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The real purpose of evolution and atheism!

August 15, 2022

For decades we have been emphasizing climate change, climate issues (because I have heard these words as long as I was little.), why do we dare not say: because we have sinned against God, God has been punishing us! Darwin's theory of evolution simply doesn't have enough data to support the argument. Why has it been less than 200 years since the theory of evolution was proposed, and we have already made humans all over the world consider monkeys as ancestors? And the theory of evolution is the best basis for killing God! We have been tortured and brainwashed by the theory of evolution since childhood, and the children of the United States are the direct victims of the theory of evolution! Children are taught from an early age: "Science" is to deny the existence of God! Because God does not exist, our ancestors all evolved from monkeys! Jews! Calling you the smartest nation in the world in vain, God really shouldn't let Moses lead you out of Egypt! You should be made slaves of the Egyptians forever!

Are Jews capable of overturning Darwin's theory of evolution? An idiot like me knows that the theory of evolution is a joke. The theory of evolution cannot exist at all. There are so many scientists from Jews, and Jews have so much economic power in the world. How could they not have the ability to overthrow the theory of evolution? To be more correct: Jews may be the driving force behind the theory of evolution! What the Jews are doing is what the devil is doing - kill God! Kill the Creator! Why is the theory of evolution less than 200 years old, and the history of human beings is at least 4,000,000? Why can the theory of evolution be popularized all over the world? Why did the theory of evolution suddenly become a universal "truth"? Jews can no longer pretend to be innocent! God will judge the Jews greatly, because every Jew knows how evil the Jews are? Jews are amazing! Killing Jesus didn't stop them from killing God! They just want to rule the world with their wealth now! "Evolution" is the first step for them to kill gods and rule the world with wealth!

(2 Kings 19:19) Now therefore, O LORD our God, I beseech thee, save thou us out of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD God, even thou only.~ Do you know who the author of Kings is? The author of Kings is the Jewish historian! And the Bible does have some way out in some places, and there are some serious data errors that are contradictory! Just like Samuel and Chronicles are somewhat different, the difference in numbers is not because the Bible is not the Word of God, but because God deliberately left a gap in the numbers! These are pretty big mistakes! Because Chronicles and Kings are the records of the historians, and the Prophets are the records of the prophets themselves! Therefore, we need to understand that historians may be oral or paraphrased by people, but the prophets are all experienced by the prophets. This is why the Bible has a way out! We have to focus on the prophets!

Why do I say Jews are the driving force behind Darwin's theory of evolution? Why do the Jews have the Old Testament? Let's ignore the history of the Old Testament first, but we know that the history of the New Testament must be more than 200 years old. Why is the theory of evolution so easily accepted? Why is the theory of evolution a stupid fact that even 5-year-olds know, but this stupid fact is put into textbooks all over the world? Who has the ability to use this stupid fact to harm human beings all over the world? "Money"! There are two masters in this world, one is "Money and Wealth", and the other is the real "Creator"! In the Bible, Jehovah God has said the most words: I want them to know that I am God! Every time Jews i saved, it doesn't take long to go back to idolatry! The idol of the Jewish people is wealth, do you know why? I have a chance to tell you! God brought the Israelites out of Egypt from Moses and told the Israelites not to worship the golden calf, but the golden calf has always been the god of the Jews!

If Darwin's theory of evolution holds true! Then Moses couldn't come out of Egypt! And it was impossible for Moses to formulate the first set of law books - the Ten Commandments! First of all, the "Ten Commandments" were written by God to Moses! If our ancestors were monkeys, would monkeys be able to bring the Israelites out of Egypt? Could a monkey inspire Moses to write the Ten Commandments? The Jews not only insulted the wisdom of the whole world, but also the wisdom of your ancestors! Jews want their children to start Torah in elementary school, but they tell the world that our ancestors were monkeys. This is a big joke! You make monkeys your ancestors, what Torah do you learn? You don't believe in God at all, why do you keep the Old Testament? Even more funny, why do you commemorate Passover? Monkeys are ancestors and there will be no Passover at all! And what about letting children learn the Old Testament from an early age? Studying the Old Testament affirms that there is a God! If the Israelites deny the existence of God, the Israelites should not occupy Israel! You should return Israel to Palestine! Because you occupy Israel according to the Old Testament Bible - God's Promised Land! But you deny the Creator, you deny the Old Testament, you deny God! You must return the land! The land of Canaan is not something that the Israelites can get by themselves. God has promised that the Israelites are qualified to enter the land of Canaan! Therefore, the Israelites deny God and must leave the land of Canaan!

God in the Old Testament? Does the New Testament have God? Of course there is God in the New Testament! Our God is the only "Triune God"! The God of the New Testament was crucified by the Jews, but can the Jews really kill God? First of all, we must find some clues from the New Testament to prove the existence of God! And the God that the Jews have always believed in is the only "Triune God"! In the New Testament we see King Herod! We must know that there is a God! Herod built the Great Temple! And the Jews have "Solemn Assembly" every Sabbath and Feast! And they teach the children the Torah in the synagogue! The Torah is the Torah! If the Jews were completely atheist, why did King Herod build the Great Temple? If Jehovah God does not exist, why do children learn Torah from childhood? If the ancestors of the Jews were monkeys, the Jews should not have learned the Torah at all! And Darwin's theory of evolution is established, Jews will never kill Jesus, and no one will follow Jesus! It was because the Jews were afraid that their status and power would not be guaranteed, so they killed Jesus!

Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 taels of silver! Jewish Pharisees and priests killed Jesus for power and status! Jews have become addicted to killing God! They have also started the industrial revolution in the past 300 years, and they have rapidly spread the theory of evolution. We can find a very interesting thing - after killing the creator with the theory of evolution, the industrial revolution can develop rapidly! The theory of evolution is a weapon that fuels the industrial revolution! Why after the Industrial Revolution, the transformation of human killings! Humans no longer have humanity, and they will do anything to gain all benefits! Because we all believe in evolution, we all believe our ancestors were monkeys! And after the Industrial Revolution, our environment is aggravated and destroyed! We produce a pile of garbage just to satisfy the desires of our eyes and our flesh, we continue to destroy the environment, and then we say: the greenhouse effect, waste emissions! Why the history of the earth has been several trillion years, and the degree of destruction of the earth can't keep up with the 200-300 years after the industrial revolution! After the Industrial Revolution, the earth is already dying at an accelerated rate! The worsening climate, water pollution, and air pollution are all products of our scientific and industrial revolution! Because we no longer fear God, everything we do is based on our "interest and profits"!