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Turn losses into wins!

October 7, 2022

Many people often complain: How much has this Covid epidemic cost us? How much has the Covid epidemic made us suffer? How much damage is this Covid doing to us? Life is always moving forward! Is it useful to be angry and complain? "Pain", "injury", and "loss" have all been caused, and these are irreparable no matter what, what can we do? It is to repack yourself and move forward again! This "Covid epidemic" is a blessing for me! We must know that there is no time turning back in life! We never go to past! We can never make up for the time we lost! Why did I earn during this "epidemic"? Because I can calm down and study the Bible! I can calm down and pray! I can totally trust God! When we know that there is no one in this world who can help us, our only choice is God!

My nearly 3 years have not been in vain at all! I see the importance of Chinese TCM! I see the importance of God! I see the problem with Christianity! I see what should I do in the future? In the past, all I cared about was myself! I care how much money I can make in a year? Where can I travel every year? I care when I can retire? When can I stop working and earn money? I haven't really had a job to earn money for the past 3 years! My quality of life is not particularly bad! The only worst thing is not going back to Taiwan because the air ticket is too expensive! And the only free ticket I won ~ is still a scam! What I have learned the most in the past 3 years is ~ how to see the deception clearly! "Poor" is sometimes not a bad thing! "Poor" can see a lot of things and see a lot of people clearly! We have all suffered for 3 years, I believe we should be not far from a better day! I've been confessing my sins to God lately! The clothes, shoes, bags I bought before... I may never use up all my life! I don't want to sell either! Because no one is so stupid to buy something and resell it! After all, buy it if you like it! Just save money for your future! It seems that I don't have to go shopping for the rest of my life!

(Matthew 11:28) Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (29) Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.(30) For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.~ Jesus said: All who labor and are heavy burdened can come to Jesus, and Jesus can give us rest! Jesus said: His yoke is easy, and his burden is light! It seems that Jesus is not king in the world, and he has no power. Why does Jesus want us to go to him? And why does Jesus give us rest? I believe a lot of people don't believe in Jesus, and I've been asking God: How can I show people that You are important?

Many churches and pastors love it~ Forced sales! I don't like forced sales! I don't like people forcing me to buy things, and I won't force others to buy things, because I think the products that are forced to sell must be very bad! Does Christianity suck? Is Jesus sucks? Does God suck? Why force sales? I often pray healing prayers for non-Christians, and I only tell them one thing: I don't heal you, but God heals you! Just remember to give the glory to God! Don't thank me! Thank God! As for whether you want to become Christians? This is your decision, I will not force you to become Christians! Actually, I healed a lot of non-Christians and became very godly Christians. God wants me to heal non-Christians, but God never said: They must be baptized into a Christian, and then you can heal them! I always ask God: Can I heal them? God said: Yes! I will heal them! I've never used "healing" as a quid pro quo to force them to "baptize into Christians"! Who the "Holy Spirit" wants to heal is the sovereign power of the Holy Spirit! As for whether they were healed and became Christians? This is also a personal choice!

Just got off the phone with an old guest! Although their husband and wife have children, their daughter is in Taiwan and their son is busy working in the United States. Their English is not good, and their computers are not good! So, I need special help for them! Everyone asks: Can travel agencies make money now? My answer is: No! But I am purely helping those old people! I have a lot of elderly guests, I don't earn a lot of money from them, I often treat them very well, because I know I want everyone to be very kind to my parents too! I am not around my parents and I hope others can help my parents. In the same way, I also believe that the children of these elderly people hope that they can get help from others! Many travel agencies mainly focus on slaughtering people to make money, especially when they encounter such elderly people who do not understand English and computers, they must slaughter these people! But for these people, I must earn less! Because they are retired and have limited income, if we can help, help!

Why did Jesus say: His yoke and burden are easy and light? Many people think that Jesus means: After we become Christians, God keeps us, and we don't have to work hard! Actually, we were all wrong! Jesus once said: If you are forced to go one mile, go two miles! Interpret the Bible not literally, but according to Jesus' mind! Jesus is not telling us how great He is, but Jesus is telling us: we can all learn like Jesus and we will have easy yokes and light burdens! What is the biggest problem for us modern people? Let us not suffer ourselves! We always hope that others will suffer, and we take the greatest advantage! Just like Jesus said: If someone forces you to go one mile, accompany him to go two miles! If each of a little more! Each of us has an easy yoke, and our burdens are light! Do a little more is very important!

Why does everyone "do a little more" and our yoke gets easier? Why do our burdens become lighter? Because we do our professional things, if we do a little more, we can help unprofessional people share some of it! Just like the elderly, their English is not professional, and their computer is not professional, I can help them by doing more, and it is not difficult for me! The people who the Roman soldiers forced to walk a mile with them must be young and strong, and they will certainly not force the old and the weak to carry luggage! For the same reason, it is easy for each of us to do more in our own profession, but we can help those who are completely unprofessional and solve many troubles and difficulties! If every Christian does the will of Jesus and understands the truth of Jesus, our Christian life will naturally become very easy! There are just too many Christians taking advantage now! If everyone just wants to "take advantage", and everyone doesn't even move a finger and throws their work to others, then of course everyone has a heavier workload! This epidemic has taught us one thing - everyone is equal in the face of the viruses! And what we need is not to "earn" more, but we should be to "give" and "help" more! Being able to "give" and "help" means we are prosperous!