low land costs to attract more high-polluting companies! Now it's not about homosexuality, abortion, drug users, it's about government corruption! If we continue to allow the government to corrupt, America will become a wasteland! Because our living environment is all polluted by heavy industry, we cannot live!