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The welfare of a utilitarian society doesn't mean happiness!

September 8, 2022

Today I was helping a brother in the church buy the airline tickets, and I just realized that God has been doing many wonderful things in my life! This brother's wife said: She is getting older and may not want to fly around much in the future! I said: You are all so young! My oldest guest was 102 years old! She was really my good guest, their family is very old, but they fly back to Taiwan together every year, but she passed away 3 years ago! Many of my clients are over 85 years old and continue to fly and one client has been flying solo until he died at the age of 89! She is a very good Christian and she loves to fly and evangelize everywhere! She has no money at all, she saves every cent, and she took the bus to the airport, but she was quite burdened with preaching the gospel! We often equate zeal for God with money, but truly zealous people don’t necessarily have money, just like me! However, I am thankful to God! He gave me this poor job. My job doesn’t actually sell air tickets. I mostly help my clients solve their living problems! And I like to help the elderly very much. Many elderly people like to chat with me. Everyone knows: the elderly are very hard to make money! The requirements are also very high! But God put me here, and I am willing to obey God! In fact, I would never kill an old man! Because I really know their life is not easy! I'd love to chat with them too, if I'm really not busy, I'd really love to chat with them for 2-3 hours! There are often frictions between the elderly and their children. I can also understand the difficulties of the children. I hope that they will see the advantages of their children instead of complaining about their children all the time! This is the real value of my job!

We are all going through the hardest days now, and the elderly are the first to bear the brunt! I have parents and I know what parents are worried about? Their pensions simply can't keep up with inflation! The elderly have worked hard for most of their lives, but even retirement has become a distant dream! What's wrong with our country and our world? We should say: We live in a kingdom controlled by the devils! America is truly a country with failed education and moral failure! America is so poor that only money is left! And this money is not for the poor, these wealth are all in the hands of the devils! In the hands of immoral people! Do you think Europe is a welfare state and people are happy? I can tell you: European people are not happy at all! We don't see real smiles on European faces! We do not see happiness in the elderly in Europe! Happiness is simply out of reach for Europeans! The elderly in Europe may have welfare, but can their welfare really make them valuable?

The real problem of the United States is: the United States is a country that is too "utilitarian"! Europe follows the path of the United States and becomes a utilitarian country! No matter how good the welfare is in living in a utilitarian country, people will never be happy! Why? Because people only care about "profits"! Why does the U.S. keep emphasizing that there are too many illegal immigrants at the border? Illegal immigrants come to the U.S. to take the welfare of the American people. How does the U.S. government corrupt the regimes of these countries? How did the US government make these countries into shithole countries? High welfare does not mean high happiness! We have always emphasized "profits", we have never emphasized "morality" and "the value of labor"! "Homeless" are people, not dogs! The government treats everyone like a dog! Just feed us a little dog food, we should thank the governments, should we allow the governments to spoil people casually? Why do you welcome illegal immigrants to come to the United States? If the dollar is not strong, if all the jobs are the same as their local prices, do you think if these illegal immigrants want to immigrate to the United States?

America is as bad as Europe! They keep saying: They don't want illegal immigrants and refugees, but they keep creating more and more refugees and illegal immigrants! The United States, Britain and Europe are indeed hypocritical! Who wants to go to Europe, UK and US if USD, GBP, EUR are all worth the same as their local currency and they are paid the same in the US, UK and EU? The cost of living is high in the US, UK and Europe, and of course illegal immigrants can earn higher wages than their home country! And Europe, Britain and the United States need this group of slaves that can be used! So, the real problem in this world is not that there are too many criminals, but the governments creation of criminals? These countries need these people, so they keep making wars and creating a bunch of refugees! They support corrupt governments everywhere and make people miserable! Refugees and illegal immigrants are driven by profits!

If the Mayor of New York really loved the people, instead of opening a marijuana store, he would start taking down traffic lights and cameras, because these consume so much power! We can ask the police and the homeless to direct the traffic! All power cuts after 10pm! Manhattan should turn off all signboard lights! It's a crime after 10 o'clock anyway! Power rationing means limiting crimes! Why can you limit people to buy toilet paper, why not limit electricity? Money can't buy toilet paper, electricity and energy should be limited so we don't have high-priced energy! In particular, government departments are the first to operate. Government departments should limit electricity and limit heating and air-conditioning temperatures. Government departments have always been the most wasteful departments! We shouldn't pay for energy at all! A month's electricity bill and gas bill are more expensive than the maintenance fee. How can we live? The New York government is the first to restrict the use of electricity and heating in government departments! Take down the traffic lights and cameras! In addition, electricity and gas prices should be limited, and electricity and gas should be priced progressively! And normal users should enjoy discounts, not all the same price!

I really doubt that the mayor of New York loves black people? Or kill black people? Do the Mayor and Governor of New York treat New Yorkers as stupid dogs? Nurturing crimes, making criminals, and making us feel good about you is ridiculous! You open marijuana shops not to improve the lives of the poor at all, but to turn their drug addiction into waste! The elderly, the poor and the homeless all need "respect"! To "respect" a person is to give them life value, not to treat them like dogs and feed them some dog food! The important thing is not to let these people smash, smash, loot and burn, isn't nourishing the crimes the love of the criminals? These criminals just have no value in life. If they truly love and respect the people, they should create jobs and make everyone feel that their life is full of value!