"The US dollar is marginalized"! Have you ever thought about: The US dollar is marginalized? What is "marginalization"? Just no longer needed! Why did the United States become a "hegemonic country"? Why can the U.S. dollar become the “hegemonic currency”? The United States became a hegemonic country not because of its "powerful force", but because the United States has "things" that the world needs! This is a very important concept: "demand"! Because the U.S. dollar can buy what the world needs most, the U.S. dollar will become a "hegemonic currency"! Many people think that because the United States is strong, the U.S. dollar has become a "hegemonic currency"! This is a very stupid concept! This concept must be corrected!
The reason why the United States can become a "hegemonic country" is because of the "US dollar hegemonic currency"! If the US dollar is not a hegemonic currency, the United States cannot become a "hegemonic country"! Just like when we go to work in a company, why do we go to work in this company? Do we work because the company is large and has good benefits? Or do you work because of the company's "salary"? If this company is large, has many employees, and has good benefits, but there is a problem: they pay "Indonesian rupiah" in the United States, will you work in this company? Therefore, "American hegemony" comes from "the hegemony of the US dollar"! Because the "US dollar" has become the main trading currency for many "necessities" around the world, this is how the Federal Reserve can raise interest rates at will, print money at will, and harvest the wealth of the "middle class" around the world at will! Can the US dollar be "marginalized"? Will the US dollar be "marginalized"? If Trump becomes president, he will certainly not marginalize the U.S. dollar, because his wealth will definitely shrink! But the RMB has a way to "marginalize the U.S. dollar"!
The RMB marginalizes the US dollar to save many "corrupt" countries! How to "marginalize the US dollar"? RMB has now implemented "digital RMB"! China only needs to do a few things for the RMB to "marginalize the US dollar"! 1. Chinese banking institutions open branches in various countries! 2. There will no longer be exchange settlement between RMB and US dollars! How to play this game? The rules of the game are simple! It’s the “share of digital RMB”! Now you can buy almost anything with RMB, but how to promote RMB to the "private people"? The RMB will definitely not become an "officially currency" accepted countries, because most "corrupt regimes" accept "US dollars"! As long as the RMB is operated among the private sector and is not settled into US dollars, the "circulation rate" of the RMB can be expanded!
RMB payments are all mobile payments, so we will expand the payment platform! This is why banks with RMB are needed everywhere. The purpose of RMB banks is to provide services for "digital RMB"! We start to promote "Digital RMB"! People in various countries use RMB for transactions, which will definitely expand the circulation rate of RMB! As for the "currency" of various countries...corrupt countries use "printing money" to corrupt! The RMB is the "gold" of the peg, and everyone's confidence in the RMB will increase! If people in various countries no longer use "USD transactions", then the US dollar will definitely be "marginalized"! As long as the more "things" RMB can buy, the liquidity of RMB will be stronger! "Digital RMB" is more suitable for countries in South America with poor public security! There are many Chinese doing business around the world. As long as China’s exports are traded in RMB, 50% of the world’s RMB circulation rate should soon be achieved! Now the most important thing: the bank!
China needs to open a large number of "banks" in different countries because this is to serve the "digital renminbi"! Another point is very important: The US dollar has high interest rates! China can use "low-interest RMB" to lend money, help small and medium-sized enterprises in various countries, and make the circulation of "digital RMB" faster! There are so many benefits to circulating "digital RMB"! Chinese people are not stupid! Why doesn’t China dare to play the “financial game”? Playing "financial games" is not to "make money", but to help people around the world "solve corruption problems"! The "corruption problem" must be solved first before people can live a good life!