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Wars profits!

November 23, 2022

Where does our money go? Our money is floating in outer space! Our money is on the space station! Our money is in Bitcoin! Our money has been emptied by virtual currency! Our money is short in stocks! We buy insurance with real money...but the insurance is also empty-handed! Our money is in the hands of fake medical fraud syndicates! Our money is in the great weapons.... It uses over by the wars! We are bloody little people!

If the government does not fight, how can there be consumption? There must be destruction to have consumption! If the government does not have deceptive high-tech, how can we have consumption? How can we have consumption without the government creating all kinds of viruses and diseases? If the government is not corrupt, how can houses be built in flooded places? How can the subway be soaked? The governments of the world are the root of all evil! Using wars, using viruses, using destruction... The purpose is to take away the property of ordinary people! The common people live and work in peace and contentment, what do they want the government to do? The common people live and work in peace and contentment. The government is ~ superfluous!

We are really worse off now than the Israelites were in Egypt! Israelis still have meat and leeks to eat in Egypt at least, and they don’t have to worry about poor law and order... How bad is the law and order in the United States now? How many Americans can't buy meat and leeks? There is also a bunch of fake news and false information in the United States, including church pastors who have released a mess of false information! Do we really want this kind of democracy? Democracy full of lies and scams....I really don't want it! The government collects taxes at will, and the government slaughters people for money at will. Now I know it, my maintenance fee increased because everything increased! It's Thanksgiving in a few days, and the neighbor asks: How do you celebrate? In fact, I really don't want to celebrate! I'm still wondering: why did God let the Indians feed the Pilgrims turkey? Why not just let these Puritans starve to death! If there were no Puritans 400 years ago, there would be no evil America and the evil American government today! I really can't forgive the US government.... because they are so evil! If I wasn't a Christian....but I've promised God to let Him deals with these beasts and liars! U.S. officials are a bunch of beasts in clothes! Aside from dressing like a person....nothing is a person! (I just talked to my neighbors about the Vietnam War and my grandma’s experience of the terrible wars...Who likes "wars"? Businessmen and government officials like wars! Because they can make money from wars!)