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US monetary policy

October 9, 2023

I’ve always wondered why the Federal Reserve does so many “magic operations”? "Magic operation" = "crazy operation"! They are simply manipulating "currency" crazily. The Federal Reserve is either a "madman" or a "fool" to operate currency in this way! What God spoke to me this morning gave me an "Aha moment"! We must first assume a few things, and we will understand why the Federal Reserve's "monetary policy" has been so in recent years! 1. If as early as 10 years ago, or earlier, a "nuclear war" to destroy mankind would have been planned! "Nuclear war" is definitely not a natural disaster like 311, but a "man-made planned disaster"! 2. The "Federal Reserve" is also known as the "Alliance of the Rich"! If the "Alliance of the Rich" plans a "nuclear war", it must first arrange the place to "save its own life"! Therefore, the "Rich Alliance" chose the address "Jerusalem"! Do you remember what the Bible says: Where are the new heavens and the new earth? "Jerusalem"! The alliance of rich people has planned to build a nuclear fortress, what is needed? "Money"! Although these people are "rich", they are also "greedy"! They want to be "empty-handed to finish their want" seems as "$0 paid shopping"! Use "US Dollars" to build their castle! 3. "Quantitative Easing"! Why does the United States print large amounts of US dollars? Why did the United States use "quantitative easing monetary policy" in the past few years? These are all designed! "Quantitative easing monetary policy" can put investment and construction on track more quickly! Because there is more money, more investment, and the alliance of rich people can quickly build their own nuclear fortress! Very smart! 4. Get ready to close the net! The alliance of rich people has prepared for a "nuclear war". Is it possible that the "nuclear war" will not start? Of course the fight will begin! But the assets of the Rich Alliance have not been completely sold out yet! This is "monetary tightening policy"! "Monetary tightening policy" is difficult to understand! Let me explain to you!

"Monetary tightening policy" means that the alliance of rich people wants to get "cash" back! We need to understand that when war breaks out, what is the most valuable thing on hand? Cash, Gold and Jewelry! Although the Rich Alliance lives in Jerusalem, they still need to "trade", so they still compare who is "richer"! This can explain why more and more wealthy people are selling their "real estate"? And is "Evergrande Group" an accident? Of course not! Always remember the wisdom of our ancestors: preserve the value of real estate in prosperous times! During the wars, gold always comes first! Xu Jiayin is just a greedy idiot who was taken advantage of! Xu Jiayin is the idiot used by the alliance of rich people to rob the Chinese people! Everyone now understands why "quantitative easing policy" was introduced, and why did it immediately turn to "monetary tightening policy" in such the drama?

Didn’t I always emphasize that the alliance of rich people should be "To catch a white wolf with nothing”? The U.S. debt has increased by about 30 trillion since Obama! Of the 30 trillion, there may not be 1 trillion actually spent on the American people! 10 trillion is used to fight wars, consolidate the United States' position as world hegemon, and prepare for "apocalyptic nuclear war"! The other 19 trillion will of course be used to create the "Utopia of the Alliance of the Rich"! The issuance of "U.S. bonds" by the United States can be said to be "printing US dollars", but it can also be said that it is not "printing US dollars"! The Fed no longer has the ability to print large amounts of US dollars! They can only be traded in the form of "US bonds"! "Print US dollars" requires too much cost, and the Federal Reserve is unable to pay the cost! The Fed's sale of U.S. bonds is the fastest way to allow cash to flow back! The "Utopia of the Rich Alliance" must be "physical transactions"! On the one hand, the Federal Reserve uses "high interest rates" to sell "short-term U.S. bonds"; on the other hand, it can use "high interest rates" to allow more "cash to flow back"! Now, do you understand what the Fed’s “monetary policy” is really about? The "Rich Alliance" is indeed smart! 1. They don’t need to spend any money to build a “rich people’s alliance utopia”! 2. They hold US dollar cash in their hands at no cost! 3. They engage in "nuclear war" to destroy the world at no cost! Do they need to pay a price for causing the "Covid virus"? Do they need to pay a price for triggering the "Russian-Ukrainian war"? Finally, they trigger a "nuclear war" and they are ready for their own utopia! Who is pitiful? Is God pitiful? Does God suffer? Is God tortured? If you don’t believe in God, then you believe in the “The rich Alliance”! If you don’t love God, you love the “The rich Alliance”! Is this disaster caused by God? Think for yourself!