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Western medical weapons!

November 27, 2022

I wanted to share with you how to play the game of life, but we are all in the "squid game" now, we are all "squids" in this game, how do we survive in the cracks? Have the opportunity to share with you again! We can play games best! We have no advantages, but we can cause damage! Today I want to sabotage again! What are we going to destroy today? Let's expose the shameless lies of western medical! Just chatting with a friend, I said: The three biggest magic weapons of Western medical are "cutting, killing, and destroying"! She said: You should add another "pick"! I also very much agree! So, to sum up: Western medical treatments is "cutting, picking, killing, and destroying"! The treatment methods of Western medical have a great relationship with the humanistic thinking of Westerners!


"Cut" to cut off different parts! Western medical treatments, good or bad, cuts them all out! That is, regardless of benign or malignant tumors, all tumors are removed! There are also stupid actresses who are afraid of hereditary breast cancer and take the initiative to remove their breasts! "Picking" means harvesting organs! Western medical treatments is to remove the whole organ as long as there is a little lesion! What do you say? My friend had uterine fibroids, so the doctor asked her to remove her uterus! Many doctors encourage women to remove their wombs! Their theory is: removing the uterus can reduce the pain of many women! Do you know the consequences of removing the uterus? Removing the uterus displaces all our organs! We have been saying: Anita Mui! Why didn't the uterus be removed at the beginning, then Anita Mui could survive! Anita Mui is not because the uterus was not removed, but because Western medicine is not saving lives at all! Even if Anita Mui had her uterus removed, her 5-year survival rate would not exceed 50%! Because cancer spreads! "Remove" this organ, there are other organs to be removed! Just like Jobs, these are Western medical lies!


"Killing" means killing one's own cells, one's own immune system, one's own circulatory system, one's own body! "Destroy" means to eliminate viruses and germs, and of course the body will be destroyed along with the viruses and germs! You ask me why I don't advocate Western medical treatments? I would like to ask everyone: How many cells are there in our body? How many cells are in our organs? Why do we believe that organs transplanted by Western medical treatments will not cause body rejection at all? Why do we think that organs transplanted by Western medical treatments can function effectively in the body? Can every neuron connect well? Surgery is the magic weapon of western medical treatments! Because every operation is a tool for Western medical to make money! Why is there a market for organ transplants? Because Western medical treatments deception is quite high! They have never announced: the 5-year survival rate after "organ transplantation"! The most important thing about "organ transplantation" and "organ removal" is not the success of the operation, but the "survival rate"! If "organ transplantation" and "organ removal" did not increase survival rates at all, would we choose to operate? Without increasing the survival rate, why do you suffer a few knives for nothing? Also kill a bunch of cells and functions of yourself! It's like feeding and chemotherapy for cancer! What is the "5-year survival rate"?


Just like my friend shared with me about her relative’s kidney transplant, hemodialysis may not be needed for the first 1-2 years, but soon the replaced kidney will require hemodialysis, and eventually he died before hemodialysis! I don't know if her kidneys will die without dialysis? But I know that the kidney she exchanged did not undergo dialysis, and died in the ambulance because of the traffic jam! It's only 1-2 hours, which seems a bit unbelievable! Isn't the purpose of kidney transplantation just to avoid hemodialysis? As a result, after the kidney replacement, it looks like a new kidney and a healthy kidney, but he still needs to rely on hemodialysis to survive! I told my friends: Western medical treatments does not treat people as human beings at all! This is Western education, completely devoid of humanistic thought! They treat people as "machines"! Where parts are broken, replace them! Our organs are not like machines! Every part of a person is thousands of times more complicated than a machine (Western family concepts are the same, "change people"! Don't like parents ~ "change"! Don't like husbands and wives ~ "change"! "Change" is western the only way to solve the problem! It never occurred to them that we have other options ~ "fix" and "heal"!)


It's like using humans to experiment with viruses and vaccines! I don't know how many people will be deceived by the lies of western medicine? But do you really think that every organ in our body is a piece of meat? Do we really think of abortion as the removal of a piece of flesh? Do we really feel that transgender is completely harmless to our bodies? Western medical has too many lies! But I don't want to destroy the methods of Western medical treatment to make money, because it is only natural for rich people to be cheated and killed! I will not feel sorry for those rich people! And people who have no money are cheated, that is stupid! No pity for stupid people! (Job 24:12) Men groan from out of the city, and the soul of the wounded crieth out: yet God layeth not folly to them. ~ Therefore, those who believe in Western medical continue to believe in Western medical! I often say: Who can stop a person who wants to commit suicide? I will not spend any effort to save someone who wants to die, because my life and time are limited! Whether you believe it or not has nothing to do with me, I just tell the "truth"! God didn't ask me to make you believe me! I've been thinking about space lately....we'll play space again when I fix the US government!