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Unclear Wars, Inflation!

April 27, 2022

           Just told with the neighbors, I said: If you have any sore throats, pull out the bracken at our door and boil water to drink! He didn't know that this could boil water! Americans do not believe in Chinese herbal medicine. They believed weastern medicine. I have studied Chinese and Western medicine when I was in school! And I have also been Shennong's...I have already tasted the food at the door! So I can fully act as a Chinese medicine agent!  Ha ha! In addition, my mother and I made a special decision yesterday to witness the glory of God later!

           There are two pieces of news: One means our prices will be higher, we should face more high inflation! Just now, the old neighbor said: Too bad.... Everything goes up! Prices, energy ... nothing does not rise! The wars must eventually lead to nuclear war! Why?  Because we need to understand who started the war? Why start a war? And long before the war I had told my friends... Result! Check out my predictions online!