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The words of Revelation are being fulfilled!

August 26, 2022

The latest news is very interesting! Completely overthrow the theory of evolution! Discover dinosaur footprints! Not dinosaur fossils, but dinosaur footprints! It seems that many animal experts who strongly support the theory of evolution will be slapped in the face, but animals are beasts anyway, and beasts have no shame and no humanity! I don't know what kind of beasts they belong to? Maybe even beasts don't want to be like these disgusting elites! I don't want to be like the elite beast either! To be a human being that even beasts look down upon, and to call oneself an elite, is really disgusting! Why hasn't the theory of evolution been overthrown by Christianity? I do not know either! Perhaps Christianity is deliberately letting the theory of evolution run rampant so that people can do evil completely unscrupulously! Those who have God in their hearts will avoid doing evil and receive retribution, but those who do not have God in their hearts are completely shameless to do evil. What is the benefits and do it? Whatever is good for oneself, do whatever it takes to achieve the goal!

There are dinosaur footprints, not dinosaur fossils, it means that dinosaurs appeared! What does the appearance of dinosaurs mean? The theory of evolution is completely wrong! And the prophecy of the Bible book of Revelation is being fulfilled: there was, there is not now, and there will be at the end! Why did the appearance of dinosaurs overturn the theory of evolution? Because the theory of evolution says that we are changed by monkeys. In order to adapt to the environment, monkeys become human! This is a ridiculously ignorant theory that no one with brains would accept! If humans evolved from monkeys, there should be no monkeys in this world! If the theory of evolution is established ~ there will be no extinction of species! Because any species will evolve with the environment to adapt to the environment and survive, how can there be species extinction? Evolution is a contradictory and ignorant theory. How could it possibly be included in a textbook? And forcing children to receive this kind of ignorant education from an early age, only the ignorant America in this world can do it! Why can't human history find evolutionary creatures and plants, but we are forced to believe in evolution, and everyone thinks it's reasonable? We can find God's footprints, but we don't believe in the Creator!

(Revelation 17:8) The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. ~What wisdom do human beings have? Everyone's wisdom is similar! There are many idiots who regard an IQ of 180 as a genius, and even an IQ of 200 may be a fool! Everyone has their own excellence. The difference between genius and stupidity is not in IQ, but in what you do? There are many people who have bad memory and can't think fast enough, but they can sing and dance well and love sports! Many parents just like to think of themselves as gods and force their children to follow my way no matter what, and the result is to kill their children's future! Everyone comes to this world with their own different traits. I don't understand why modern people make themselves neither male or female? They like to work hard on their appearance, but they just follow the trend, but they want people to think they are special. Following the trend is either very ugly or very disgusting, so as to attract attention, because there are so many beautiful things ~ they will never be able to keep up! God's creation is beautiful, and the original is beautiful!

The "Evolution Theory" was born to escort the Industrial Revolution! With evolution, we shouldn't believe in creationism! We should destroy the Creator, everything is the result of evolution, everything is the result of the big bang! Do you think these jokes~ You can't fool a 3-year-old child, but they have fooled many human beings for 100-200 years! Since the Industrial Revolution, our environmental pollution has become more severe today! We have to endure the harm of environmental pollution! We still face the threat of death and war! I really don't quite understand: How much benefits did the Industrial Revolution bring us? How much damage has the Industrial Revolution brought us? Have you ever thought that in just 20-30 years, will the Internet really make our lives better? The Internet has made scammers more rampant, and there is no cost to scamming!

After the "Industrial Revolution", the industrial structure of human beings changed, and human beings began to rely on machines! Our way of life has also started to change, we all rely on machines! We cannot live without machines! We must have machines! A machine must use energy, and a machine cannot function without energy! The Industrial Revolution has accelerated our use of time, but is this what we humans need? We have always been focusing on "efficiency", and there is "efficiency", but does what we produce have quality? In order to increase production, we do not hesitate to use many chemical and physical means, and we even sacrifice people's health! Just to get high yields! The increase in production is not to improve the quality of life, but to increase the income! In order to increase income, since the Industrial Revolution, humans have produced various tricks! All craft products are created to satisfy human laziness!

In order to increase production capacity, we do not hesitate to use a lot of fertilizers! Since the industrial revolution, we have been living without a conscience! We use all our energy to consume the energy of the environment just to satisfy our short-lived laziness! Why are there so many types of human diseases after the Industrial Revolution? And the types of diseases are becoming more and more complex? Because we use too much chemistry and so called high tech industries ~kill our environment! Uncontrolled electricity consumption, driving around, and more and more different ailments in our body are the products of our destruction and laziness! Unnecessary energy consumption will cause environmental damage and pollution, but in order to satisfy our laziness, we still continue to destroy the environment! Environmental damage has caused us to have more different diseases, and our body needs to be "active", and to live is to move! Only through activity can we make our body work well and be less sick! If the body is inactive, how can it be consumed and excreted? Without excretion and consumption, there will definitely be different diseases! Excessive work is to make more money to satisfy desires, this is stupid and dead stupid!

Let me tell you one more thing: everyone thinks our science is amazing now! In fact, we are nothing special at all! You don't believe in the Creator. I want to ask you: why do you believe that GPS and Starlink can monitor the earth in outer space, but you don't believe in the Creator? These are your ignorance! The Bible says: The eyes of God are all over the earth! Why does God's eyes fill the whole earth? We have to build nets and satellites by ourselves. The Creator is the Lord who created all things. We will never know how He created human beings and all things! We used to be wired, and now we are wireless. We only think about how great human beings are. In fact, human creation is not creation at all. We just use the creator's creation law. We should say: We have discovered God's creation principle! God created all things with their own laws, and these laws are "truths". The truth will never change. As long as we follow the "truth", everything will go smoothly! The Bible has always emphasized: the Holy Spirit is in control of all things! And God doesn't have to build a space station or a star chain. Is there a problem? Is there a problem with God being able to call the wind and call the rain? Why can Jesus rebuke the wind and rain? Of course the Creator can make and destroy everything He has created! Why does the theory of evolution exist? Because the theory of evolution is that the devil wants to destroy the Creator, let us not fear God, let us do whatever we can do anything to achieve our goal! "Internet" and "computer computing" are farts to the Creator! Can only say: human beings are too ignorant and proud! For the Creator whatever we have just piece of cake!