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US created the huge gap between Rich and Poor--scourges the world!

September 1, 2022

"The gap between the rich and the poor" is the words I have heard since I was a child. I remembered that in ancient times, there has always been a "gap between the rich and the poor" in European and American countries! Is there a gap between the rich and the poor in Taiwan? Strictly said: Taiwan is just following the footsteps of Europe and the United States. It is reasonable that Taiwan should not have a gap between the rich and the poor, but the gap between the rich and the poor has become more and more serious in Taiwan in the past 20-30 years. While Taiwan was originally ruled by Japan, Taiwan had done many things to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor! But in recent decades, the gap between the rich and the poor in Taiwan has become more and more outrageous, and it has continued to expand indefinitely! The number of poor people is increasing, and poor families are already common in every community. Why is there such an alarming wealth gap in Taiwan? Taiwan has almost caught up with the third world countries, and Taiwan is following the bad methods of Europe, America and Britain! In terms of currency value, Taiwan has changed from old Taiwan dollars to new Taiwan dollars! The cultivator has his own land in Taiwan! Taiwan also makes education common in Taiwaneses to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. Why is the gap between the rich and the poor in Taiwan getting worse? Because Taiwan's corruption has been increasing!

Decades ago, I first heard about the "rich and poor gap" in the news, and many countries have been working to eliminate the gap between the rich and the poor, but decades have passed! The "gap between the rich and the poor" has not been eliminated, and the gap between the rich and the poor is even worse. Now it is not a gap between the rich and the poor within a country, but a universal gap between the rich and the poor all over the world! Poor countries are getting poorer and rich countries are getting richer! We have been deceived by the media and experts and scholars for a long time. We believe that the gap between the rich and the poor is a normal phenomenon in the economic structure. The gap between the rich and the poor is not a normal phenomenon at all, and there should be no poor countries in the world at all! "The gap between the rich and the poor" is a product of a planned economy. What is a planned economy? "Planned economy" is also known as "corruption economy"! The corrupt economy divides the people into 369 grades, and the country where the gap between the rich and the poor appears is the planned economy that divides the industry into 369 grades! Why are poor countries getting poorer, because they are all manufacturers and suppliers of low-end industries! When a person's labor force is deliberately suppressed and undervalued, our labor is completely "cheap" or has no value at all! We are the poor with no production value forever!

(1 Corinthians 6:8) Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren.~ To be honest, the gap between the rich and the poor has nothing to do with family background and wealth! The real reason for the "gap between the rich and the poor" is that the rich oppress the poor! To solve the "gap between the rich and the poor", we must first solve the problem of the poor! And Taiwan has always been committed to solving the gap between the rich and the poor, because only without the poor can society be stable! And since Lee Teng-hui became president, Taiwan has started direct presidential elections, and the gap between the rich and the poor in Taiwan has widened like a rocket! The "gap between the rich and the poor" is the result of the rich oppressing the poor. What would cause the gap between the rich and the poor? It's "the rich govern the country"! The rich govern will never reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, but widen the gap between the rich and the poor soon and huge! The Kuomin party began to be able to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor in Taiwan. The Kuomin party has indeed made a lot of efforts! Especially in the era of Chiang Ching-kuo, Mr. Chiang Ching-kuo devoted himself to the implementation of the "Ten Constructions"! The "Ten Major Constructions" and the popularization of education are both important steps to eradicate poverty!

Why does Paul say in 1 Corinthians: Brother oppresses brother? The most important product of the "gap between the rich and the poor" is that the rich oppress the poor! The church is often oppressed. How does the church oppress? The church divides people into 369 classes, and the church's oppression is the source of the planned economy of the gap between the rich and the poor! We have various services in the church, and the pastor is generally placed in a high position. The pastor has unlimited power, unlimited money, and many church members are unpaid, but the pastor will definitely pay, and the salary is particularly high. This becomes "different pay for equal work"! Many people will ask: Of course the pastors and church cleaners and deacons are not the same! We are all "co-workers", we are all doing God's work, why "different work"? We are reading the Bible carefully, and the Bible says "equal pay for the equal work"! Including Levi, their positions are different, but their salary is the same! The church often pays high salaries and high power to pastors. Many Christians are not qualified to be pastors at all, but they use many illegal means to obtain pastor positions for high salaries and power - scourge the church! A lot of people become pastors not for serving God , but for makeing money and controlling congregations!

"Pastor" is a position many Christians aspire to! The pastor has the highest authority in the church! Who can qualify as a pastor? After graduating from seminary and being ordained by other old pastors, you can become a pastor! The Church is the reflection of the darkest dimension of society! Many pastors are greedy, greedy for power and money. They don't want to do God's work at all. They use God's name to get more money and power, and they corrupt the church! Many pastors are not rooted in the Bible, they turn the church into a club, they use different methods to attract the congregations, use different methods to betray the God's church, and use the church of Jesus to gain money and control Christians! This is why the church is getting more and more corrupt! The Bible says: Workers deserve their wages! I've been in the church for over 5 years and I've never been paid, and I've worked really hard! Just get a bunch of complaints and accusations! See how bad the church is? God has never allowed the church to "different pay for equal work"!

Paul preaches, is Paul's salary particularly high? Paul was also a missionary. Why is the poorest missionary in the church today? The "church" is usually the most direct mirror of society. What we see in the church is mostly a social phenomenon! And the infinitely widening gap between the rich and the poor in our society is the result of dividing people into 369 grades and unequal pay for equal work! "Equal work must be paid equally"! Why is equal pay for equal work? This is the only way to eliminate the gap between rich and poor! Why does Taiwan practice "the tiller has his own land"? Why does Taiwan implement "375 rent reduction"? Why are there "Ten Constructions"? Why make common education? Because "equal pay for equal work" can eliminate the gap between the rich and the poor! Our time and labor are the same and we should get the same pay. America makes people having different levers that is the terrible ways caused the huge gap between rich and poor! I have always hated communism, but some ideas of communism can indeed be preserved! We need to understand how things are neither absolutely good nor absolutely bad! We have to solve the problem in our own way! Communism is a big pot of rice! Communism is equal pay for equal work! But if there is no more poverty in the human world, is there a problem with eating a big pot of rice and equal pay for equal work? We have always been taught that poverty is due to laziness, but why are generally hardworking people poor all their lives? And that's why fraudulent syndicates are prevalent!

Why do we have so many poor countries? Why do we have so many poor people? And America really has more poor people than China! "Poverty" is always the cause of social unrest! Reasons for "Poverty" We underestimate or even ignore the labor value of the poor! We do not pay attention to the resources of poor countries at all, and we continue to exploit the labor force of poor countries! The United States uses its own high-tech advantages to enhance the value of technology. What is more important to the general public about "high technology" or "food"? I keep saying "eat hi-tech chips"! Think about it: Is the "hi-tech chip industry" really that important? If you can't even eat, do you care about "chips"? The value of "chips" is that they can be exchanged for money to buy food. If hi-tech chips can't be exchanged for food, who cares about hi-tech chips? I think potato chips more important than hi-tech chips! That is, the government cares about hi-tech chips, the government develops technology and weapons, and high technology and weapons are the government's life-saving charm! "Closing the gap between the rich and the poor" is not to make the people richer, but to make the poor rich! Deng Xiaoping said: Let some people get rich, then we should be committed to making all people rich! It's not the rich who oppress the poor! When everyone gets rich, it is the hard guarantee for the consolidation of the regime!