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Unclear Bunker

December 20, 2023

I once had a conversation about the Bible with a Jewish man. The Jew reads the Old Testament. He says that there is too much killing in the Old Testament, and he prefers the New Testament. There is indeed a lot of "killing" in the Old Testament! I have to be honest: If you can’t read the Old Testament, there’s unnesscessary to read the Bible! I can tell you something that I am very proud of: There are less than 10 people in the world who can read the Old Testament, and I am one of them! Why do I know that there are less than 10 people in the world who can read the Old Testament? Because the Old Testament is from Genesis to Malachi, I have heard too many pastors preach. They don’t understand Genesis at all. How can they read on? The pastor I admire most so far: David Pawson! His Old Testament is very good because he studied the Old Testament very carefully! But he was still a little confused about Genesis and Revelation! Because we all know that to understand the Bible, we must rely on Jehovah God to enlighten our wisdom! I originally wanted to share Balaam with everyone, but the number of words is limited! I already published thousands of articles online, none of my articles are duplicates, and I will not plagiarize other people’s articles! This is not my wisdom, this is God’s wisdom! The Bible is the wisdom of God! "Huangdi Neijing, Tao Te Ching, Yi Jing, Analects of Confucius" these are all human wisdom! "Human wisdom" is what we now call "humanities and science"! And "God's wisdom" is "truth"! "Truth" always controls "humanities and science"!

I watched a video a while ago, where a professor explained "The Analects of Confucius", and I almost fainted. These people are all messy and pieced together, just like many pastors interpreting the Bible. They interpret whatever words they see in the Bible. As a result, there are a lot of contradictions in the Bible and the authenticity of the Bible is doubted! The Bible cannot be explained one book at a time. The Bible is holistic, and the Bible is definitely not as simple as the words you see in your eyes, let alone those Jewish rabbis’ random tricks to deceive people: What kind of Bible code! The "Bible Code" is in the hands of Jehovah God! Why do I say: "Truth" controls "Science"? We all know "gravity" right? "Gravity" is the truth! If we could understand the mystery of gravity, humans could fly! I mean flying without any tools! It's like swimming, but in the air! Actually, I have a lot of questions about these scientists going to space. I want to ask NASA: How do you know that your exploration robot is on Mars? How could they not be on an unknown planet? And does Mars have gravity? And does the moon have gravity? These mysteries cannot be explained by a few lies videos!

Why should I study the Bible? When I read the Old Testament, I became even more sure that there is a Creator in this world! Why is there so much killing in the Old Testament? Behind every killing is Jehovah God teaching us the “Truth”! When we understand that there is a Creator in this world, we can understand where we come from? Where will we go? We need to know where life is going in the end? Everyone must face "death"! "Death" is a level that no one can escape! The purpose of reading the Bible is to let us know: Where will we go after we die? We won’t be afraid to face death! Do you really believe those scientists who lied about the miracle medicine of immortality? If there is a magic elixir of immortality, why should it be our turn? If there is a magic elixir of immortality, it should belong to scientists and those rich people. Is it none of our business? Let me tell you: there is no magic pill for immortality! Human lifespan is in the hands of the Creator! Why do I believe the Old Testament? How much smarter do you think Moses was than the people of Israel? In the same era, the thinking and logic should not be too far apart! If Moses was so good at making up stories, and the stories he made up were in line with the logic confirmed by modern science, do you think it is possible? The reason why I can read the Old Testament is that the thinking logic of the Old Testament is so strong! The Old Testament is not a book of fairy tales! Only the "Truth" of the Old Testament can fulfill the logic of the Old Testament! This is why I believe in the same truth as "Chinese Medicine"!

I saw many rich people and national leaders preparing "nuclear bunkers"! Sometimes I really feel that these people are truly "human-headed pig-brained people". Let's not name who is the human-headed pig-brained person? Everyone understands! Do you really think that if a "nuclear war" breaks out, underground bunkers can help you save your lives? It's like a turtle with its head shrinking. How long can a turtle with its head shrinking without sticking out its head? How long can you rich people and leaders stay in the underground fortress? Don't you need some fresh air? Don't you need to drink water? When a "nuclear war" breaks out, you don't need to hide in an underground bunker, but you need to know how to survive? We now know: "water" cannot dilute "radioactive materials"! If water could dilute radioactive materials, so many fish would not die in Japan! When "nuclear war breaks out" God will definitely tell me what to do! This is why I am not afraid of "nuclear wars"! Because I know He is God! He is the God who controls everything in the universe! You are really too childish! Are you capable of building airplanes and cannons? Is your AI robot amazing? Try building a mountain! You try to open a river! Why do I say: Huangdi Neijing and Yi Jing are both humanities science? The humanities science understand these principles, but they cannot create them! Just like the ancient Chinese calendar! We can understand astronomy and celestial phenomena, but we cannot control them at all! Everyone knows "Qigong", right? "Practice qigong" will produce "aura", and the "aura" may be a "magnetic field". I don't know because I haven't studied it. But I know that when our "aura" changes, there will be a "sense of wind". This is what science says: energy changes! I just want to tell you: Our technology is too outdated! And don't be deceived by those rich people! Nuclear bunkers cannot save lives! Nuclear bunkers allow them to survive for up to 3 months! As long as I find a way to dilute the radioactive elements, I will definitely be able to eat, drink and have fun! It will be free then, how cool! Hahaha! Better to have a nuclear war! This way I can know whether Jehovah God can protect me or not?! I believe you will not be afraid of nuclear war, because your gods should be able to protect you! If your gods are afraid of nuclear wars, then they are not gods! Can we see who is the true God?