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Those who Stupid people tend to think they are smart!

August 26, 2022

America is already a scam elite groups! The euro has fallen below the dollar! This time, the whole world will sacrifice flags.... sacrifice the American flag! The whole world must sacrifice for the US economy! Neurosis will follow American financial theory! Follow American Financial Theory... Everyone is dead! South Korea has been deceived once, and the Korean currency has been degraded to death! The people have just recovered from the pain, and the Korean government continues to play this trick! Does the Korean government really treat the people as garbage? I really hope North Korea will save the South Korean people! Korea is all living a government scam! What chips, weapons, wars really protect the people? These greedy governments will do anything to protect their regime! The people do not need the chip high-tech industry, the people need to live and work in peace and contentment! People don't need high technology to go to space, people just need to live a good life! Japan and South Korea Covid terrible and now economic crashed!

The US dollar is strong this time because the US prints too much money and the US inflation is too strong. Without the help of other countries to pay the debt, the US debt cannot be repaid for thousands of years! The U.S. dollar and gold are decoupled - the United States is doomed! If the United States wants to continue borrowing, it must rely on a strong dollar! Because everyone regards the U.S. dollar as an investment to avoid inflation, only in this way can the U.S. government borrow heavily, and only then can someone take over the U.S. debt! It is stupid and irresponsible for governments to let their currencies depreciate! Currency devaluation can stimulate exports, but relative imported goods will definitely become more expensive, which will cause inflation! The people must be miserable! I really don't like playing economics! In fact, these elites really overestimate themselves! It's quite easy to bankrupt the United States, it's just that you nasty leaders are making plans for yourself, you beasts don't care about the life and death of the people! Britain is getting ready to press the nuclear button! Now is it to see who presses the first nuclear button?

Is a strong dollar good for Americans? Totally bad for the American people, but totally good for those business giants! Because they are exporting the pharmaceutical industry, the military industry, the technology industry... We don't need these things at all! What we need is food and energy! A rising dollar boosts gas and oil prices! This has a direct impact on the American people! The United States has already made money under the monopoly of the world economic system, and now it is using currency monopoly to continuously borrow money! They borrow money to feed the business giants, and the people are miserable! Letting the people continue to live in such misery will only make more and more people commit crimes, because everyone has to commit crimes in order to survive... ! Rather than living in pain, press the nuclear button sooner! Because in winter we have no idea how high energy prices will go! One person is greedy... 1000 bullock carts can't be pulled back! Just like Judas, he betrayed Jesus for 30 taels, and he committed suicide as a result! O Judas! O Judas! Jews! Jews! The last days refer to you antichrists! Judas is definitely not coincidence! The Jews did not know that they killed Jesus! And the finale is really near!

*** Chatting with the election staff that day, it turns out that many people and their relatives and friends take Chinese medicine to treat diabetes! In fact, chronic diseases are the pie of the American pharmaceutical industry! The US pharmaceutical industry collapses, and the US insurance companies collapse! Insurance companies are simply profits endless businesses without cost! China's Covid is treated by Chinese medicine, Taiwan's Covid is more effective to use Chinese medicine than Paxlovid! Let's think about it again: how much is Lianhua Qingwen and Qingguan No. 1? How much is Paxlovid? How profitable is insulin for diabetes? How much profit does Chinese medicine for diabetes have? High blood pressure, cholesterol... These chronic diseases cannot be stopped to take medicine, why? Because stopping the drug is cutting off their profits! The more stupid people ~ the more they believe in lies! People who believe lies often think they are smart!