Israel spent 56 years building its own image, but it collapsed in just two months! The persona Trump spent three years building his image, but collapsed in 2019! The character that the United States spent 250 years building its own image, but collapsed in just these 20 years! What's this? Pride! Let’s reveal how many “lies” Trump actually has? We have all seen the "lies" of Israel and the United States, but Trump's "lies" are more confusing to the people! Israel and Trump both have one thing in common: A victim mentality! Israel has always considered itself the "victim", but they don't know that they are the real "perpetrators"! Israel has been brainwashing the masses: Jews are just a group of innocent people who were persecuted by Hitler! Trump’s role has always been: I am the amateur president who is attacked by financial giants! Is Trump really an innocent “amateur president”? The answer is: Which one is the "innocent victim", Israel or Palestine? It is already miserable to have no country and no autonomy! If the Palestinian people have weapons, do they need to be chased everywhere and stay in the ruins? Do their hospitals and schools need to be bombed? I don't have any "Opinons"! I only know one thing: those who died are innocent people! I know one more thing: The Palestine people all died in the land where they grew up! Who is innocent?
Everyone, please help me! We must expose the "lies" of these "lying politicians" one by one, so that we can obtain God's salvation! God will not redeem us easily because we don’t know what “evil” we have? Just like many pastors say: Believe in Jesus and get the eternal life! Does everyone who believes in Jesus have the eternal life? Of course not! Only those who truly believe in Jesus can have eternal life, that is, we must truly believe in Jesus from our hearts! What happens when you “truly believe in Jesus”? People who truly believe in Jesus will see their own "evilness"! Those who truly believe in Jesus will never and do not want to do evil! People who do evil do not believe in Jesus at all. How can such people have the eternal life? Many people say: I don’t know that I am doing evil! This is their excuse: they don’t know their “evil”! This is absolutely a lie! "Evildoers" know exactly what "evil" is!
How many lies does Trump tell? 1. The "Trump virus" is definitely released from the United States! 2. "The truth about 911" Trump definitely knew! 3. "U.S.-Mexico Border Wall" When we look at the people who are walking in(see the picture below), we will know whether the "U.S.-Mexico Border Wall" is effective? The "U.S.-Mexico border wall" is a corruption project! How long is the "U.S.-Mexico border"? These "border walls" are completely useless! Because it is completely different from the "Open-air prison" in Palestine! Can the population density of "Open-air prisons" be compared with the population density of the "U.S.-Mexico border"? 4. Allow Israel to move its capital to "Jerusalem"! Trump laid the fuse for the "Israeli-Palestinian War"! 5. "Xinjiang Genocide"! Everyone should travel to Xinjiang. I have always wanted to go to Xinjiang because the scenery in southern Xinjiang and northern Xinjiang are completely different! If you go to "Xinjiang", you will know: What is "Xinjiang genocide"? Or "Palestinian genocide"? The misery of the "Palestinian people" is something I have never seen in my life! Even though we have seen many war movies, we have never seen a direct bombing of a hospital! Japan's invasion of China was cruel, but were Japan's weapons at that time comparable to Israel's weapons?
6. America’s “manufacturing industry” is back! Trump has been suppressing China’s “manufacturing industry”. Why? They even use tough "tariffs" to suppress China! Charging "high tariffs" on Chinese goods is the main reason for "price increases"! Can "American manufacturing" return in USA by this way? There are now many factories on the "U.S.-Mexico border" because Mexico uses "low tax rates" and "low labor costs" to attract manufacturing industries! Why did American "manufacturing" leave the United States? Because "the cost of production in the United States is too high"! We must understand: businessmen are not fools! But Trump treats the American people as "idiots"! American manufacturing has left the United States because the cost of production in the United States is too high and there is no profits at all! What is "production cost"? "Worker wages, various taxes, raw material costs, various energy costs of water, electricity and gas"! If, based on the "US dollar exchange rate and interest rate", "any industry in the United States" cannot survive, let alone: various taxes and energy costs in the United States! You can evaluate: Why can China attract a large number of manufacturers? Because China gives too many preferential policies! The most important: China’s energy costs are 1/4 of those in the United States! Therefore, the American people must recognize the fact that the real reason why the American people have no jobs is that the U.S. government wants to "eat the pie alone" and does not care about the lives of its people at all! I want to ask the American people: Does the United States have oil? Is there natural gas in the United States? Why is our electricity, gasoline, and natural gas more expensive than in China?
7. "US Dollar Hegemony"! Trump has always advocated the "strong US dollar", which is basically helping the "capital plutocrats" to harvest the "wealth" from the people of world! 8. "Energy Independence"! This is another lie from Trump! Does the United States have energy? Let me tell you one more thing: The United States has been working hard to exploit shale oil! Why did American energy companies profits so much from the Russia-Ukraine war? The American people need to understand: American energy companies’ earned money has nothing to do with the American people! We also pay high prices for oil, gas and electricity! All energy in the United States is controlled by "capital plutocrats", and the American people do not own American resources! All I can say is: Trump lies too much! We can only reveal part of it! How many more lies? Let’s reveal it slowly!
I often wonder: What would I do if I were the mayor of New York? Let me tell you one thing: If I become the mayor of New York, the retirement age for New Yorkers will be 50 years old! I just don’t understand why these American officials insist on forcing the American people work to die. You know I am studying "Subject 3" now. How can we all become "old people"? How can we have the energy to enjoy retirement life? "Retirement" is not about sitting in a wheelchair and waiting to die. "Retire early" we can "enjoy life early". More importantly: How can young people have jobs if "old people" don't step down? Therefore, "retirement at 50 years old" is the most ideal and suitable age for everyone! We need to change our "lifestyle", but also our "values". Don't wait until we are about to die to find out that our whole life has been "wasted" on making money!