October 5, 2024

We modern people are very superstitious about "nuclear bombs" and "nuclear energy". Even the United States and Israel regard "orange bombs" and "white phosphorus bombs" as deadly weapons! To be honest: "Orange bombs", "white phosphorus bombs" and "nuclear bombs" are highly destructive to the environment, but they are definitely not lethal weapons of destruction! The truly powerful weapon of destruction is "cluster bombs"! What is a "cluster bomb"? "Cluster bombs" wrap many small bombs in a carrier and release them all when they reach the target location. This will definitely hit the target coordinates on a large scale! The inventors of the "orange bomb", "white phosphorus bomb" and "nuclear bomb" must be idiots! These people use the destruction of the environment to destroy their enemies. Don’t you think the people who invented these are a group of “idiots”? The environment has been damaged and destroyed. I would like to ask those invaders: Is it useful for you to occupy that land? The United States used atomic bombs to hit Japan. Will the United States dare to take Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan? Those places just turned into wastelands! Just like the "orange bomb" turned Vietnam into a wasteland, Vietnam has a very high rate of cancer patients because the "orange bomb" polluted the land! Worshipping of Einstein, he was also a fool! Only a fool would touch a nuclear bomb! I can tell you: nuclear bombs, nuclear power generation... are not economical at all, but they do bring a lot of profits to the consortiums!

The cost of Tesla electric cars should be cut in half! Tesla basically: The cost is too high and the profits is too high! The manufacturing cost of an electric car like Tesla should be US$3,000, but Musk’s current price is higher than US$35,000. So, basically, Musk earns US$30,000 from selling a Tesla! Of course, the $30,000 US dollars will also be donated to US government officials! The cost of an electric car like Tesla can definitely be controlled costing at $3,000! But electric cars are not the best choice! With current technology, we can probably only develop "gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles"! The energy of the future must be: renewable, pollution-free energy! When building a car, we need to control the weight of the car, and as long as we control a certain speed, the weight of the car body can be reduced a lot! In this way, energy can be used effectively without requiring a lot of energy!

Why I say: Nuclear power generation is unnecessary waste! The average household use of "wind energy + solar energy" is enough for our daily electricity consumption! "Nuclear power generation" is like a woman who doesn't want to enrich herself, but just wants to sleep and make money. This woman just thinks it's easier to take off her pants and make money! In fact, nuclear power generation causes serious environmental pollution! We are now facing a problem all over the world: Governments and capitalists want to make money by generating electricity! Just like why we need "pipeline gas" and "power grid"? These are necessary for our daily lives, and they are also tools for the government and capitalists to control people and make money! Nuclear power generation is fast, but it is polluting, relatively costly, and the conversion rate of nuclear energy is low! Our real "power consumption" now is in the process of "transmission" and "storage"! If every household uses solar and wind turbines, it will reduce the "transmission consumption" and "storage consumption" of electricity! If every household used solar and wind power, they might be able to make more money selling electricity! In fact, each building can have its own solar and wind power generation system! They can even make money by providing "electricity" to large factories!

We need to know: Environmental pollution is not necessary! "Environmental pollution" has only one purpose: Capitalists want to make money! Capitalists can sacrifice the benefits and lives of ordinary people in order to make money! This is what we know: Why Israel uses white phosphorous bombs and the United States uses orange bombs and nuclear bombs! The cars of the future must be lightweight, and a lightweight body can use renewable energy and will not cause environmental pollution! Wind energy + solar energy are renewable energy sources, which are also the best gifts God has given us! God has given us a lot of grace, but modern people’s ignorance wastes these graces! I want to ask the rich Americans: Do you think your wealth can be taken to hell? Rich Americans, can you really live forever? You are so naive! You have wealth, but your unscrupulousness will only make you suffer! Rich people all over the world, every day of your life is your torture and pain! Don't think yourselves are awesome! You can create so much pollution and make so many people sick and die. The pain of everyone hurt by you will be inflicted on you one by one! God exists no matter you believe in Him or not! Do you rich people believe in God and He exists? Rich people don't believe God, but He still exists forever......You will inevitably endure the pain you deserve! Maybe, it doesn't matter that we poor people are being oppressed by these people! We have our eyes set on eternal life! These beasts have oppressed us for a few decades at most. Even if our lives end, they will have no one to oppress! " Retribution" will surely come to these people, and their money will never help them escape God's judgment! Their money will only make them miserable in this life and even more miserable in eternity! I really don’t understand: Why are those elderly people in the United States so evil? Especially those rich old ghosts! I don’t see what’s so great about the rich Americans? Are they really ugly? Or have you lost your moral conscience, which is amazing?

We just need to guard our hearts and our mouths, and keep our eyes on heaven! Keep your eyes on the blessing of eternal life! Don't live in your own pain forever! We can treat life as a game, and the meaning of our life is to eliminate the evil people in our lives! Of course, after the evil people are eliminated, our lives will also end! Isn’t every online game the same? Once the evil people are eliminated, the game is over! When the game is over, will we still remember the evil people? No one will want to remember how many evil people we killed, but we will know: We succeeded and We overcome the evil people!!