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The US government wants to kill Americans!

December 1, 2022

The moon is cloudy and sunny, and people have misfortunes and blessings! What is a person looking for in his life? I often think about why those people in the United States who monopolize the world's wealth and regard the national treasury as their own treasury~are not subject to legal sanctions? I really don't understand that these corrupt officials in the United States can live with peace of mind? I don't know where these people spend their money? But I really know how these people kill people and squander the hard-earned money of the people! Those who are full of benevolence and morality are the most shameful! What have you really done for the world? You tell people to eat artificial meat, is this environmental protection? The real environmental protection is not artificial meat, but we must keep nature, no artificial!


Regardless of whether gasoline vehicles or new energy vehicles are not environmentally friendly at all! All cars are consumables, and unnecessary waste, how can there be any environmental protection? I remember that in ancient times, when we just moved to a new house, the neighbors all burned stoves! They went out to collect firewood early in the morning. Our family has a barreled gas stove. I asked my mother: Why don't they use a gas stove? Mom said: Gas is expensive! Firewood is cheaper and can be picked up for free! Later, the barreled gas stove became natural gas, and there is no need to call it gas at all. Every home has natural gas pipelines, but have we ever thought about it: it is the cheapest to collect firewood! And then to the barrel gas stove! The most expensive is natural gas! And why is natural gas expensive? Because natural gas equipment is expensive! How many jobs does natural gas eliminate? Is natural gas really environmentally friendly? Environmental protection has never been an issue considered by businessmen. In the eyes of businessmen, only ~ making money!

Why do I hate these corrupt officials in the United States so much? Of course I won't name names, because you believe them and don't think they corrupt either! When the American people are sucked out of their blood and flesh by corruption officials, Americans will know how abominable corrupt officials are! I will help Americans not because I am great, but because I promised God! If I didn't promise God, I should be like those Christians who are only for caring their own riches! There is nothing difficult about being selfish, but when one abandons universal values ​​and follows God's truth, that is the real difficulty! I never got applause, but I got a lot of scolding. Thank you for those scolding, thank you for making me completely ignore those~innocuous scolding! Second uncle's funeral today! Yesterday I told my mother: We are not doing all things for people to see, we are doing everything for God! What do people say about us? It doesn't matter what people think of us. The important thing is that we must be worthy of our conscience! Mom takes money very seriously! Especially since she has no culture and skills and is old, she is even more worried about her future! My parents are not actually greedy people, but circumstances forced them to be greedy! Who will take care of my brother in the future? What about old age, inflation, and insufficient pension? I really understand them quite well! And now I am also in financial crisis due to this epidemic! I have never worried about "money" since I was a child, but now I have to worry about money!


I have many ways to make money, but because I became a Christian, I don't want to disappoint God, just like I promised God to help Americans as much as I can, it's the same reason! If my life is still as before, I can tell my mother loudly: It’s okay! I have money! But I'm really not like before! Because the US government is too evil! Damn it! If the US government falls, I sure won't be afraid of money! I have enough money to feed my parents! But the hateful US government will use any means to pluck us out! The US government will deal with the elderly and vulnerable groups the most! Those who abide by the law will die! They use mandatory taxes! Their high priced energy! They are expensive! It is enough to make us die without a place to bury! The most remarkable thing about the government is that they release viruses! There are all kinds of viruses in our life! And these viruses cause various diseases, including cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes... The medical expenses alone are enough to make everyone ~ bankrupt! This is the hatefulness of the US government! Are you still counting on your 401k and pension to enjoy your old age? Dream! The U.S. government doesn't kill Americans, how can they make America great again!