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Vurtual World/虚拟世界

September 18, 2023

No one will educate children and say: Children! You just take drugs, drink alcohol, and play games at home every day! Because when you go hiking, there will be landslides, you will get lost, and you may be struck to death by lightning strike! If you go out to drive, you will get into a car accident, and you may be hit and killed by a car! If you go out for surfing, you will encounter a tsunami, and you will be eaten by sharks and die! Anyway, there are many dangers out outside, so the safest things to do is: take drugs, drink alcohol, and play games at home! Why don’t people think: I will choke to death when eating at home! You will choke to death if you drink water! If you are struck by lightning while playing a game, you will be electrocuted! People can die even if they are angry about a huge eletricity bill - they can die of cerebral hemorrhage! Is the “virtual world” really good for our children? Or is the "virtual world" the easiest and fastest tool to make money and manipulate people? I believe everyone has a ruler in their own mind!
